"Cultivation shortcut!"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but be moved, and he didn't blame him. Whoever saw a flawless cultivation shortcut appearing in front of him would not be able to help being moved.

"The Xuanhuang Realm is related to the layout of Daoist powerhouses, and there must be no mistakes. The ideas of this realm are beyond my control."

The heartbeat is the heartbeat, but Jiang Chen didn't really attack the Xuanhuang Realm.As he said, the Xuanhuang Realm is related to an immortal Daoist, and it cannot be moved by him now.

If he really wants to devour the Xuanhuang Realm, I am afraid that as soon as he makes a move on his side, he will be sensed by the Immortal Daoist on the other side.At that time, waiting for Jiang Chen's end must be miserable.

Therefore, even if you want to attack the Xuanhuang Realm, it is not now, but after you are strong enough to deal with Dao Zun.

I'm afraid even Jiang Chen himself didn't notice it, but after realizing this shortcut to cultivation, his mind has already changed.Otherwise, this is the reason to prevent him from attacking the Xuanhuang Realm. It is not about the Immortal Daoist, but about the prehistoric cave.

After all, to him, the Great Desolation Cave is a treasure that can be sacrificed at any time.But if the Great Desolate Cave Heaven swallows the Xuanhuang Realm, the creatures from the Xuanhuang Realm will undoubtedly migrate to the Great Desolate Cave.

And at this time, can Jiang Chen sacrifice Honghuangdongtian to improve his cultivation?It can only be said that the temptation to become enlightened is so great that Jiang Chen couldn't help but change his mind.

However, it's not Jiang Chen's fault. In the final analysis, his training time is still too short, and his state of mind is not enough. It is normal for him to be difficult to resist in the face of temptation.

After all, Jiang Chen is a human being, not a saint. Since he is a human being, it is normal for him to have weaknesses.

"Swallowing Yuanyang Cave Sky is not a one-time event, but a century-old plan."

"For such a long time, I don't need to stay in Yuanyang Cave to waste time. I will return to the East China Sea first and settle the matter of the Dragon Clan. After that, let's take a look at the situation in Yuanyang Cave."

Yuanyang Dongtian is too big, even if Honghuang Dongtian explodes with all its strength, it will take hundreds of years to swallow it all.During this period, it is of course impossible for Jiang Chen to stay in Yuanyang Cave and wait. He is very busy now and has other things to do.

"A hundred years, I can afford to wait."

Taking a last look at the core inheritance located in the depths of the sea of ​​curses, Jiang Chen turned around and left Yuanyang Cave directly.

I have waited for so many years, and I don't care about waiting for 100 years.Moreover, it may not really take 100 years, maybe he has some adventures in the middle, which speeds up the process of devouring Yuanyang Dongtian.

At that time, he will be able to obtain the biggest gift left by Tianyang Xianjun in advance, that brand new cultivation system.

As long as he gets this inheritance, then Jiang Chen's plan to preach can be started.And after that, the future for Jiang Chen is bound to be bright.

It is said that this is the purpose of Jiang Chen's reincarnation in this world, and he has not forgotten it.Only by doing this can he give an explanation to the great supernatural being behind him who brought him to this world.

Only in this way can he accept this gift with peace of mind, without any burden.


It's hard work!

Comforting himself in this way in his heart, Jiang Chen walked out of Yuanyang Cave, and left Sunstar in an instant.

But the moment he left the sun star, a strong warning suddenly rose in his heart, and immediately, without thinking, Jiang Chen cast his teleportation power and left the place.

But no matter where he moved, the sense of danger was always with him, and he couldn't get rid of it.In the end, being forced to do nothing, Jiang Chen had no choice but to hide in the prehistoric cave, completely cutting off his connection with the outside world.

Until then, the feeling of danger disappeared.

At the same time, a huge palm print quietly emerged from the void, and slapped fiercely towards the place where Jiang Chen disappeared last.

In an instant, the void was shattered, and there was no matter left. With that huge palm print as the center, within a radius of ten thousand miles, nothing existed, and it completely turned into nothingness.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth trembled, and one after another rules turned into tangible objects, intertwined in the void, and surged towards the direction where the handprint appeared.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jiang Chen seemed to hear a muffled hum, which came from an infinitely far away place.But the next voice made him understand that the muffled sound he heard just now was not an illusion.

"Did you escape?"

"This junior's escape method is amazing!"

"However, if you can escape this time, can you escape the next time? When you become a fairy, it will be the day of your death."

"In this world, we will never allow the Immortal Martial Arts Healer to set foot on the Immortal Dao..."

There should be some words left to say later, but Jiang Chen couldn't hear them anymore, because at this moment, there was a shocking thunder in the world, like hundreds of millions of gods beating drums together, shaking the avenue to roar.

All the voices in the world were covered by the loud thunder, and nothing could be heard.

This is the will of the Xuanhuang Realm recovering, and launched the strongest attack, and his target is the mysterious strong man who attacked Jiang Chen just now.

"Dao Jun!"

"The cultivation of that person just now has definitely reached the realm of the Immortal Daoist Monarch, otherwise it would never have caused such a violent reaction from the Xuanhuang Realm."

"Besides, without Daojun's cultivation, he would not be able to survive the fierce counterattack from the Xuanhuang Realm."

At this moment, Jiang Chen's face was full of shock, he didn't expect that he would be attacked by the Daoist powerhouse.

Through the reaction of Xuanhuang Realm's will, it can be judged that the opponent's cultivation base is absolutely based on the realm of Daojun.It can't be Dao Zun, if the opponent is Dao Zun, Jiang Chen will definitely not be able to dodge the blow just now, and he will definitely die.

It can't be a celestial being, because a celestial being can't threaten Jiang Chen, let alone survive the full counterattack of the will of the Xuanhuang Realm.

"That's right, he is the Taoist Lord of the Primal Chaos Temple, and his purpose of existence is to stop the strong ones who are expected to become immortals among those immortal and martial practitioners from all over the world."

After a little distraction, Jiang Chen thought of the origin of this person.Through previous understanding, Jiang Chen already knew that there is a force in the heaven and earth, that is, the Chaos Temple composed of Chaos creatures, which specializes in hunting and killing those strong men who try to integrate the immortal way and the martial way.

It is precisely because of their existence that the fusion of immortality and martial arts has become a taboo in the heavens and myriad worlds, whoever touches it will die.Even if he is as strong as Tianyang Xianjun, he will not fall in the end.

In the past, Jiang Chen was too weak to attract the attention of the Chaos Temple, so no one took action against him.But now, his cultivation has approached that of a fairy, and he naturally entered the sight of the Chaos Temple, which attracted the attack of the strong.

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