I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 845 They are the indispensable and important pillars of our country's scientific resear

The announcement from CERN has spread to every corner of the world at almost the speed of light. Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun, who have just been on the hot search list because they invited Edward Witten to join the "Lime Mathematics Research Laboratory" , unsurprisingly once again occupied the top spot on the hot search list.

In the latest reply titled "CERN announced the experimental results of the Large Hadron Collider, verifying and affirming the calculation results of the papers of Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingjun!" 》The number of comments under the "Xia Guo Science Pioneer" bib account of the press release increased rapidly, and soon exceeded [-], and the number of retweets almost exceeded [-] at the same time.

[This time it is a real hammer, CERN has verified the conclusions of the papers of two young academicians in my country through experiments! 】

[Ah, with paper and pen, the results that require hundreds of millions of dollars in large-scale experiments can be achieved!No wonder there were multinational companies willing to hire them with an annual salary of 10 billion, and they really won't lose money! 】

[It once again refreshed my understanding of human intelligence. I don’t think the “Three-Body Problem” dared to write like this. As expected, reality is more sci-fi and unbelievable than fiction! 】

[The rumor I heard is that most of the difficulties in the mass gap problem were overcome by Academician Qin. However, the accurate mass value of the W boson and subsequent assumptions, as well as the mass derivation related to particle physics, have just been verified by CERN. , was completed by Academician Ning.The two of them are truly an unbeatable pair of swordsmen! 】

[The two of them have always been husband and wife, and they all completed it together. They didn't divide it in such detail. They should have researched it together, but the final author was different.If we divide it by author, it would be even more exaggerated. Isn't there a rumor that almost all the papers signed by the two of them were written by Academician Ning alone? 】

[Regardless of this, I would like to think about one thing. A netizen from the United States scolded me before, saying that he would rather believe that the sun rises from the west than Academician Qin and Academician Ning can calculate the accuracy of the W boson. Quality, now I'm dying to see his expression. 】

[Looking at Trovic's expression is enough, he was the one who said that the conclusion of our thesis by Academician Qin and Academician Ning was problematic!Hahaha, be sure to add chicken legs to the photographer tonight, just seeing his disbelieving and frustrated expression like seeing a ghost in the live photos, I can add three bowls of rice! 】

[Our country does not have a large particle accelerator, but we have Academician Qin and Academician Ning, the strongest couple of scientists! (dog head.jpg)]

[The treasure of the country is well-deserved! 】

[The Light of Xia Kingdom Science! 】

[Hahaha, what I'm more curious about is the reaction of the International Mathematical Union IMU, and the Clay Institute. Didn't they say before that they would jointly conduct a public review and demonstration of the paper of Academician Qin and Academician Ning around April this year? ?Now that CERN has verified that the final result value is correct, I wonder if they still insist on reviewing? 】

[Whether IMU and the Clay Institute admit it or not, in the hearts of us Xiaguo netizens, we have already recognized that Academician Qin and Academician Ning have successfully overcome the millennium problem of the "Yang-Mills equation".Last year they solved the "Navier-Stokes equation", and this year they solved the "Yang-Mills equation". I have seen "Hodge conjecture", "BSD conjecture" and "NP-complete problem" in Trembling (smug.jpg)]

[Come on, come on, kill all the millennium conjectures in one go, and let the names of our Xia country mathematicians shine in the sky above the international mathematics community! 】

[When they were "Shen Qin" and "Classmate Ning", they won the Fields Medal for overcoming Goldbach's conjecture and Riemann's conjecture. Ertz Award? 】

[The Fields Medal has never been awarded to the same winner twice. This precedent has never been broken. I am a little curious whether IMU will break it for Academician Qin and Academician Ning? 】

[Wait and see!I'm curious whether this year's Nobel Prize will be awarded to them again?After all, this paper is of great significance to particle physics, right? 】

[Probably not, the nomination period for candidates for the Nobel Prize has now expired, and it seems that no one has ever won the Nobel Prize for two consecutive years...]

As this news incident quickly spread across the Internet, Professor Trovic of CERN, as Edward Witten said before, was completely nailed to the shelf of shame and became the object of ridicule by countless netizens. Emoticons are made into emoticons.

These emoji packs have been wildly circulated in various forums and chat groups, and have become popular emoji packs. In a sense, it can be regarded as the realization of Professor Trovic's wish to become an "Internet celebrity".

After bearing a lot of pressure, the IMU finally issued a statement in the afternoon of the same day, saying that the conclusion of CERN could not be used as the basis of the mathematical paper "Proof of the Mass Gap Problem of the Yang-Mills Equation and the Mathematical Explanation of the Standard Model of Particle Physics". The review basis, after all, mathematical papers still need to go through the rigorous collective review of mathematicians to ensure that there are no mistakes or omissions, so the process of the public detailed review meeting originally scheduled for April remains unchanged.

Naturally, some people praised and criticized this statement, and the mathematics community was in chaos because of it. However, more and more physicists realized the significance of this paper to the world of particle physics, and began to consult top mathematics masters everywhere, trying to fully understand it. The essence of this paper holds the key to opening the door to new physics.

Unfortunately, the difficulty of the paper is too high. It has been more than a month since it was uploaded to arXiv. Most of the famous mathematics masters dare to stand up and say that they have 100% understood this paper.

This also makes “asking Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingjun to conduct a detailed interpretation report on this paper” has become the voice and wish of countless people.

According to a petition poll initiated by a mathematician on arXiv, more than 15 mathematicians and physicists voted for the option of "asking the author of the paper to hold a special report as soon as possible", accounting for 67%, and about 3 mathematicians and physicists voted The vote was for "It is recommended that the IMU review meeting and the special report meeting be carried out simultaneously", accounting for about 13%.


Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun have long been accustomed to the hustle and bustle of the outside world and didn't care too much about it. As for CERN's approval?That was just icing on the cake, at least Qin Ke was 100% sure that it was correct after reading Ning Qingyun's calculations.

Mathematics is like this, right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no need to use physical experiments to verify.

The two of them continued to return to their teaching work as professors and their research work as scientists, and kept a relaxed, happy and regular life as much as possible. Qin Ke devoted more energy to research, while Ning Qingyun took on more teaching work.

However, the high walls of Qingmu University could not stop the calls from the domestic physics and mathematics circles to hold a report meeting. Even Uncle Chen Jixue called and suggested that Qin and Ke should give a special interpretation report at the IMU review meeting. .

Qin Ke was kind, and after contacting the IMU, he finally decided to hold a special report on the "Mass Gap Problem of the Yang-Mills Equation" on the morning of April 4, and a global mathematics expert review meeting in the afternoon.

Both the report meeting and the review meeting will continue to be held in the auditorium of Kiyoki University, and will be broadcast live to TV stations and online platforms around the world simultaneously.

As soon as this news was announced, it once again attracted great attention. Qingmu University was almost inundated with calls to apply for on-site tickets for the seminar. At the same time, Qingmu University’s academic status and reputation in the world were significantly improved again, making the Yan University next door It pales in comparison.

Someone complained for Yan University: "Yan University did not lose to Qing Mu, but to the two youngest academicians."

Yanda’s response to this was very gracious: “Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingyun supported not only Qingmu University, but also the mathematics and scientific research circles of our entire Xia Kingdom. They are all the universities in our Xia Kingdom. The common treasure is an indispensable and important pillar of our country's scientific research community, and Yanda is also proud of them! PS: They are also specially-appointed professors of our school."

Yanda's remarks aroused strong sympathy and comments from netizens, which greatly improved Yanda's image for a while.

At the same time, the always-criticized statement that "Qingmu and Yanda train outstanding college students for foreign countries" has quietly undergone new changes - more and more students who studied abroad returned to their motherland after their studies, including more than The first choice for half of those who arrive at Qingmu University, especially those with doctoral degrees in mathematics and physics, is to return to Qingmu University to apply for teaching positions or research positions.

Facing interviews with the media, they said: "We have seen a different future between the scientific research community and the academic community in Xiaguo, and we have seen new hope. We are willing to work with Academician Qin and Academician Ning to contribute to the academic research community of the motherland. Fight for a better future!"

Young people really need the power of role models. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are a banner raised by the country, and this banner has indeed influenced more and more young people.And these outstanding young scholars who were affected naturally became the followers of Qin and Ke. They were keen to study their papers, academic achievements, and all public speeches and deeds, and named it "Qin Xue". "Ning Xue" has become a common practice among the overseas students in Xia Kingdom.

And this phenomenon was also discovered by the Western media, who exclaimed: "Xia Kingdom's academic and scientific research circles are rejuvenating with new vitality!"

In the eyes of Westerners, there are more than 10 million fresh graduates from Xia State every year. Even if only [-]% will become outstanding scientific researchers or scholars, it is a huge force enough to change the world's scientific research pattern, not to mention the increasing number of students studying abroad. Under the influence of Qin Kening Qingyun, he chose to return to the Xia Kingdom after graduation to contribute to the future of the Xia Kingdom. This made many Western people of insight sigh:
"In less than ten years, more and more outstanding scientists and scholars will emerge from the scientific research and academic circles of Xia State and stand on the highest international stage!"

The speeches and comments of these Western media were forwarded back to China, which aroused even more heated discussions.


Qingmu University did its best to keep out the ups and downs of the outside world, so that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun could live a relatively peaceful life.

However, with the return of outstanding young scholars, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun held a "tea party" in the garden villa every night, and more and more young scholars came here for their fame, making the tea room with 50 or [-] people every night The scale of the tea party—this is the rule quietly established by everyone. Except for a few fixed professors and academicians, the rest of the people will take turns to participate in the tea party in line.

Qin Ke knew about these chores and didn't pay attention to them. The students organized and maintained order spontaneously.

When it comes to the particle physics project that Qin Ke and his wife are working on together with Professor Witten, they don’t actually have too much time for scientific research. They spend more time chatting and inspiring each other.

The first direction chosen by the three is the most likely to see results within a few months - the theoretical unification of the strong interaction force and the electromagnetic force.

At present, the particle physics community has completed the "unification of weak electricity". Once the "unification of strong electricity" is completed, it will be of great significance to optimize the particle physics model and to further complete the jigsaw puzzle of the grand unification of physics.

For Professor Witten, this also helps him to improve his M theory from another perspective, so he is very enthusiastic about it and has a new enthusiasm for work.

Ning Qingyun is not as good as Professor Qin Ke and Professor Witten in particle physics. She mainly participates in mathematics, especially the discussion of partial differential equations. Many of her views are well received by Professor Witten and Mr. Qiu.

Mr. Qiu and Professor Witten's old friend, Professor Karen Uhlenbeck from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin, has also agreed to the invitation, and will come to Xiaguo Qingmu University for a week-long academic study in mid-March The interview, but her main target was Ning Qingyun, and she planned to see how much this most outstanding young female mathematician in the Xia Kingdom was.

Ning Qingyun was also very interested in this, and his fighting spirit was ignited, and he planned to go all out and accept the challenge.

In order to relieve Ning Qingyun's pressure and avoid affecting the development of the fetus, Qin Ke asked Ning Qingyun to take on the relatively easy teaching work of teaching graduate students, while he took on more scientific research guidance work, including In the capacity of "Mr. Q", he directed the development of chip materials carried out by the "Chip Materials Research Group", as well as directed the research of topological superconducting materials in the Quantum Computing Laboratory, the analysis of the causes of national extreme weather in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory and the future deduction project, far State Research Center's Salt Water Desalination Project, etc.

Generally speaking, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's February was spent in a relaxed and tense manner.There are like-minded good friends, accomplices who can fight side by side, smart and serious students, and two babies who are pregnant, so they are quite satisfied with their current work and life.

Until the end of February, the "El Niño Phenomenon Research" team headed by researcher Kuang Songlin of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory reported to Qin Ke an important event that cannot be ignored, breaking the calm.

“Academician Qin, according to the model developed by our team, there is a 31% probability that the El Niño index will reach 1.95 in June this year. This probability has exceeded the 30% threshold you previously set. It is very likely that a La Niña phenomenon will occur in August. The probability has also increased to 8%. We believe that we must pay attention and respond in advance!”

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