Chapter 98

The boat sailed for a day and a night, and Taohua Island was finally within sight.

Walking to the shore, Chang Ning and Dugu Jing stood side by side on the shore.

One hundred and one yellow, especially seductive.

The ship berthed, and members of the Zhang family got off the boat one after another. Chang Ning and Dugu Jing rushed up to greet her. Dugu Jing said, "Dugu Jing is polite."

Zhao Min went forward and said: "Jing'er, there is no need to be polite."

"No, Mrs. Zhang, there must be proper etiquette. I have already tidied up the guest room. I will take a rest today and see my grandfather tomorrow."

"Okay, it's all up to your arrangement." Zhao Min smiled.

"Ahead is the Peach Blossom Formation on Peach Blossom Island, follow me closely and don't wander around."

"Okay!" Zhao Min responded.

When everyone approached the peach blossom formation, Zhang Luliu asked Dugu Jing: "Jing'er, is this peach blossom island the same as the one left by Dongxie back then?"

"Sister Luliu, according to my grandfather, his predecessors came to this island more than 100 years ago to learn martial arts from Dongxihuang Yaoshi. Unexpectedly, the island was deserted, so he stayed here to rebuild Peach Blossom Island. Generations later, Peach Blossom Island has regained its vitality. The Peach Blossom Formation in front was built according to the cheats left by Senior Dongxie."

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder it's so spectacular." Zhang Luliu praised.

"Sister, who is Dongxie you're talking about?" Zhang Qingming asked.

"Huang Yaoshi is the grandfather of Guo Xiang, the patriarch of Emei.

He is the character who "seven points evil in the middle, and three points good in the evil", and is the owner of this Peach Blossom Island.Guo Xiang, the ancestor of Emei, grew up on this island. "

"Then what special martial arts does this Peach Blossom Island Master have?" Zhang Qingming asked.

"According to Guo Xiang's records, "Peach Blossom Shadow Falls Flying Excalibur, Bihai Chaosheng Presses Jade Xiao" is a portrayal of his life's martial arts. His martial arts attainments are extraordinary and he has reached the state of perfection. He is one of the top martial arts masters in Jin Yong's novels.

In addition to his high martial arts skills, he also knows everything about astronomy and geography, five elements and eight trigrams, Qimen Dunjia, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even farmland water conservancy, economic strategy, etc., and is proficient in everything. "

Hearing what my sister said, Zhang Qingming said: "He is indeed a strange man! I don't know if his martial arts have been passed down."

Hearing Zhang Qingming's words, Dugu Jing said: "The master of Peach Blossom Island has left all his lifelong learning in the secret room of Peach Blossom Island. This time, grandpa knows that the head of Emei is here. He knows the origin of Emei and the master of Peach Blossom Island, and he is willing to let Huang Yaoshi He handed over his lifelong knowledge to Emei, so that it can be carried forward.”

"Really?" Zhang Luliu's eyes lit up.

"Of course." Dugujing said while leading the way.

"Jing'er, what are Island Master Huang's unique skills?" Zhang Qingming leaned closer to Dugujing and asked.

"That's too much. I can't finish a sentence or two." Dugu Jing said crisply.

"Then tell me a few important things." Zhang Qingming seemed very interested in this senior and asked.

"If you want to hear it, I'll tell you about it.

Island Master Huang is good at the movement method called Ling Ao Bu.

The characteristic of the body technique is to lower the head, bend the arms inward, and move the elbow forward, hitting the enemy's chest like an arrow.

The acupuncture method Huang Daozhu is good at is called Fugu Needle.

The characteristic is that when you reach out your hand and pat the person lightly, the needle will go deep into the flesh and be firmly nailed to the joints of the bones.There is poison on the needle, but its effect is slow. Six times a day, it circulates according to the blood vessels, causing people to experience all kinds of unspeakable and severe pain. They cannot die for a while, and they will take their lives after one or two years of torture. .

Huang Dao's three-stroke fire fork and three-stroke palm technique are also unique.

These six moves are dull and rigid, without any change, the power is all based on skill.Ordinary people practice martial arts, as few as dozens of moves, as many as more than a thousand changes, although the moves are few, they are not trivial. Huang Yaoshi was created by a silly girl. "

"Is there anything more subtle besides these?" Zhang Qingming asked.

"In addition to these, there are many special martial arts.

For example, the position of the eight trigrams is the posture used by Island Master Huang to practice superior internal strength on a daily basis.

There are also several moves whose martial arts names are not known, and they are common and easy-to-see moves.The name of the call is: Returning to the wind blowing the willows, and the galaxy is in the sky.

Then there is the Bibo palm technique.This set of palm techniques is Taohuadao's entry-level kung fu, the palms are like waves, and they are progressive. Although it is simple, it already contains the basic principles of Taohuadao's martial arts.

Splitting the empty palm is also Huang Island Master's unique technique, it uses eight pieces of iron pieces to form the iron gossip to practice, the iron pieces are arranged sparsely and unevenly, skewed and uneven.The hands need to be soaked in vinegar. If the palm is pressed before the kung fu is released, the hand will be destroyed.

Of course, the most powerful ones are Lanhua Fuxue Hand and Flick of Fingers. "

Zhang Qingming was engrossed in listening, and unconsciously got very close to Dugujing.

Dugujing was somewhat shy, and said: "Qingming, we are not married yet, it's not good to be so close."

At this time, Zhang Qingming just felt a little bad.

After getting a little distance from Dugu Jing, he asked, "Jing'er, what kind of martial arts are you talking about, Lanhua's point-flushing hand and finger-flicking supernatural power?"

Hearing Zhang Qingming's question, Dugujing went on to say: "

The thumb and forefinger are clasped together at the orchid brush point, and the remaining three fingers are slightly opened. The fingers stretch out like an orchid flower. The posture is extremely beautiful.Lanhuafu point hand is about "quick, accurate, odd and clear".The place where the finger is brushed is like a spring orchid, and the hand is elegant, with a leisurely demeanor, understatement, and acts as if nothing happened.Used together with the Luoying Excalibur Palm, the fingers can be turned into palms, and the palms can be turned into fingers.When the palm comes, it looks like falling flowers, and when the fingers are brushed, it looks like spring orchids. The strokes are sharp and graceful.

The supernatural power of flicking fingers is Huangdaozhu's unique skill. When you move your hands, the middle finger of your right hand is bent, and it will pop out under the thumb. You can also buckle the hidden weapon under the thumb and pop it out.The techniques are delicate and subtle, when used to eject hidden weapons, the range is very far, the speed is extremely fast, and the force is strong, just like a strong bow and crossbow, it can be used to eject enemy weapons and acupuncture points.This move has been learned by many people, but I don't know how to spread it. "

"Jing'er, what you're talking about is palm technique. Is there anything unique about Master Huang's weapon?" Zhang Qingming continued to ask.

"More than these.

Huang Daozhu's swordsmanship is the silver sword with jade leak.

Its characteristics are that the sword edge is in an arc, and it seems that the castration is not urgent, but the point of the sword covers a wide area, unless the martial arts are higher than the opponent's martial arts, it is extremely difficult to dodge.

There is also the fallen hero sword.

Evolved from the path of Luoying Divine Sword Palm, although it is not as exquisite as Yuxiao's swordsmanship, it is still a unique skill in Peach Blossom Island.When the sword comes, the blue light surges, and the sword flowers are dotted, like falling flowers, scattered in all directions.The moves are colorful and so on.

Yu Xiao's swordsmanship was also created by Island Master Huang.

The sword moves are subtle and subtle, and the enemy only feels that the whole body's vitals are covered by the sword point.The sword style is chic and elegant, it is a sword technique that has been transformed from the jade flute all the way.The sword moves are elegant and flamboyant, as if they are only for beauty, but the powerless sword dance is actually very magical, as if it has sticky power to firmly stick to other people's weapons.The moves are also very beautiful, such as Xiao Shi Cheng Long, Shan Wai Qing Yin, Jin Sheng Yu Zhen, Feng Qu Chang Ming, Xiang Ge Lou Tai, Ou Ge Zhong Liu, etc.

Among them, the Luoying Excalibur Palm derived from the sword technique.

The moves include Flying Flowers in Jiangcheng, Stormy Rain and Wild Wind, and Scattering Flowers.

There are two characters of divine sword in the palm method, which is derived from the change of sword method.When the palm comes, it looks like falling flowers, and there are palm shadows in all directions, five virtual and one real, or eight virtual and one real, like a sudden gust of wind in a peach forest and thousands of flowers falling together. The palm is as sharp as a sword.It can be used together with Orchid Brush Point Hand and Cyclone Sweep Leaf Leg.

Whirlwind Sweeping Leaf Legs is a unique method to create the secret of internal strength for practicing the lower body, which can restore walking.This set of internal strength is completely new.

Dongfeng stunt can be used together with Luoying Excalibur Palm and Whirlwind Sweeping Leaf Leg.Six palms and six feet are used together, if the enemy does not retreat under the six moves, there will be another six moves, the moves are getting faster and faster, a total of six six 36 moves.

Of course the most powerful is Bi Haichao Shengqu.

The song simulates the vastness of the sea, there is no wave in the thousands of miles, the distant tide is slowly approaching, gradually getting faster and faster, and then the torrential waves, white waves and mountains, while fish jump and whales float in the tide, wind and gulls fly on the sea, and water monsters Sea monsters, monsters play with the tide, suddenly icebergs float in, and sometimes the hot sea boils, showing the power of change, but after the tide recedes, the level is like a mirror, but the bottom of the sea is undercurrent and turbulent, lurking in the silent place, which makes people listen The singer falls into ambush without knowing it, especially hard to guard against.Urging this song with internal strength can disturb people's mind in a short period of time. "

Hearing this, Zhang Qingming couldn't help feeling fascinated.Then asked:

"Jing'er, can you tell me other than these things, is there anything worthy of praise for Island Master Huang?"

"Island Master Huang's Jiuhua Yulu Pill and Wuchang Pill are also carefully studied by him:

Jiuhua Yulu Wan has a refreshing fragrance.It is made by collecting the dew on the petals of nine kinds of flowers.It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare this pill according to the time and season, and most of the medicinal materials used are rare.

Impermanence Pill is a pill that is as scarlet as blood.The world's wound medicine, I am afraid that there is no such thing as the Peach Blossom Island Impermanence Pill.

In addition, Huang Daozhu has in-depth research on the birth and restraint of the five elements, the changes of yin and yang and eight trigrams, and the changes of the birth and restraint of the five elements.

These changes seem abstruse, but they are actually the truths that the ancient Chinese learned from the intensive study of the changes in the nature of matter, the way to understand yin and yang, and the theory of anti-ghosts and gods. Chinese medicine, calendar, etc., are all based on this. The so-called "five At the beginning of the movement, the upper reaches the sky, the yin and yang reciprocate, the cold and heat follow, the true and the evil are thinned, the internal and external are separated, the six meridians fluctuate, and the five qi are shifted."

Among them, Qimen uses five turns and one move, the shadow of the palm flutters, and the moves are quick and incomparable.The victim is like a big mountain pressing down heavily, and the stars are flying in front of his eyes, which can't be resisted.As the name suggests, the move is a move derived from the Qimen Wushu.

The Great Turn of the Five Elements is the foundation of our current Peach Blossom Island formation.

The 28-station formation is created by Huang Island Master after observing the Tiangang Beidou formation of Quanzhen Sect, and taking part in the formation of the ancients.

110 The formation of three bamboo sticks was also done with all his heart and soul. This formation is arranged in a scattered manner, not Jiugong Bagua, five plum blossoms or plum blossom pile kung fu.

In addition to these, there are countless skills that I am good at, and I can't explain them all clearly. "

Just as they were talking, everyone passed through the peach forest together.

After the peach blossom formation, Dugujing brought everyone to the guest room.

The guest room is a three-entry courtyard.

Zhang Wuji, Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao live in the big room.Zhang Luliu lived in a room with Yin Furong, He Xian'er lived with Zhu'er, and Zhang Qingming lived in a room alone.

After settling down, Dugu Jing and Chang Ning came to Zhang Qingming's room.


Zhang Wuji entered the room.

Since marrying Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao, Zhang Wuji has a new life.

The long-cherished wish of 40 years ago came true, and he enjoyed his new life.

But for some reason, whenever I adjust my breath alone, a strange situation can appear in my mind.

It was like a dream version floating in front of my eyes.

Today is not surprising, the dream appeared again.

"Xiao Zhao's letter overturned Zhao Min's jealousy, and Zhang Wuji hesitated and couldn't speak when he asked. "Little white rabbit, it's still quite cute, and sometimes it can relieve me from boredom," Zhao Min said. Slowly said, "Back then on Spirit Snake Island, I also said that I would accompany you to see her in the future, but now that she wants to see you, if I try to stop her in every possible way, I will appear stingy, how about this.The little white rabbit is here, I will take care of her well, don't bother you, Master Zhang. " "Minmin, don't be too careful, I just treat Xiao Zhao as my younger sister, and I don't have any extravagant thoughts." "Zhang Wuji quickly explained. "It's not that simple. On the day you left, I saw you hugged and hugged and kissed and kissed. It was a little more than me, so you're not ashamed." "Zhang Wuji's face turned red, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Seeing that Zhang Wuji didn't dare to speak, Zhao Min said with a smile: "Zhang Wuji, from today onwards, you will be fined to herd sheep every day during the day, and give me a different meal at night. Otherwise, you will never want to see your little sister Xiao Zhao again." "Madam obeys, I will listen to whatever you say from now on, you can be a pig or a dog." "I don't want you to be a pig or a dog, I just want you to live happily ever after. And don't call me madam, My brother hasn't agreed yet, but he agreed, and I am your justifiable wife."

A gust of grassland breeze blew by, Zhao Min suddenly felt sour in the heart, and vomited out. Seeing this, Zhang Wuji quickly helped his beloved wife and handed him warm water. "In the future, I will cover all the rough work of roasting lamb chops. Your body has not recovered to its best, so be careful."

"Fool, you still call yourself a famous doctor, what's wrong with me, you didn't see it?" Zhao Minjiao said angrily. . .

Bright moon, starry sky, lake light, bonfire, the night of Uli Grassland is full of laughter.In addition to the Minji couple, there are more than a dozen herdsmen in the Uli Grassland, most of whom are members of the Temuer family.In addition to nomadic hunting, he also serves the daily life of Minji and his wife.Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min did not treat them as servants, and tried not to bother them with things that he could not solve by himself. Zhang Wuji also often taught children kung fu, helped herdsmen to see doctors, and Zhao Min also often taught children to read and write. Wuli Grassland has never There was harmony.

"Minmin, be careful, don't ride any more horses." Zhang Wuji helped Zhao Min off the horse. "This is specially sent by my brother. The little Ma Jun, who has a bloody horse in his family, is very obedient, don't worry." Zhang Wuji looked at Zhao Min's slightly swollen belly, and said with concern, "Minmin, you are also pregnant, you should be careful." Okay. I just made herbal steamed stuffed buns. Although it’s a bit bitter, it’s good for your health.” Zhao Min sarcastically said, “Did you do something wrong to me?” “How dare you, you really want to do something wrong If we go any further, I'll have to look for you from all over the world." At this time, many herdsmen gathered by the lake, dancing, singing and dancing happily, and having a sumptuous dinner. "

(End of this chapter)

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