Chapter 31

Emei, think over the cliff.

After a month of self-cultivation, Zhou Zhiruo's internal strength has recovered by seventy-eight percent. Although there is still a gap between her previous internal strength cultivation, she has recovered a lot after all, and practicing against Zhang Luliu is not as strenuous as before.

The deeper the competition was, the more Zhou Zhiruo was secretly startled. Ever since he opened up Ren Du's second channel, Zhang Lvliu's martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds.

Thinking that her hard work has not been in vain for so many years, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but feel relieved: "Green Liu is really a prodigy in martial arts. I insisted on bringing her back from the grassland to Emei ten years ago, and I was right."

After almost three hundred moves, Zhang Luliu saw that Zhou Zhiruo's moves started to slow down, so he knew that the master's internal strength was starting to weaken, so he waited for an opportunity to stop the moves, and said, "Master, your internal strength has not fully recovered, let's compete again another day." .”

Zhou Zhiruo saw that Zhang Luliu stopped her moves, and saw the sharp blade in her hand on her chest, and said, "Luliu, you are afraid that you will win the master, and you don't want to embarrass him, right?"

Zhang Luliu put the Chunxiao sword in his hand into the sheath, and said: "Master, as you said, you must do your best to everyone in the martial arts field, otherwise you will be disrespectful to others. Luliu has already remembered your words, how could you Deliberately give way. But, master, your internal strength has not recovered yet, too much effort will not benefit your body, it is better to continue resting."

Saying that, Zhang Luliu walked up to Zhou Zhiruo, took the sword from her hand, and put it into the sheath.He picked up the scarf again and handed it to Zhou Zhiruo.

"Okay, I'll listen to you this time. Luliu, I received your mother's letter from Feige this morning."

"What was written in the letter?" Zhang Luliu asked.

"Your mother said that they have already set off from Guangmingding. According to the distance, they will reach Emei in more than ten days." Zhou Zhiruo took the square scarf and said while wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Hearing Zhou Zhiruo's words, he was overjoyed and said, "Master, you mean, I will see my parents soon?"

"Yes, your mother also said in the letter that she would give me a surprise. I'm almost sixty, so what can I expect? I'm surprised, just like when I was young." Zhou Zhiruo said with a little disdain .

About 30 years ago, his parents and masters, Zhang Lvliu has heard a lot from these masters and uncles.Although the master and mother had reconciled ten years ago, regardless of the past.However, after all, many things can not be forgotten just by forgetting them, and they can be completely opened by saying they are opened.

Hearing what the master said about his own mother, Zhang Luliu knew that his mother had really arrived in Emei, and he had to be a peacemaker between the two of them.

Having been together day and night for ten years, Zhang Luliu knew exactly what his master was thinking.What she was most worried about was that when her parents came, she would leave Emei with them.In the past ten years, I have been all the comfort of the master. If I am leaving, the master will be gone.

However, Zhou Zhiruo didn't know that since the day she became sensible, Zhang Luliu had made a decision that she would stay in Emei with her master, and she would never leave when the master was around.

Thinking of this, Zhang Luliu stepped forward and took Zhou Zhiruo's arm, and said, "Master, my mother said that she would surprise you, but it might be a surprise, and I'll know when she comes."

"You girl, you must be unhappy when I say something bad about your mother. From now on, master, I won't talk about your mother." Of course Zhou Zhiruo could see what Zhang Luliu was thinking, and said with a slight smile.

While the two were talking, a disciple of Emei walked into Siguo Cliff, kowtowed and said, "Sect Leader, Senior Sister, I'm reporting from the Emei Bieyuan, someone wants to see the Sect Leader."

"Who? Was there an agreement before?" Zhou Zhiruo asked.

"No, the person who came said that he was an old friend from 40 years ago, and you will definitely meet." Emei disciple said.

"Is my old friend from 40 years ago a man or a woman? Have you registered your name?"

"The head is an old woman, with a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. The old woman said that her name is Spider."

"Spider..." Hearing this name, the scene in Binghuo Island 40 years ago came to Zhou Zhiruo's eyes again.During the Battle of Shaoshi Mountain, Zhang Wuji and himself designed to lure the spider out. After a long conversation, she disappeared.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, she would come to Emei to see herself.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhiruo hurriedly said: "You immediately ask the Emei Bieyuan to invite people into the mountain, and I will greet you in the main hall."

"Yes, master." With that said, the Emei disciple turned and left.

Over the years, Zhou Zhiruo practiced in closed doors most of the time, and rarely had contact with outsiders.Even if someone came to visit, Zhou Zhiruo would still receive them in the other courtyard of Emei, but today she had to meet them in the main hall. It seemed that the person who came must be a distinguished guest.

Zhang Luliu approached Zhou Zhiruo and asked, "Master, who is the spider?"

Hearing Zhang Luliu's question, Zhou Zhiruo said: "Luliu, Zhu'er is your father's cousin, in terms of seniority, she is your cousin."

"Master, do I still have a cousin?" Zhang Luliu asked in surprise.

"Yes, of course. Back then, your aunt liked your father as much as the master. I didn't expect that it was 40 years ago. Let's go back and change clothes. Let's go see your aunt together. "

"Yes, master." Zhang Luliu replied.


Emei, the main hall.

The heads of Emei sects are both vulgar and Taoist. Since becoming the head, Zhou Zhiruo has never changed her status as a layman and has not entered the Tao.

Unlike usual, today Zhou Zhiruo specially dressed up in order to meet the spider. In addition to her usual majesty, she also looked a little more like Lanzhi back then.

Zhang Lvliu was still wearing an emerald green dress with a yellow ribbon tied around her waist.In fact, for an extremely beautiful girl like Zhang Luliu, there is not much difference in what she wears.

Not long after Zhang Lvliu accompanied Zhou Zhiruo to the main hall, a disciple of Emei reported that the guests had already gone up the mountain and would arrive at the main hall soon.

Zhou Zhiruo said to Zhang Lvliu who was beside her, "Lvliu, let's go out of the palace gate to meet him."

"Yes, master." Zhang Lvliu said.

Zhang Luliu was somewhat surprised to see the master treating his cousin like this.

It's also an old friend, Aunt Yang Buhui came to Emei a few days ago, and she met her in the other courtyard of Emei.Even in another hospital, he didn't go out to greet him.But this time it was quite different, not only received them in the main hall, but also took the initiative to greet them outside the door.

From this point of view, the relationship between the master and the cousin is unusual.

In fact, in Zhou Zhiruo's heart, she feels somewhat guilty towards the spider. After all, on Binghuo Island, she was the one who scratched the spider's face with a sword.Although the spider got a blessing in disguise later, he was cured of the poison of thousands of spiders, and the swelling on his face disappeared.However, my original intention was to harm the spider, but it was unsuccessful.

Over the years, this incident has been haunting Zhou Zhiruo's mind, hoping to make up for this guilt.Today, hearing that the spider came to Emei, Zhou Zhiruo naturally would not neglect.

And these things are unknown to Zhang Luliu.

Not long after, an old woman walked in outside the main hall.With her was a young girl dressed in a different race.

Seeing someone coming, Zhou Zhiruo signaled to Zhang Luliu, and the two rushed to meet them.

Walking closer, Zhou Zhiruo looked the old woman up and down, and said, "Spider, I never thought I'd see you again in almost 40 years. Where have you been all these years?"

Zhu'er looked at Zhou Zhiruo in front of her, and sighed, "Master Zhou, we are old, we are all old. When you were young, you were such a beautiful girl, and now you are like me, with gray temples."

"In a few more years, it will be sixty years. Can you still be young? You haven't said, where have you been all these years?" Zhou Zhiruo said.

"It's a long story, and I can't make out a sentence or two. This girl is..." Seeing the girl next to Zhou Zhiruo, Zhu'er had a feeling of déjà vu, so she asked Zhou Zhiruo.

"Green Liu, come and meet your cousin." Zhou Zhiruo said to Zhang Luliu after hearing Zhu'er's words.

"Cousin, Luliu greets you." After speaking, Zhang Luliu bowed and kowtowed.

"Cousin? Head Zhou, is this girl..." Spider looked at Zhou Zhiruo and said.

Zhou Zhiruo nodded and said, "Spider, Luliu is the daughter of Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min, my closed disciple, of course I will call you cousin."

Hearing Zhou Zhiruo's words, Zhu'er pulled Zhang Luliu with both hands, looked up and down, and said: "What a beautiful girl, Zhao Min was beautiful enough back then. I didn't expect there to be a girl more beautiful than Zhao Min back then. Luliu, express I don’t know that you are in Emei, and you didn’t bring any gifts with you. I have been in Miaojiang for more than 30 years, and I have tested poison countless times. I just developed Jinhua Yulu Pill. After taking one pill, it can cure all poisons within half an hour.

Green willow, I will bring it with me in the future, in case of emergency. "

As she spoke, Zhu'er took out a ceramic vial from her bosom and handed it to Zhang Lvliu.

Zhang Luliu took the vial, kowtowed and said, "You're welcome, Luliu, thank you cousin."

"We're all a family, what's there to thank you for? Luliu, your parents are about the same age as me, they are both in their [-]s, why are you so young? Are there any older brothers or sisters?" Zhu'er was puzzled road.

Before Luliu could speak, Zhou Zhiruo took the words and said, "Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min are not expecting children until they are in their 40s, and Luliu has no older brothers or sisters.

However, they are also considered lucky, as long as there are two.

When Luliu was five years old, I brought her from the grassland to Emei.The boy has been living with Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min in the grassland, and has just taken over as the leader of the Sun Moon Sect.You came just in time, and after a while, they will be able to come to Emei.By the way, Xiao Zhao has been with them all these years, and will come here together. "

"Xiao Zhao has also returned to the Central Plains? She has been with her cousin's family for so many years, is she married to her cousin?" Zhu'er asked.

"It wasn't ten years ago, so I don't know about it in the next ten years. By the way, Spider, after all these years, why do you only think of Emei to see me now?" Zhou Zhiruo puzzled.

"Isn't it because of my goddaughter, Xian'er, that I came to visit the head of Zhou." Zhu'er said to the girl of the foreign race beside her.

"Master Zhou, good." The foreign girl said quickly.

Zhou Zhiruo searched for the sound, and saw that this foreign girl was about fifteen or sixteen years old, her gaze wandered, her brows and almond eyes were very beautiful.

The difference from the Central Plains woman is that she wears two gold rings on each ankle and each arm. When she moves, the gold rings collide with each other, making a clanking sound.The complexion is abnormally white and greasy, the fat is as smooth as jade, and the long hair on the head hangs down to the shoulders, which is also tied with a golden ring.

There is a long whip pinned to her waist, which should be her weapon.

"Zhu'er, is this your goddaughter?" Zhou Zhiruo asked Zhu'er.

"Yes, her name is He Xian'er, and she is the most beautiful girl in Miaojiang. Just like Lu Liu was brought up by you, Xian'er was also brought up by me." Spider said.

"Cousin, sister Xian'er, let's stop standing here and go back to the main hall to talk." Seeing the master and cousin chatting non-stop, Zhang Luliu said.

"Look at me, when I see an old friend, I forget everything. Zhu'er, let's go into the room and chat." Saying this, Zhou Zhiruo led Zhu'er to the main hall.

Zhang Lvliu said to He Xian'er: "Sister Xian'er, let's go too."

"Okay." He Xian'er followed Zhang Luliu into the main hall.

After the four of them were seated, Zhou Zhiruo asked, "Zhu'er, you were halfway through what you said just now, why did you say that you came to Emei because of your goddaughter?"

Zhu'er picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said, "Master Zhou, if you ask this far, I will tell you about my past 40 years.

After the First World War in Shaoshishan, I left the Central Plains and went to Miaojiang, where I practiced medicine.I wanted to live some ordinary days, but I ended up with this rest of my life.But after a long time, he still couldn't stay idle, so he started to study martial arts again.

You know, the thousand spiders and poisonous hand that I practiced when I was young is a vicious and evil kung fu.

During the exercise, it is extremely difficult, and it is necessary to suck one's own blood with colorful poisonous spiders, and bring the spider venom into one's own blood.This skill is extremely powerful, but the deeper it is practiced, the more poisonous substances will accumulate in the body, and the uglier its appearance will become.

Back then, if you hadn't scratched my face to expel the toxins from my body, my appearance could scare people to death.So, I began to study, how to become a thousand spiders and venomous hands without becoming ugly.

Hard work pays off, more than ten years later, I found a white spider in Miaojiang, this kind of white spider can achieve the effect of practicing kung fu, not only does not look ugly, but the skin becomes fairer.

Later, while I was practicing medicine, I began to develop various antidotes, and after another 20 years, I refined the Xie Jinhua Yulu Pill.From now on, even if you are poisoned by Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, you won't be afraid anymore.

During this period, the leader of the Miao Village where I was was killed by another villager, leaving behind a three-year-old girl named Xian'er.Since then, I have lived with Xian'er.After I became sensible, I taught her martial arts.Especially the improved Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands, Xian'er is even more proficient in practice.

A year ago, Xian'er avenged her parents and took back the cottage, fulfilling her wish.It's just that I know that Xian'er's martial arts skills are not authentic, and if she continues to practice, she will easily go into madness. I thought of taking her to the Central Plains to practice inner skills and mental methods to avoid falling into the magic way.

After thinking about it, I thought of Emei.

Although you and I didn't have a deep friendship back then, you also said that you can come to Emei to find you if you need anything in the future.In this way, I brought Xian'er to come here through mountains and rivers.

Unexpectedly, the green willow is also in Emei.

Not to mention that cousin, Zhao Min and Xiao Zhao would all come here.

Back then, the five of us went to Binghuo Island together in the same boat. I didn’t expect that 40 years later, we would meet again in Emei. Life is impermanent, so unexpected. "

Zhu'er finished her 40-year experience in one breath.

(End of this chapter)

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