Chapter 336 The two sides are at odds!

Long Yi now looks dripping with ink, as if the ink dragon in the painting came out of the painting, it is really beautiful.

"Molong, a different species from heaven and earth, is like ink and wash, soluble in the void."

From Long Yi, Jiang Chen learned about his transformed ability, which is soluble in the void.

To put it simply, it is to regard the world as a painting, and Long Yi is the ink in the painting, which can be dissolved in it at any time.

"This ability is really unusual."

Jiang Chen pondered for a long time before he said.Looking at Long Yi's ability, those who didn't know it thought he was able to transform into a dragon because of the ink painting in the painting.

"There is a lot to be done. If this ability is properly cultivated, there may not be no chance to transform in the future and become a Void Dragon that masters the power of the void."

Ye Qing said from the side, he, it should be said that he is the senior in his body, he is very optimistic about Long Yi who has transformed into an ink dragon, and thinks that he has great potential, and may transform into a Void Dragon in the future.

Taixu ancient dragon, one of the most ancient dragon species, is the same as the ancestral dragon, born with innate gods and demons, and is an ancient dragon who controls the way of the void.

His descendants, who inherited his name, are called the Void Dragon, the darling of the Void, who are born with the power of the Void, and can travel freely in the Void.

According to the legend, the adult Taixu Shenlong can even freely travel to the heavens and worlds, and the barrier between the worlds seems to be non-existent in front of them.

"If there is no choice, it is not impossible to transform in the direction of the Taixu Shenlong. But now, Long Yi has a better future, and the blood of the Taixu Shenlong will only delay him, and will not become his help."

Jiang Chen shook his head, denying Ye Qing's statement.

Long Yi's blood is lacking, even if there is a mutation, the blood is also lacking.What's more, because of the mutation, even if he recovered his own shell, he might not be able to make up for his own blood defects because of the different races.

Therefore, there is only one path before Long Yi, and that is to abolish his own blood, completely get rid of the past, and practice again.In this way, the bloodline fight is abolished, and the defects in the bloodline will naturally disappear.

"Better option?"

"Although there are many dragon bloodlines, the most recognized bloodline is the Qinglong bloodline passed down from the ancestor dragon. So, Long Yi can still change to the Qinglong bloodline?"

Ye Qing took a look at the current Long Yi, and felt that with his current situation, it might be difficult for him to get involved with Zu Long.

They have all transformed into divine dragons, and the blood of the ancestral dragons on their bodies has disappeared, so it is basically impossible to transform into a green dragon.

"Qinglong bloodline?"

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word. It is undeniable that the Qinglong bloodline is indeed powerful, whether it is in this world or the world where he was in his previous life.However, no matter how strong Qinglong is, he is not as good as Dao. He wants to turn Long Yi into a dragon of Dao, surpassing everything.

"You will know after reading it."

With a mysterious smile, Jiang Chen didn't explain too much, but looked at Long Yi, and asked him softly: "Long Yi, are you ready?"

Long Yi's body trembled when he heard the words, and after hesitating for a while, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Master, I'm ready, you can do it without worry."

Originally transformed into a black dragon, Long Yi was already satisfied enough, not to mention, the result was beyond his expectation, his bloodline had mutated into a stronger ink dragon, and it is expected to turn into Taixu in the future Shenlong.

To be honest, all this has long exceeded Long Yi's expectation.If given the choice, he would never give up his existing bloodline.

After all, the future is full of variables. If Molong's bloodline has been abolished today, who knows what will happen in the future, causing him to fail in rebuilding and hopeless to transform into a dragon.

However, Long Yi knew that he had no choice, and Jiang Chen had never forced him, but he knew that if he refused, Jiang Chen would not say anything, but he would definitely be labeled as unbearable in his heart. , Jiang Chen would give up training him.

To Long Yi, being given up by Jiang Chen was completely inexplicable, it was simply more terrifying than death.He was so successful in being brainwashed by Jiang Chen that he regarded him as a god and was willing to give his all.

What kind of blow is it to the most devout believer to be given up by the god in his heart?It is simply an unbearable weight of life.

Therefore, in order not to be given up by Jiang Chen, even if he was to die, Long Yi would not frown, let alone abolish his blood.

"good very good!"

"If you don't regret your decision today, the future will definitely become extremely bright because of it."

Jiang Chen didn't know what Long Yi was thinking, seeing him nodding in agreement, he smiled in satisfaction.Immediately, he stepped forward and walked to Long Yi's side.

"let's start!"

Standing beside Long Yi, Jiang Chen said to him.It's a waste of blood, doing it yourself, although it's also painful, but it's easier than outsiders, so Jiang Chen is just helping out, it's Long Yi himself who really wants to do it.

Ye Qing on the side looked suspiciously at the two master and servant in front of him, not knowing what kind of riddle they were playing.

Then, a scene that surprised him happened.

I saw that Long Yi suddenly let out a long moan, and the majestic Longwei on his body began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, his strength also began to drop rapidly, and soon fell from the peak of the sixth rank to the late and middle stage of the sixth rank... In a short time, his cultivation was about to fall to the sixth rank and return to the fifth rank.

"what happened?"

The sudden scene shocked Ye Qing greatly.At this moment, the remnant soul hidden in his body spoke up: "That Molong is destroying his own bloodline, what is he going to do? The Molong's bloodline, which was transformed with great difficulty, why should it be so easily abolished?"

"Is it possible that he really has a way to transform into a stronger bloodline?"

Although this "he" was not explicitly stated, it obviously refers to Jiang Chen, not Long Yi.If Long Yi had this ability, he wouldn't appear in Zixu Palace now.

"That's right, he bears the inheritance of the great power of the ancient times, and he has mastered many unimaginable exercises. Maybe it can really make this Molong's bloodline to a higher level."

Without waiting for others to clarify his doubts, the remnant soul who was talking to himself gave a reasonable explanation.The reason Jiang Chen used earlier was great, everyone believed it, and blamed all the abnormalities on his body on that dream.


A shrill scream came from Long Yi's mouth again.Abolishing the bloodline is no less than a rebirth. To destroy the old body, if you suffer the pain of being smashed to pieces, how can you not be in pain?

That is to say, the previous experience of being reborn made Long Yi's resistance to pain greatly enhanced, so now he just screams, instead of rolling on the ground in pain.

And with Long Yi's screams, the scales on his body began to fall off, and the dragon horns that had just grown, which were not yet warm, also began to fall off, and countless pieces of flesh and blood were detached from Long Yi's body, looking bloody. Very creepy.

This phenomenon is called blood vessel degeneration.With his bloodline crippled, Long Yi is no longer able to maintain the body of a real dragon, and all dragon-related characteristics will gradually disappear from his body.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up."

Seeing Ye Qing frozen in place, Jiang Chen couldn't help urging.

It was at this time that Ye Qing understood that the purpose of Jiang Chen asking him to find a bigger jade bottle was to wait here, to use it to pick up Long Yi's abolished blood, so as not to waste it.

Really, make the most of everything!
Feeling emotional in his heart, Ye Qing's movements were not slow, he quickly sacrificed the Spirit Gathering Bottle, and collected all the ink dragon's blood that had fallen off Long Yi's body.

He even thoughtfully categorized them, opening up a lot of space inside the Spirit Gathering Bottle to separate the three dragon bloodlines obtained from Long Yi.

The blood of the Xianlong, the blood of the black dragon, and the blood of the ink dragon each occupy a space.

Three bloodlines!
Long Yi also made history. In just one day, three changes happened in a row!Every time it changes, the blood vessels are different.

"Brother, this is wrong!"

Looking at it, Ye Qing felt something was wrong, because in just such a short time, Long Yi had already degenerated from Molong to Xianlong, and there was even a tendency to degenerate downward.

If you don't stop it, Long Yi will degenerate into a snake in a short time.

This is wrong, in Ye Qing's view, Jiang Chen let Long Yi abolish his blood, it should make him stronger, but this blood keeps deteriorating, getting weaker and weaker, what the hell is this?

"The so-called breaking and then standing, if you don't break, how can you stand now? It is to make his bloodline degenerate to the minimum, so that he can create the strongest bloodline."

Having free time, Jiang Chen began to explain his intentions to Ye Qing.


Abolishing the bloodline is much faster than the transformation of the bloodline. After a while, Long Yi's screams became weaker and weaker, and he was unable to hang in the air, lying limply on the ground, like a wriggling lump of flesh.

Long Yi didn't degenerate into a snake because he is a Xianlong and has nothing to do with snakes. Even if the blood of the dragon clan disappears completely, he will not degenerate into a snake.Therefore, he degenerated into a black clam.

Well, a clam without a shell looks like a lump of wriggling flesh. Anyway, it's not very pretty.

The blood is gone, the cultivation base is gone, the whole body has become weak, and even the ability to speak has been lost. If it is not for the previous foundation, I am afraid that even the spiritual wisdom will not be preserved.

This is Long Yi's current situation. With his blood completely abolished, he has fallen to the bottom of his life. It is no exaggeration to say that even when he was just born, he was not as weak as he is now.

It can be said that apart from possessing human-like intelligence and being able to think, in other respects, the current Long Yi is no different from ordinary black clams. Any creature that comes along can kill him.

That's horrible!
"Brother, this is also..."

Ye Qing couldn't find the right words to describe Long Yi's current situation, it was extremely miserable, it is not an exaggeration to say that he fell from heaven to hell.

At this time, Ye Qing already admired Long Yi a little, if ordinary people were treated like this, they would have been unable to withstand the blow and would have killed themselves.Long Yi's Dao Heart is really too powerful, this alone is worthy of admiration.

Of course, Ye Qing forgot that even if Long Yi wants to commit suicide now, he is powerless to do it.He was so weak that he couldn't even commit suicide.

"Not urgent!"

"It's also a good thing for him to transform from a spirit to an ordinary person. His starting point is too high, he was born with innateness, and he has never experienced the life of ordinary beings. Let him experience it now, so that he can know what it feels like to be weak and powerless. "

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to help Long Yi embark on the road of cultivation again, but was going to let him hang out for a while, so that he could experience this feeling of powerlessness.

As a man of noble birth, he has never experienced this before. Let him experience it, and it will be easier to arouse his upward thoughts.

People who are afraid of poverty and suddenly become rich will not miss the days when they had no money.On the contrary, people who are accustomed to being rich suddenly become poor, and they will never forget the life of drunkenness and dreaming day and night.

Some things, lost, just know its precious.



Jiang Chen was not in a hurry, but Ao Bing, the third prince who was far away in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, was in a hurry to get angry. A monstrous anger broke out from him, swept outward, and even affected the sky.

There are large swathes of dark clouds gathering, making the sea area outside extremely depressing, as if there will be a violent storm at any time.

Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon Palace, has the cultivation base of a god-man, and his every move can affect the world, and the situation changes when he is angry. He is talking about people like them.

"What happened? Why did the third child (third brother, third prince) become so furious?"

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the Dragon Palace were startled, and they looked in the direction of the Third Prince Long in surprise.

Ao Bing was really angry. A few years ago when he heard that Xianlong was captured by Zixu Palace, he was not as angry as he is today.

Because, through blood induction, he discovered that his son, who had just transformed into a dragon, suddenly lost his blood aura.

What does this mean?
It means his son is gone.Only when the dragon is dead, the connection between the blood will disappear, and I can't feel it at all.

His son, who had just turned into a dragon and had a bright future, just died like this, and he didn't even have time to take a look at it.

Therefore, Ao Bing was furious.

Part of it is angry, part of it is embarrassment.Previously, he thought he had seen through Zixu Palace's plan, and was amazed at the other party's conspiracy.

But now, the downfall of his son told him that all his previous speculations were his own speculations, and they were completely untrue.

After arguing for a long time, it was all because he had no brains, and he came up with a terrifying plan, how could he not be ashamed?
Aside from embarrassment, a new doubt appeared in his mind.Since Zixu Palace wanted to attack his son, why bothered to train him into a real dragon?
They are going to be killed anyway, so why waste resources?

The third prince didn't want to understand it at first, but soon he understood that the role of the real dragon is obviously greater than that of the Xianlong.His poor son was probably slaughtered by people from Zixu Palace and used to refine elixir.

When a real dragon falls into the hands of the dragon clan, it basically becomes alchemy materials, which is a common practice of the human race.

Thinking of his poor son being skinned and bloodletted by the human race, the third prince trembled with anger, and couldn't help shouting loudly: "Zixu Palace, this prince is incompatible with you."

(End of this chapter)

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