Chapter 55 Jade Girl Heart Sutra
Ever since Dugu Jing and Chang Ning lived on the mountain, there were a few more young people in the main hall of Emei, and it suddenly became lively.

After practicing qi each day, Zhang Luliu, Zhang Qingming, Dugujing, Chang Ning, He Xianer, Yin Furong, including Sanbao, came to Siguo Cliff together to learn martial arts.

Among the seven, Zhang Lvliu has the highest martial arts, followed by Three Treasures, Zhang Qingming, Dugu Jing, and Chang Ning are equal, He Xian'er is slightly weaker, and Yin Furong is even weaker.

Sanbao challenged Zhang Luliu every time, and Zhang Luliu never refused.Although Sanbao's martial arts is slightly inferior to his own, for Zhang Luliu, it is not easy to meet such a strong opponent as Sanbao among his peers. Every time he competes, he will have new insights.

Zhang Qingming and Dugujing, Chang Ning, and He Xian'er fought together.

Since practicing the Nine Yin God Claw, although He Xian'er's martial arts is slightly weaker than Chang Ning and Dugu Jing, the gap is not as big as before, and they can communicate with each other even if they fight together.He Xian'er knew that if Zhang Qingming married a wife, that wife would be either Dugujing or Changning, and it would do him no harm to get closer to them now.

Because the skill has not recovered yet, Zhang Qingming's current martial arts practice is already slightly inferior to Dugu Jing and Chang Ning. Every time he makes a move, whether it is Dugu Jing or Chang Ning, he will lose, and he is used to losing if he loses.

As for Yin Furong, it seems that she has been neglected.

After all, her martial arts cultivation base is not small compared with others.

Even so, Yin Furong still came to Siguoya every day and practiced with everyone. In her heart, she was satisfied to see Zhang Qingming every day.

However, seeing Zhang Qingming getting closer to Dugujing, Chang Ning, and even He Xian'er, Yin Furong could only feel sad secretly.She also wanted to get closer to Zhang Qingming, but because of the girl's reservedness, she never took a single step. Besides, Yin Furong could feel that Zhang Qingming had no intention of getting closer to her.

In Yin Furong's eyes,
Zhang Qingming has love for Dugujing, affection for Chang Ning, and desire for He Xian'er.

For myself, at most it is respect.

What troubled Yin Furong even more was her elder brother Yin Tiancheng.

After the contest between Yihua Palace and the Emei Sect, all the spectators from other sects left Emei one after another. Only my elder brother stayed in the Emei Bieyuan and refused to leave. It was called returning to Wudang with the Emei Sect.

In the past few days, Yin Tiancheng also tried to meet the head of Zhou, hoping that during this time, he could come to the main hall to practice martial arts with Emei disciples.However, she was rejected by Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Zhiruo promised Yin Tiancheng to practice martial arts in Emei, but he could only stay in another courtyard, not the main hall.

Therefore, Yin Tiancheng asked his younger sister to go down the mountain to the other courtyard in Emei every day to tell him about Zhang Lvliu.

From time to time, he also asked his younger sister to send some gifts to Zhang Luliu to express his affection.

Yin Furong knew that Zhang Luliu would not accept it.But every time I saw my brother pleading, it was hard to refuse.In this way, the gifts were piled up in her place, more and more, but none of them were sent out.

On this day, Zhang Wuji, Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo also came to Siguo Cliff.

Dugu Jing and Chang Ning have been up the mountain for almost ten days. In the past ten days, Zhang Wuji has been observing their sword skills every day. Compatible, will be powerful.

In particular, Dugu Jing and Chang Ning are both talented and intelligent. As long as they find a way to practice together, they can maximize the power of the two sets of swordsmanship.However, for some reason, no matter how much they practiced, they couldn't reach the state of mind-to-heart connection, which made Zhang Wuji very confused.

Later, it was Zhou Zhiruo who found out the problem, found the crux, and thought of a way to solve the crux.After communicating with Zhang Wuji, he felt that it was feasible, so today they came to Siguo Cliff together.


Seeing his father, mother, and master coming to Siguo Cliff together, Zhang Lvliu hastily greeted him and said, "Master, father, mother, you are also here."

"Yes, your father wants to teach Dugu Jing and Chang Ning to see if their sword skills can be practiced together." Zhao Min said.

"Father, you are becoming more and more eccentric now. Instead of pointing out your own daughter, point out Jing'er and Chang Ning." Zhang Luliu looked at Dugu Jing and Chang Ning and smiled.

"Sister, your martial arts are so advanced that you don't need daddy's advice for a long time. On the contrary, I can't even beat Jing'er and Chang Ning now, so daddy is not in a hurry." Zhang Qingming put away the long sword in his hand and said.

"Qingming, you are currently lacking in internal strength, unable to control the sword, Taiji swordsmanship and martial arts in the holy fire order. In another one or two months, when the true energy recovers, it will not be so easy for Miss Dugu and Princess Changning to win against you It's gone." Zhang Wuji didn't seem to realize that his son was joking on purpose, so he said solemnly.

Zhang Wuji didn't hear the implication, but Zhao Min could hear it clearly, and said with a smile, "Wuji, Qingming didn't blame you for being partial. The more partial you are, the more Qingming likes you."

Zhang Wuji is not stupid, but he just doesn't want to think about it. Hearing what Zhao Min said, he smiled and said: "When the swordsmanship of Miss Dugu and Princess Changning are combined, Qingming will be able to open up the two veins of Ren and Du." , it is estimated that it will be difficult to win."

"That's great. Master Zhang, hurry up and guide me and sister Jing, we can't wait." Chang Ning said, shaking her braid.

"Master Zhang, ever since you said that our swordsmanship can be combined, Chang Ning and I have been thinking about how to combine our two swords every day. For this reason, we often go to Sister Luliu to practice moves together, but for some reason, we always Can't achieve the expected effect." Dugu Jing hugged the dagger in her arms and said.

"Jing'er, don't be impatient, there is already a way to crack it." Zhou Zhiruo said.

"Master Zhou, how to crack it?" Chang Ning asked.

"This...Let the head of Zhou tell you." Maybe there are some words that are difficult to say,
Zhou Zhiruo thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Luliu, Jing'er, Princess Changning, you three come with me, I have something to tell you."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhiruo turned around and left Siguo Cliff alone.

"Yes, master. Jing'er, Chang Ning, you two come with me." After speaking, Zhang Luliu, Chang Ning, and Dugu Jing followed suit, following Zhou Zhiruo to leave Siguoya.

Seeing a few people leave, Zhang Qingming moved closer to Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min, and said, "Father, mother, what does Master Zhou want to tell them? Are you mysterious?"

"You don't need to know about this," Zhang Wuji said.

Seeing that Zhang Wuji didn't answer, Zhang Qingming turned to Zhao Min, "Mother, what is so mysterious? My father won't tell me, so tell me."

Zhao Min pulled Zhang Qingming aside and said, "Actually, it's nothing. Your father observed Jing'er and Chang Ning practicing swords, and found the crux of the two swords' combination but they couldn't improve their power."

"What's the problem?" Zhang Qingming asked.

"Your mother's martial arts are low, and she doesn't quite understand what she said. It's just that the two of them have different inner strengths and minds, so they can't reach the same mind, and can't exert the power of the sword moves after the combination. After communicating with the head of Zhou, I finally found Solution."

"What way?" Zhang Qingming said with his eyes brightened.

"Master Zhou said that in Emei's unique school, there is an inner strength method called the Jade Heart Sutra, which requires two women to practice at the same time. These two women not only need a solid inner strength, but also need a virgin body, and have A deep tacit understanding.

For more than 100 years, the Emei School has not found two disciples who can meet the above three requirements at the same time, so this inner strength method has been shelved.But Jing'er and Chang Ning can meet these three conditions at the same time. " Zhao Min said.

(End of this chapter)

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