Chapter 375

Innate gossip involves the way of the birth and death of the universe, and the principle of the derivation of the universe. It is necessary to have an unimaginable understanding of the universe, the universe, and the myriad ways of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, even if you draw the innate gossip, people will only think that you copied it from somewhere, rather than comprehending it yourself.

You really think that a cultivator is a fool!
What do you show, people will believe it?
"Yi Xici Xia": In ancient times, Bao Xi was the king of the world. If you look up, you can observe the phenomena in the sky, and if you look down, you can observe the law on the ground.Take the body near and take things far away, so I started to make gossip.

The way of innate gossip, Jiang Chen has no ability to create it before he has cultivated to the realm of immortals.

However, the Xiantian gossip cannot be evolved, but Jiang Chen is still sure to evolve the Eight-door Golden Lock Formation related to the Xiantian gossip.

After so many years, Jiang Chen has summed up his experience.

Anything that existed in the previous life, also existed in the Xuanhuang Realm, and those in the previous life must surpass those in Xuanhuang, at least by one level, or even several levels.

As for those in the Xuanhuang Realm who are higher than the previous life, I'm sorry, it may be that Jiang Chen's level is too low, he really didn't realize it.

Anyway, after so many years of contact, the Xuanhuang Realm gave Jiang Chen the feeling that it was a low-profile version of the prehistoric world, which was similar to the legends of his previous life in all aspects, but generally weaker by several levels.

Calculated in this way, since the Xuanhuang Realm has an eight-door golden lock formation similar to Jiang Chen's previous life, then if nothing else happens, the Xuanhuang Realm's eight-door golden lock formation is not as good as Jiang Chen's previous life.

That is to say, as long as Jiang Chen deduces the stronger eight-door golden lock formation in his previous life, he can completely defeat the eight-door golden lock formation in the Xuanhuang Realm.

And the eight-door golden lock formation in the Xuanhuang Realm is the township formation of the Heavenly Demon Clan. With its perfect nature, as long as it is operated well, it can definitely give the Heavenly Demon Clan a hard time.

There is also the Zhenzu Great Formation of the Yaozu, the small Xiantian Vientiane Great Formation recorded in the Four-Side Innate Taoist Order.

If Jiang Chen remembered correctly, in his previous life, he also had a set of innate formations with the same name. Although its power was not as powerful as the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, it should not be underestimated. It was also the top innate formation in the world.

If this formation can be deduced, it may not be impossible to restrain the Yaozu.

The Heavenly Demon Clan may be poor, but the Yao Clan has always been the overlord of the Xuanhuang Realm since its founding. It has a deep and terrifying background, and it has absolutely nothing to do with being poor. If it can break into the Yao Clan.

Among other things, Jiang Chen will never lack resources for cultivation before he reaches the realm of immortality.

In addition to the eight-door golden lock and the innate Taoism, there is also the demon blood pool that day, and there are many prospects to dig.In fact, Jiang Chen felt that the magic blood pool was the key to his future enlightenment that day.

A long time ago, Jiang Chen knew that the thunder law in this world was not flourishing, and the definition of thunder was still above the power of nature, far from what he had in his previous life, when he understood the essence of thunder law and defined thunder as the power of heaven. Wei is the source of all qi and the cardinal of yin and yang.

There is a Taoist scripture saying: Tao comes from Wuji to Taiji, its body is uniform, there is movement and stillness but yin and yang are divided, yin and yang are transported and the sun and the moon are beautiful.The sun governs the sky as yang, the moon governs the earth as yin, and the battle takes advantage of the middle pole, mediates the movement of yin and yang, and governs the three celestial bodies of people. When the three are unified, the sun and the moon move, and when yin and yang merge, thunder strikes.

The Thunderer is the cardinal of yin and yang, who commands the root of all things.Therefore, without thunder, there is no way to slay and control the three realms.


A person who thoroughly comprehends Thunder is equivalent to mastering all the changes between yin and yang, and can become the way of heaven and the master of creation.

Therefore, in Jiang Chen's previous life, among all the dharma in the world, the thunder dharma was the most important.Even the Immortal Execution Sword Formation and the Twelve Capitals Tianshensha Formation were also activated by thunder.

However, the Xuanhuang Realm is different. The Thunder Method is just an ordinary method and has not been fully developed.In the past, Jiang Chen couldn't figure out why.Since the Xuanhuang Realm is so similar to the world in his previous life, then Lei Fa shouldn't be like this.

But afterward, after seeing the Heavenly Demon Blood Pool, Jiang Chen probably understood what was going on.

The Heavenly Demon Blood Pool was forged by a certain Heavenly Demon Lord outside the world with the remnant bones of a certain innate god and demon, and this innate god and demon was the god conceived by thunder.

The reason why the thunder method is not prosperous in the Xuanhuang world is probably because the innate gods and demons born from the origin of the thunder fell prematurely, so that the thunder way broke the inheritance and became an ordinary way.

Jiang Chen also recently figured out this truth when he had transformed twice in a row, when his heart was in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and his comprehension was infinitely high.

It was no accident that the Heavenly Demon Blood Pond fell into his hands.He knows the true meaning of the way of thunder, and above the blood pool of the demon, there is also the mystery of the innate way of thunder.

Once the two are connected, the purpose is already obvious.It should be the great will in the dark, the will of Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth, that is, the will of the heavens and myriad worlds. I couldn't bear the decline of Lei Dao, and saw the hope of Lei Dao's rise from Jiang Chen, so I sent the Heavenly Demon Blood Pool to In his hands, he intends to use his hands to revitalize Leidao.

The authority of Lei Dao itself overlaps with the power of the Dao of Heaven, which involves the power of punishment from heaven and earth, and has the supreme authority to act on behalf of the heavens and reward and punish the common people.

That is to say, if a person cultivates Lei Dao to the end, then he can control the power of heaven and earth punishment, and can reward and punish the common people. At the same time, he can also formulate heavenly tribulation and heavenly punishment...


Jiang Chen saw such a glorious road from the Heavenly Demon Blood Pond. As long as he can transform Lei Dao and redefine the mystery of Thunder, then he will be able to cultivate to the realm of immortality and become the most supreme in the world. The presence.

Always with the sky, and forever with the Tao.

That is the realm of Daluo Jinxian, jumping out of the long river of fate, not among the five elements, but able to swim in the long river of time and space, with the great power of turning the result into the cause.

This road doesn't have so many twists and turns, as long as you go step by step, the future will be extremely brilliant. Even if someone competes with Jiang Chen, relying on the past life memories in his mind, Jiang Chen has a very high probability of winning.

It's good, Jiang Chen naturally won't miss it.

When he just realized the Tao, Jiang Chen had already thought about how to develop the Heavenly Demon Blood Pond.Since it is a treasure related to the Thunder Dao, let it completely abandon the Blood Dao and develop on the Thunder Dao.

Jiang Chen remembered that in his previous life, he had an innate spirit treasure named Thunder Pond, which was a treasure of good fortune. It was born in thunder, and could condense hundreds of millions of thunderbolts into spiritual liquid for good fortune.

Legend has it that if one can soak in the Thunder Pond for tens of thousands of years, then it is an ordinary creature and can transform into an innate god and demon.

The Heavenly Demon Blood Pool can definitely develop in this direction.As an innate treasure refined from the bones of Lei Dao's innate gods and demons, it has this potential.

Moreover, if you want it to be promoted to an innate spirit treasure in the future, you don't need Jiang Chen to look for top-level natural treasures and innate spiritual objects. You only need to find the rest of the Lei Dao innate god and demon, and then it will come naturally. can be promoted.

The congenital spirit treasure takes shape, that is the congenital gods and demons.In the same way, after the innate gods and demons fell, the corpses turned into treasures were innate spiritual treasures.

The two are interconnected, and both are treasures bred by heaven and earth.

Refining the Heavenly Demon Blood Pond into the Innate Thunder Pond actually has another benefit, that is to cultivate the innate elixir.In the depths of the turbulent void that day, Jiang Chen obtained several innate elixir.

All along, he has no place to place these innate elixir. If he refines the Heavenly Demon Blood Pond into the Innate Thunder Pond, then he can keep all these innate elixir in it.

The so-called extremes must be reversed. Thunder is a pure force of destruction, but after the destruction reaches its extreme, it will also give birth to a pure force of good fortune.The Thunder Tribulation Liquid in the Thunder Pond is the vitality bred by the thunder, and it is the most top-level spirit liquid.

Such treasures are rare treasures for monks, and the same is true for innate elixir.If the innate elixir can be kept in the thunder pool, and nourished with the spirit of good fortune day and night, then they will naturally transform and be promoted to a stronger innate elixir.

Even, it is not impossible to directly return to the ancestors and transform into innate spiritual roots.



After careful calculation, Jiang Chen is really busy, and there are many things waiting for him to deal with.He had just thought that he still had a few feathers of top divine birds in his hand.

Such as the phoenix feathers obtained from the turbulent flow of the void, and the feathers of the golden-winged roc that was snatched from the hands of the monster royal family, the golden-winged roc.

These are treasures of the celestial level, with the possibility of being refined into celestial artifacts, or even congenital celestial artifacts.They reminded Jiang Chen of an extremely famous magic weapon in his previous life, called the Five Fire and Seven Bird Fans.

The Fan of Five Fires and Seven Birds is an innate spiritual treasure, refined from five kinds of powerful flames and the feathers of seven kinds of divine birds. The power of this treasure is extremely powerful, and it can fan out endless divine fire.

The stronger the flame and the wings of the divine bird that are used to refine it, the stronger the power of the five-fire and seven-bird fan. At the limit, the divine fire it bursts out can burn the entire world.

Jiang Chen's ambition is not so big, he only needs to get together seven kinds of fairy-level bird feathers and refine a congenital fairy weapon.Only in this way, its power is enough to burn the angels to death.

This kind of magic weapon, not to mention being placed in the Xuanhuang Realm, even if it is placed in the Immortal Realm, can be regarded as the treasure of the town.

You know, anywhere, Tianxian can be regarded as a high-end combat power, and it is the foundation of a family.

Even a big race like the Human Race, one of the top ten races in the Xuanhuang Realm, also attaches great importance to the Celestial Immortals.Whenever a celestial being is born, the ancestral land will send people to congratulate it, present various treasures, and take away a trace of its original life, and put it in the ancestral hall of Changming.

This natal aura is not very useful, but it can be used to confirm the master's life and death.

No force will ignore the life and death of a celestial being.It can be said that the celestial beings have entered the middle level of the heavens and worlds, and they will not fall easily.


"do not care!"

"Get out first, and we'll talk about these things later."

After thinking about it, the Inner Sect Grand Competition is only a few days away, and I have too much to do, at least it will take decades to complete.Feeling that the time was too long, Jiang Chen simply ended the retreat, and it would not be too late to retreat after the matter of the True Inheritance Ceremony was dealt with.


With a movement of mind, Jiang Chen's body suddenly began to blur, turning into wisps of vitality, which quietly merged into the void, and then quickly moved to the outside world.

This is supernatural yin and yang change!

When the five elements transformed, Jiang Chen comprehended the supernatural power of the five emperors' incarnation, and when the yin and yang five elements transformed, this supernatural power also changed.From covering the five elements to covering the five elements of yin and yang, the types of transformation gods have become more and more varied.

Even, this supernatural power can act on itself, causing the body to change, changing from one creature to another.

It can be said that the yin-yang and five-element supernatural powers have changed from the method of incarnation to the method of one-sided transformation. With this supernatural power, Jiang Chen has faintly touched the mystery of the 36 great supernatural powers.Give him some more time, maybe he will be able to comprehend this magical power.

Embryo transforming into a shape, this is a magical power of transformation that involves the way of good fortune, and it is even more mysterious than the magical power of Monkey King's transformation in Jiang Chen's previous life.

To put it simply, Monkey King has changed into what he looks like, the essence has not changed, but the appearance has changed, which is easy to be seen through.

It can change its shape, but what it changes is what it is. It changes in essence. It directly starts from the aspect of good fortune, changes the species, and masters all its inheritance. It is impossible to tell whether it is true or false.

No, what is fetal and easily deformed is true, so how can it be said to be false?
This is the mystery of Yin-Yang and Five Elements. Even if Jiang Chen didn't cultivate other supernatural powers, as his understanding of the innate Yin-Yang and Five Elements deepened, the rest of the supernatural powers would naturally be comprehended by him.

At the end of the road, all roads lead to the same goal!
Yin Yang and Five Elements are the end of the road.Therefore, comprehending Yin-Yang and Five Elements is tantamount to comprehending everything.

And the evasion technique that Jiang Chen is using now is a kind of use of the power of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, transforming himself into the power of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, blending into the world and becoming a part of the world.

The speed of this supernatural power can be said to be not the fastest, but it is definitely a first-class escape method.Not to mention the fact that there is no sound when performing it, as long as the difference in cultivation base is not too outrageous, there will be no trace of Jiang Chen at all.

It has become a part of heaven and earth, and its breath is also the same as that of heaven and earth. How can we find out its whereabouts?

The most exaggerated thing is that when using this supernatural power, it can ignore all attacks.

Being in harmony with heaven and earth does not mean literally, it means truly being one with heaven and earth, attacking Jiang Chen is equivalent to attacking the void where he is, unless it shatters the void, it will definitely not hurt him.

Containing breath, ignoring attacks, just these two points, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a first-class life-saving supernatural power.It's a pity that the speed of this supernatural power is not the fastest, and it cannot attack others when it is cast.

Otherwise, this supernatural power can be called invincible supernatural power.



In the khaki-colored space, Jiang Chen's aura stayed in place for a long time before slowly dissipating.But at this time, Jiang Chen had already left Zixu Peak and returned to Shouzheng Peak.


"Anyone gone?"

"When did he leave?"

"It's such a mysterious supernatural power that there is no trace left behind."

Not long after Jiang Chen left, a surprised voice suddenly came from the void he was in.

 ps: After sorting out the previous content, I finally made a summary of the key things about the protagonist.

(End of this chapter)

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