Chapter 28 No sword is better than a sword

Hearing Zhang Qingming's request to stay, Dugujing also intends to stay and continue to compete with him.It's just that she knows that she will not stay.

So he said: "Master Zhang, you must go if you go, and you will not stay if you stay. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. If you and I are destined, we will meet again."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingming knew very well that Dugujing would not stay.Even though I was mentally prepared, I was still a little disappointed when I heard her say the parting words in person, and my heart seemed to be emptied all of a sudden.After calming down, Zhang Qingming said:

"Miss Dugu, since I can't stay long, I want to ask some questions, can you answer truthfully?"

"What's the matter? Tell me." Dugu Jing said crisply.

Zhang Qingming clasped his hands and asked: "Miss Dugu, I want to ask, why did the current emperor grant me the Sun Moon Sect's Shang Fang sword?"

Dugujing hugged the sword she was carrying behind her back to her chest again, and said: "Master Zhang, didn't you hear that just now, I am not from the imperial court, this time I came to Guangmingding, in fact, to increase my experience I know it. If you really want to know, just ask Shen Qianhu, he should know."

In fact, Zhang Qingming didn't really want to get an answer from Dugujing, but he couldn't think of what to say for a while, so he asked casually when he had nothing to say.

After listening, Zhang Qingming continued:
"Then, there is one more thing I want to ask."

"Master Zhang, you have so many questions. Fortunately, I won the martial arts competition today, and I am in a good mood. You can ask me. As long as I know, I will definitely have endless questions." Dugu Jing said with her small mouth curled up.

"Miss Dugu, then I will ask.

A few days ago, you were resting at the Emei Station. It happened that I was feeding the horses in the stables and heard your conversation in the yard.

I want to ask Miss Dugu, how did you know that the strong wind will stop within half an hour, and then it will rain heavily.Will the heavy rain stop before dawn the next day?

Also, why did you arrive two days later than us at the inn that you obviously left before us? "

For some reason, Zhang Qingming felt that Dugujing was like a friend he hadn't seen for a long time, without any sense of unfamiliarity, and when he asked questions, he came out freely, without any scruples, and asked wherever he thought of.

Dugujing didn't seem to have any dislike for Zhang Qingming's inquiry, and said with a light smile:
"On Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea, apart from the Dugu Nine Swords, we are good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs, magic numbers, five elements and eight trigrams, astrology and pharmacology, and formation of troops. Looking at the clouds and knowing the weather is just a trivial skill.

As for why you are two days late, we heard on the road that today is the day you will be the leader, so we rested on the road and came two days late, that's all. "

"It was so.

Miss Dugu is too modest, discerning the sky and knowing the weather is a great talent, what is a small skill, she can't be admired by Qingming. "Zhang Qingming said.

At this time, Shen Jianping Qianhu who was outside the competition field saw the two talking non-stop, and couldn't stay still.Then he walked to Dugujing's side and said: "Junior Sister, what Master arranged to do in Guangmingding has been completed, we should go down the mountain."

Hearing Shen Jianping's urging, Dugujing said: "Okay, brother, let's go. The leader of Qingming, the mountains are high and the rivers are long, and there will be a period later."

As she spoke, Dugujing clasped her hands together.

"Miss Dugu, Shen Qianhu, today is the day of great joy for Qingming to succeed the leader of the Sun Moon Sect. Since it is noon, it is good to stay for a light meal, and the Sun Moon Sect will also do its part as a landlord." Zhang Qingming tried to persuade him to stay. road.

"Master Zhang, you don't know something. We Jinyiwei are away on business and never eat treats. Even if we are staying in the hotel, we still eat our own dry food. This is the rule. The dispatch of the town governor has been completed, and it is time for us to go down the mountain." Shen Jianping Arched.

Seeing Shen Jianping's convincing words, Zhang Qingming knew that it was impossible to keep him, so he said: "Shen Qianhu, Miss Dugu, if this is the case, I will not force you to stay. Today is the day when Qingming became the leader of the sect, and the teaching affairs are busy, so I will send you off soon. When I leave for the Central Plains during the Qingming Festival, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely visit the residence."

"You said that, I remember." Saying that, Dugujing smiled sweetly, put the short sword behind her back, turned around and walked away.

Seeing this, Shen Jianping also bowed to Zhang Qingming and left.

Walking out of the front hall, including Dugu Jing, 14 members of Jin Yiwei mounted their horses.For a while, the dust was flying, and after a while, a group of people disappeared.

After Zhang Qingming kept watching them out of sight, he turned around, came to Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min, and said, "Father, mother, Qingming lost."

"Qingming, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Losing to a girl is not considered a loss. Back then, your father did not lose to girls." Zhao Min chuckled.

Zhang Qingming seemed to understand the meaning of the words, and said: "Mother, I really didn't let her, because she was inferior to others."

Hearing Zhang Qingming's words, Zhang Wuji on the side said: "Qingming, in fact, you and that girl are about the same in terms of martial arts. You win in internal strength, and she wins in moves. It's just that when she made a fatal blow, you didn't fight for your life like her. That's all. Even though you didn't lose because you let her, it can be regarded as a reason, so don't be too upset."

"Father, the last move, even if I fought for my life, I felt that I was not sure of victory, so I gave up. After all, it was a martial arts competition, not desperate. It's just that I lost the sword competition on the first day as the leader, which is an insult to the Sun Moon Sect." Prestige." Zhang Qingming sighed.

"Master, in the competition just now, all the members of the Sun Moon Sect praised the master's martial arts, and no one felt that he had insulted the Sun Moon Sect. Besides, just now, the wife of the leader also said that every time the leader Zhang competed with girls, he always Loser, this Dugu girl is so handsome, the congregation will not think that you are really inferior to her." Zhou Dian laughed.

Hearing what Zhou Dian said, Zhang Qingming felt that it was good for everyone to think so. Losing to a beautiful girl was nothing more than a normal thing, and the congregation could understand it.

So, he said: "Since everyone is clear, I won't explain much. Today is Qingming's first day as the leader, and there are many things to discuss. In addition, my parents and I only stay at Guangmingding for five days before leaving. Rush to Emei. In these five days, the schedule will be very tight every day, don't delay, go back to the main hall."

"Master, it's all up to you to arrange." Yang Xiao bowed.


After dealing with the academic affairs of Sun Moon Education for a whole day, after dinner, Zhang Qingming came to his parents' room after breathing out and adjusting his breath.Seeing that Zhao Min was the only one picking up things, he asked, "Mother, where is my father?"

When Zhao Min heard his son ask about Zhang Wuji, he said, "Your father went to the back mountain to practice swords after lunch."

"Mom, my dad went to practice swords? Why didn't you call me?" Zhang Qingming sat in front of Zhao Min and said.

"Qingming, your father said, during the day you competed swords with that girl Dugu. He thought that girl Dugu's swordsmanship was very exquisite, so he went to the back mountain alone and studied it with heart. You also know that when your father was studying martial arts, he didn't want to Others are by your side, including you. Besides, on your first day as the leader, you have to deal with so many educational affairs, and your father will not bother you." Zhao Min put down the things in his hand and said.

"So that's the case.

It is true as what father said, Miss Dugu's sword moves are indeed exquisite in every way, if her internal strength is stronger, Qingming's defeat today will be even worse. " Zhang Qingming nodded.

Looking at his son's serious face, Zhao Min smiled slightly and said: "Qingming, those who learn martial arts, lose the martial arts competition, and they will be depressed for a long time. How can I see that you lost the sword competition, and you didn't look depressed at all, but you were very happy? "

Zhao Min's words seemed to be expressing Zhang Qingming's thoughts.

Zhang Qingming knew from childhood that his mother was so smart that he couldn't be deceived, so he said exactly: "Mother, didn't my father say that we are evenly matched in martial arts, and it doesn't matter who wins or loses." Accident. Today, Dugu Jing took a life-threatening blow. If I fought like her, I would probably lose both sides. I took the next best thing. Although I lost the sword competition, Dugu Jing did not lose because of me. They underestimated me, and talked with me very speculatively. No one in the Sun Moon Sect made irresponsible remarks because I lost to a girl, and it was almost perfect, isn't that good?"

After hearing what Zhang Qingming said, Zhao Min knew that it was from the bottom of his heart. Although his son was only young, he was very insightful, which made Zhao Min very relieved.Since it is my own son who is outspoken, there is no need for a mother to beat around the bush, so she asked:
"Qingming, tell mother the truth, have you fallen in love with that Dugu girl?"

Zhang Qingming didn't know how to answer his mother's question. After thinking for a while, he said, "Mother, Miss Dugu is so beautiful and beautiful as a fairy. Of course Qingming is willing to get along with her. As for whether she likes it, Qingming can't say. But , if there is a destiny in the future, Qingming still wants to meet her."

Seeing the soft light reflected in his son's eyes, Zhao Min knew that his true feelings were touched at this moment.

No wonder, Qingming is already fifteen years old, and she has spent a year with Xiaowan in the grassland, so how can she not understand the relationship between men and women.

Looking at his son, Zhao Min couldn't help but think of the entanglement between himself, Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, Yin Li and Zhang Wuji 40 years ago.Could it be that 40 years later, my son will be entangled because of the inability to choose between emotions like his father did when he was young?

Thinking of this, Zhao Min couldn't help asking: "Qingming, suppose one day many girls like you and you can't choose, what should you do?"

Hearing Zhao Min's question, Zhang Qingming didn't hesitate too much, and replied: "If that's the case, if everyone can live in harmony, they should all marry. Whether it's the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty or the customs of the grassland, men can For those who have multiple wives, there is no need to worry about bad choices. Of course, it is necessary to be able to live in harmony, if not, there is no need to cause trouble."

Zhang Qingming's straightforward answer made Zhao Min feel that his son had really grown up.He already has his own ideas about his future relationship.

Whether this idea is good or not is not easy for Zhao Min to judge.

However, to Zhao Min, Zhang Qingming was his son, not his husband, so he didn't mind marrying more daughters-in-law, and even felt that the more the better.I'm just worried that my son will be addicted to female sex, and miss the business, and then he will take a detour.

So he said: "Qingming, what you said can't be said to be good, nor can it be said to be bad. Mother doesn't support or oppose it. In the future, it's good not to make the woman who likes you feel sad.

It's just that a man's ambition is everywhere, and he can't waste his great future because of his obsession with women. You have to keep this in mind. "

"Mother, don't worry, Qingming knows the priorities and will not let you down." Zhang Qingming said solemnly.

Just as he was speaking, the door of the room was pushed open, and Zhang Wuji walked in with a sword in his hand.

Seeing his father entering the room, Zhang Qingming quickly got up and said, "Father, are you back?"

Seeing Zhang Qingming was there, Zhang Wuji put the sword on the table, sat beside him and said, "Qingming, the swordsmanship that Miss Dugu used during the day is too profound, and Dad studied it for several hours before he finally understood it. After comprehending it, Fang Jue's swordsmanship The subtlety, the subtlety, cannot be expressed in words.”

Hearing Zhang Wuji's words, Zhang Qingming poured a cup of tea for his father, and said, "Father, the more you talk, the more Qingming can't understand. Can you tell Qingming specifically what is the subtlety of Dugu Jing's Dugu Nine Swords?" place?"

Zhang Wuji took a sip of tea, meditated for a moment and said:

"The swordsmanship and Tai Chi sword used by Miss Dugu have the same principles. They both focus on meaning rather than form. The gist is the word 'enlightenment', and the sword moves should never be memorized. If you understand the meaning of the sword in swordsmanship, you will know nothing about it." It is impossible to do anything, everything comes out, everything enters, even if you forget all the changes, it is irrelevant. When facing the enemy, the more you forget, the more clean and thorough you are, the less bound you will be by the original swordsmanship.

However, compared with Taiji Sword's emphasis on attacking later and defending instead of attacking, the Dugu Nine Swords set of swordsmanship has no retreat, and all moves are offensive, and the attacking enemy has to be defended. "

What Zhang Wuji said made Zhang Qingming recall every detail of the sword competition with Duguhong in the morning. Just like what his father said, both of their swordsmanship focused on meaning rather than form, but Dugu used more quiet attacks. Guard yourself more.Dugujing has been attacking, but she has been defending.

"Father, tell me, which of the two sets of swordsmanship, Taiji Sword or Dugu Nine Swords, is better?" Zhang Qingming asked with great interest.

After Zhang Wuji thought for a while, he said with certainty: "In terms of swordsmanship alone, the Dugu Nine Swords that Dugu Jing used today are stronger than the Tai Chi swordsmanship created by Master Zhang."

"Wuji, Zhang Zhenren's martial arts cultivation can be said to be Taishan Beidou, are you so sure?" Zhao Min asked.

Zhang Wuji took another sip of tea, and then said: "Minmin, Master Zhang is a master outside the world, his martial arts should not be judged by the younger generation. But, when it comes to swordsmanship, Dugu Nine Swordsman is very clear, with one heart The artistic conception is essentially the same as Tai Chi Sword, except that the Dugu Nine Swords are more extreme. Of course, even if the same swordsmanship is used by different people, the power is different. Different people practice the Dugu Nine Swords to great success. Invincible, maybe not."

"Father, why not?" Zhang Qingming asked with concentration.

"Only practicing Dugu Nine Swords, but without deep internal strength, without exploring the cultivation of internal strength, you will not be invincible after practicing to great success. The ultimate of moves is to win without a move, but the ultimate of internal strength is to win without a sword with a sword , the combination of moves and internal strength can make you invincible." Zhang Wuji said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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