Chapter 78 The Past
"Master, Luliu has no idea about the love between men and women. She thinks it's fine now. In the future, she will be with her master, her parents, teach Qingming children martial arts, and be the head of Emei. If she really finds her Man, I can't be so free and easy." Zhang Lvliu said.

Zhang Luliu's words made Zhou Zhiruo silent, and said, "Luliu, it's better for a woman to marry. You see how happy your mother is after marrying your father."

"Master, you have to meet someone like my father. If you don't, there's no need to marry someone you don't love." Zhang Luliu shook his head.

"You're right, if you marry someone you don't love, it's better not to marry." Zhou Zhiruo murmured.

"Master, didn't mother tell my father about practicing Nine Yin and Nine Yang with you?" Zhang Luliu asked.

"Your mother said to find me first. I agree, and she will tell your father later. I don't know if your father will agree." For some reason, Zhou Zhiruo blushed when she said this.

"Yes." Zhang Luliu responded when he saw this.


Next door, Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min's room.

Seeing Zhao Min walking in from outside the house, Zhang Wuji went up to meet him and asked, "Minmin, what did Master Zhou say?"

Zhao Min sat on the side of the bed and said: "How can I say it, of course I have thought of it together. If I meet a suitable one, I will still marry in the future. But Yin Tiancheng can't do it, he is not worthy of Luliu. By the way, Luliu is looking for Let me tell you that you and Zhou Zhiruo will practice Nine Yin and Nine Yang together to help Zhou Zhiruo recover her strength, I promised Luliu, what do you think?"

"This... is a good thing.

Not only can it help head master Zhou recover his skills, but it can also improve my martial arts cultivation.You have to agree, and I agree. " Zhang Wuji said hastily.

Hearing Zhang Wuji's straightforward agreement, Zhao Min was somewhat angry.

He said: "Wuji, I found that you have gotten closer to Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, and Zhu'er recently. Are you also tempted and want to find a concubine?"

Hearing Zhao Min's words, Zhang Wuji quickly shook his head and said, "No, nothing."


"Really, really." Zhang Wuji responded.

"Wuji, we have been married for 40 years, I can see what you are thinking.

When you first arrived in Emei, you didn't think so.But after getting along for a long time, it is impossible to say nothing about the past.

According to the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty, all wealthy families have multiple concubines, and those who have fewer concubines will be laughed at.You and I have lived in seclusion in the grassland for 40 years, but we did not follow the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty.

However, we will definitely return to the Central Plains in the future. If you want to find a concubine, just like other families, I will not stop you.

I thought, if you want to find someone, then find someone you know well.I think Xiao Zhao is pretty good, although she is over sixty years old, but she has a good face and is still very beautiful.

Besides, she has been with us in the grassland for 15 years, and she took care of the family when we were away, so she should be given a title.If you want to marry, I won't stop you. "

After hearing Zhao Min's words, Zhang Wuji couldn't help but feel turbulent.

It's not that Zhang Wuji didn't think about Xiao Zhao's 15 years in the grassland, but he just felt that it would be bad for him to find another woman after having Zhao Min.

When he returned to the Central Plains, he found that his son had found a few female companions. The female companions were not unhappy because of Zhang Qingming's polygamy, but respected each other as guests and became very friendly.

What's more, after practicing the Nine Suns Divine Art, the yang qi is extremely strong, but because of marrying more wives, one loses sight of the other.In addition to the past with several women, Zhang Wuji's heart was somewhat moved.

However, Zhang Wuji is not a proactive person. Even if he has such thoughts, he hopes that things will come to fruition, and he is unwilling to take the initiative to mention this matter.

Now that Zhao Min took the initiative to ask, Zhang Wuji was easy to answer again, and thought about it: "Minmin, these matters are up to you. If you agree, I will agree. If you don't agree, I will listen to you."

Zhang Wuji's words were also expected by Zhao Min.

She knows very well that Zhang Wuji was indecisive 40 years ago when it comes to feelings, and he will be the same 40 years later.He will not take the initiative to fight for something, but prefers to accept it passively.

If he now clearly promises him that he can marry Xiao Zhao, Zhang Wuji will definitely wish for it, and readily agrees.If he procrastinates, Zhang Wuji will not force it.

Zhao Min felt that this matter could be delayed at least for now.After all, Zhang Wuji only moved his mind, but did not clearly express his expectation.

Thinking of this, Zhao Min said: "Actually, it's not only Xiao Zhao, I also want to relive old dreams when I see Zhou Zhiruo and Zhu'er. How about I tell them all to marry you?"

"It can't be done." Zhang Wuji said with a flushed face.

"There's nothing you can't do.

Back then, the three of them were all married to you, but now they are all girls.Although they are all over the age of sixty, they still have good looks and are still beautiful.

Marrying one is also marrying, and marrying all of them is also marrying. I think, if you listen to me, marry them all.In a few years, even if you are thoughtful and have the yang energy of the Nine Suns Divine Art, the woman can't wait. "Zhao Min said deliberately to test Zhang Wuji.

"This, isn't it good?"

Zhao Min's words reached Zhang Wuji's heart.

40 years ago, it would be a blessing if the dream of four women in the same boat could come true.

However, if he agreed, Zhao Min would definitely feel uncomfortable, so he could only answer vaguely.

Zhang Wuji's answer was again guessed by Zhao Min.

My husband will not automatically mention this matter, but if one day, if it is really brought into the bridal chamber, he will not refuse.

It was like this 40 years ago, and it will still be like this 40 years later.

Hearing what Zhang Wuji said, Zhao Min said: "Wuji, that's what I think. Either marry them all, or don't marry them all. If you marry someone and don't marry someone else, it's not good to talk about it.

In this way, in Wudang these few days, it was originally a contest between Wudang and Yihua Palace, and it was not easy for us to participate.I'll discuss it with Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, and Zhu'er. If they all agree, don't shirk it. If anyone disagrees, it's never too late.

what do you think? "

Zhao Min's words touched Zhang Wuji's heart again, and he quickly responded, "Then I will listen to you."

"Okay, you listen to me." Zhao Min said.


Wudang, upper house.

Yin Liting, Yang Buhui and their grandchildren Yin Tiancheng and Yin Furong sat around with Zhang Zhen.

Before Zhenren Zhang could speak, Yin Tiancheng said, "Grand Master, did Master Zhang say anything about my marriage with Junior Sister Zhang Luliu?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said: "It's not clear. But Wuji and Zhao Min have said that as long as Zhang Luliu's master Zhou Zhiruo agrees, they have no objection. What they said is also right. Zhang Luliu came with Zhou Zhiruo when he was five years old. When we go to Emei, we should seek her opinion."

After hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Yang Buhui couldn't help sighing inwardly.

Yang Buhui knew very well that Zhou Zhiruo not only had high eyesight, but also had a dislike for Wudang, so it was too difficult to get her to agree to Yin Tiancheng's marriage with Zhang Luliu.

Originally, he wanted to use Zhang Sanfeng's mouth to make Zhang Wuji agree to the marriage of the two, but it was a waste of time.Thinking of this, Yang Buhui said: "Grand Master, as a father, Zhang Jiaozhu can't be the master?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, and said: "I think Wuji listened to Zhao Min, and Zhao Min said to listen to Zhou Zhiruo, so it should be the only way."

"Alright." Yang Buhui said helplessly seeing that the deal was done.

"Tian Cheng, I've been retreating for a while, and I read the letter that came in. Did you go to Emei?" Zhang Sanfeng said.

"Master, I stayed in Emei for a month, waiting for the Emei faction and Zhang Jiaozhu's family to come to Wudang together." Yin Tiancheng said.

"You also witnessed the contest between Yihua Palace and Emei Sect?" Zhang Sanfeng asked.

"Master, I have seen you personally."

"How is Yihua Palace's strength?" Zhang Sanfeng continued to ask.

"Three martial arts competitions, Emei only sent two people to win. The three people from Yihua Palace have complicated skills and can't see the way out." Yin Tiancheng said.

"If you appear on the stage, what are your chances of winning?" Zhang Sanfeng continued to ask.

"Grand Master, if Tian Cheng plays, he will surely win."

"How do you know?" Zhang Sanfeng continued to ask.

"Junior Sister Luliu can win two games. Although I am slightly weaker than Junior Sister Luliu, if she can win, I can also win." Yin Tiancheng said confidently.

"Nonsense. When I left the customs in the morning, I tried Zhang Luliu's internal strength cultivation. Her internal strength cultivation has already opened up the two channels of Ren and Du. What ability do you have to say that you can reach her realm? Even your grandfather Zhang Luliu is also far behind." Zhang Sanfeng said angrily.

"This..." Yin Tiancheng said speechlessly.

"Master, although Tian Cheng is not as good as Zhang Lvliu, he is also a world leader in Wudang, unmatched, this time he will compete with Yihua Palace, he will definitely be famous in the martial arts world." Yin Tiancheng said.

Hearing his apprentice's words, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said: "Liting, Wudang is far inferior to Emei, and you can't be a frog at the bottom of the well. This competition is Tiancheng's first match, your second match, and I'll be the finale. If you can't consume too much of each other Three people, let me fight alone, although I have internal strength, but physical strength is not enough. It is very difficult to win three games in a row."

"Grand Master, with me and grandpa here, you don't need to appear." Yin Liting patted his chest and said.

"Is it?"

"Yes!" Yin Tiancheng said confidently.

Looking at Yin Tiancheng in front of him, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Sanfeng is very familiar with Yin Tiancheng's martial arts cultivation and Yin Liting's martial arts, relying on them will not work.

However, Zhang Sanfeng at this age has no confidence in winning three games in a row just by himself.After all, time is not forgiving, and physical strength cannot keep up with internal strength.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng said: "Tian Cheng, your internal strength can almost reach the third level and you can easily master it. If I use external force to help you improve your skills, you should be able to reach the fourth level. It is clear."

"Master Tai, can't you help me get through the second vein of Ren and Du? As far as I know, Junior Sister Luliu's martial arts were comparable to mine before, and it was thanks to Master Zhou who helped her get through the second vein of Ren and Du that she was so strong." Yes." Yin Tiancheng said.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, "By relying on external force to assist the improvement of internal strength, no matter how you assist, the limit can only be raised by one stage. Your internal strength cultivation is currently at the third stage, and it can only be raised to the fourth stage for you. Wait for you to study hard and practice hard When you are close to the fifth stage, you can use external force to help you get through the Ren and Du two veins."

"Master Tian, ​​how did Junior Sister Luliu get through the second line of Ren and Du?" Yin Tiancheng asked.

"That's right, before Zhang Luliu opened up Ren Du's second channel, he had already reached the fifth stage, which is one level higher than your grandfather now. That's why he was able to get through Ren Du's second channel. You are too far behind." Zhang Sanfeng explained .

"Grand master, is there any way for me to improve quickly? Even if you use your internal energy to help me, your internal energy cultivation will rise from the third level to the fourth level, which is still far behind Junior Sister Luliu." Yin Liting Cui Tou said dejectedly .

"Who told you to practice hard enough on weekdays?

Furthermore, in martial arts, in addition to hard training, talent is also very important.Zhang Lvliu's bones are unique, I have only seen her in my life, not only stronger than her grandfather Zhang Cuishan, but even a head taller than his father Wuji.

With such martial arts, it is no surprise. " Zhang Sanfeng said.

"Grand Master, it turns out to be like this. I will practice it in the future. Then Tai Master, when will you teach me the skills? Tomorrow is the sword test, and three days later, the official martial arts competition will be held." Yin Tiancheng said eagerly.

"Let's go tonight. Master Tai has just left the customs and still needs to recuperate. I will teach you the exercises tonight, and it will be almost the same in one night. Liting, who will go to try the sword tomorrow?"

"Master, I'm going to send three disciples of Xuzi generation to test the sword with Yihua Palace." Yin Liting replied.

"Xuzi generation? Are there any masters?"

"This...choose three best players of Xu Zi generation, and they should be able to play one or two games." Yin Liting said with a guilty conscience.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, and said to Yin Liting:
"Li Ting, Xu Zi's generation is about 40 years old, and he is in his prime.

Originally, Xuzi has produced many masters, but you have tried your best to train your son, which made this generation of masters feel disappointed, and many of them left Wudang.I didn't expect that your son's talent is so mediocre that he can't be used at all.As a result, Wudang's talents are faulty, and there are no available people. "

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's reprimand, Yin Liting lowered his head and said, "Master, I was wrong."

"Okay, you go down first, I have to adjust my breath." Zhang Sanfeng said with an angry face.

Seeing the master speak, Yin Liting signaled Yang Buhui and Yin Tiancheng to leave Zhang Sanfeng's room together.

Back in the main hall, Yin Tiancheng said with displeasure: "Grandma, Grand Master only helped me with one level of internal strength cultivation, my martial arts is still not as good as Zhang Luliu's."

"Then what can be done. Your grandfather is far inferior to Zhang Luliu, let alone you." Yang Buhui sighed.

"Grandma, do I know that there are many secret books on martial arts in the Emei sect. Dugu Jing and Chang Ning have only been in Emei for a month, and their martial arts have improved by leaps and bounds. Can you ask Master Zhou for help?" Yin Tiancheng said. .

"Is there such a thing?" Yang Buhui asked.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Furong." Yin Tiancheng said.

"Furong, what's the matter?"

Yin Furong nodded, and said: "Dugu Jing and Chang Ning's martial arts have indeed improved by leaps and bounds, but their martial arts were also very high before they came to Emei. Chang Ning and I must pass the sword test. If Chang Ning compares with his heart, I can't do less than twenty strokes."

"Twenty strokes? Impossible.

Fu Rong, among your peers in Wudang, your martial arts skills are outstanding, especially your swordsmanship, which is second to none.If you can't do less than twenty strokes, isn't your martial arts comparable to mine? " Yin Liting asked.

(End of this chapter)

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