I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 919 A ​​great light illuminates the world of mathematics, and a new geometry is born!

Chapter 919 A ​​great light illuminates the world of mathematics, and a new geometry is born!

The "gangster logic theory" put forward by Corey Felix, the newly appointed director of the National Meteorological Center, has indeed caused great controversy in the United States. Not only the current dean of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Mr. Peter Goddard, Tangled, the US Meteorological Center also had great differences due to these remarks.

Professor Brett Burke is a senior scientist at the National Meteorological Center. He has profound knowledge in meteorology, but is not good at research. Until some time ago, the former director of the Meteorological Center, Sisma Paulson, and the former chief scientist More than a dozen researchers took the blame and resigned, and the position of the senior and highly qualified Professor Brett Burke at the National Meteorological Center became important.

The reason why he was not asked to "take the blame and resign" is because he has publicly called for many times to actively carry out in-depth and comprehensive cooperation with Xia Guo's Qingmu University Fluid Mechanics Laboratory headed by Qin Ke and his wife, just like the European Meteorological Center In that case, the reason is that "Academician Xia Guoqinke's achievements in mathematics, especially big data modeling and fluid mechanics, are unparalleled. The European Meteorological Center's willingness to offer generous conditions for in-depth cooperation with him is the best example." "

Who would have thought that now that Corey Felix, the new official, has taken office, instead of learning from the lessons of former director Sisma Paulson, he has made radical remarks that will worsen the relationship with the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Xia Guoqingmu University. Professor Wright Burke naturally protested strongly.

"Director Felix, I think your inappropriate remarks will put our meteorological center into a greater crisis!" During the internal meeting, Professor Brett Burke pounded the table angrily:

"Why can't we seek cooperation with Academician Qin Ke and his wife like the European Meteorological Center? Even if you don't want to share ordinary climate data, you can share data related to extreme climate disasters like the European Meteorological Center, and ordinary climate The data is still analyzed and processed by us personally. We are indeed far inferior to Academician Qin Ke’s team in the application of big data analysis and fluid mechanics. The accuracy gap between the two parties in the past year and a half has been fully explained. Got this!"

Director Corey Felix sneered: "Compared to the European Meteorological Center? What do we use to replace other people's extreme climate disaster prediction models? Is it to use the technology of meteorological satellites or the technology of meteorological monitoring equipment? The European Meteorological Center is here They are no worse than us. They have first reached a technology sharing cooperation agreement with Xia State. How can Xia State value our bargaining chips again? Now if we want to obtain Xia State’s extreme climate disaster prediction model, we can only pay A bigger price! For example, opening up all our data, but this is a condition we absolutely cannot accept."

Professor Brett Burke was at a loss for words. He was specialized in technology and did not understand these negotiations, but he still argued with reason:

"We didn't negotiate with them. How did you know they would put forward such harsh conditions? Besides, although our meteorological center is not as good as Xia Guo in climate disaster prediction, it has many other aspects such as meteorological monitoring, early warning, response, etc. Our technology and experience are better than those in Europe, especially in terms of the richness of our satellite climate data application business system. We are number one in the world! We also have the largest number of meteorologists in the world! As long as we put forward the conditions for technology sharing and technical assistance, we can work with It is not impossible for the fluid mechanics laboratory in Xia to establish a good cooperative relationship!"

Many researchers from the Meteorological Center echoed the statement.

Scientific research also pays attention to morale and confidence. Although they tried their best, they still lost to Xia Guo's Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Qingmu University one after another. This made them lose all their pride, and the unconfidence in their hearts also emerged. The two extremely young academicians of Xia State were in awe.

If you can't beat them, then try to become teammates.

This is the thought in the minds of most researchers at the National Meteorological Center.

Director Corey Felix holds the completely opposite opinion. He has a typical politician's thinking. He knows that he sat in the position of director of the meteorological center not because of the noisy people, nor because of the following people who clamored with Xia Guo. The cooperating researchers are high-level national officials and large financial groups.

Nowadays, the competition between the United States and Xia State in the field of high-end research is extremely fierce. Especially in the past six months, the two major American chip giants have lost more than [-]% of their orders in Xia State's civilian CPU chip market. The reason is actually Xia State's ethnic origin. Chip companies have emerged as a new force, producing brand-new chips whose cost performance far exceeds that of American chip giants.

If it weren't for the fact that they were limited by the number of photolithography machines and product supply, they would probably have occupied more than 9% of Xia's civilian chip market and entered the international market!
This shocked the entire scientific research community in the United States.In the technical field where he has always been far ahead, Xia Guo Company has easily overtaken him?
But even if the two major chip giants managed to obtain Xia Guo's "Qimeng Chip" for dismantling and research, they could not yet discover the secret of Xia Guo's technological superiority.

Feeling fearful, disbelieving, unhappy, dissatisfied, and unwilling to accept Xia Guo's scientific and technological progress... This is the mood of many big figures in the American scientific research community and high-level officials.

Under such circumstances, how could the newly appointed Corey Felix dare to bow to the two young academicians of Xia State so easily?The lowest-cost method is to confuse right and wrong and use moral kidnapping to force the Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of Xia Guo Qingmu University to make concessions like this.

Of course, he would not expect to obtain the extreme climate disaster prediction model in this way, but at least it can divert the attention of the victims and resolve the current difficulties of the US Meteorological Center. It can also please many people and secure the position of director. position and lay the foundation for further development in future positions.

"Stop talking about technology sharing and technical assistance. We must not pay a higher price than the European Meteorological Center, nor can we accept a subordinate position called 'guidance', which is actually 'leadership'. This is very important to our meteorological center. It's an insult. The European Meteorological Center can be shameless, but we do!" Director Cory Felix raised his head, looked around everyone, and spoke in a tough and cold tone:
"Currently, only Xia Guo and the European Meteorological Center have large models for predicting extreme climate disasters. How can the meteorological centers of other countries be balanced? We can unite the meteorological centers of these countries. I don't believe it. We have gathered the meteorological centers of dozens of countries around the world. With the power of meteorologists, we cannot overtake those two Xia scientists! This is my decision, and whoever of you disobeys will resign!"

Faced with Director Corey Felix's unreasonable force, most people lowered their heads.

It is not easy to find a high-paying and stable job like this, especially for experts in meteorology. The employment field is very narrow. After resigning from here, you can only choose to teach in universities or work as technical consultants in some related meteorological monitoring equipment manufacturers. , the income will definitely be reduced a lot.

Only Professor Brett Burke and a few researchers persisted.

Professor Brett Burke stood up and said: "In this case, I will submit my resignation letter today. At the same time, I will write a complaint to the senior management. I think your actions will cause our National Meteorological Center to miss the fluid mechanics experiment with Qingmu University." The cooperation opportunities with the laboratory will even destroy the future of our American Meteorological Center!"

Corey Felix sneered: "Let's wait and see who laughs last!"


Qin Ke didn't know about the turmoil in the American Meteorological Center, and he didn't take it to heart if he knew it - only the weak would bark, and they would come to beg him in the future.

Although it is the general trend in the future to integrate meteorological centers from all over the world and form a joint scientific research force to jointly fight the disasters of global climate change, at least for now, Weiguang's computing power has reached its limit, and a major update of computing power is being carried out in Qingning Data Center Before the big upgrade and Shimmer's upgrade to LV5, Qin Ke could barely cope with the analysis and modeling of huge data on extreme and abnormal climate disasters in Xia and Europe.

Even if the American Meteorological Center now opens all data permissions to him, he has no way to deal with it. After all, the amount of data of the American Meteorological Center is even greater than that of the European Meteorological Center.

And now there are data from China and Europe in the northern hemisphere, which has basically reached the qualifying line for modeling. What Qin Ke wants to get more is the data from the national meteorological centers of Australia, New Zealand and other countries in the southern hemisphere, so that he can initially grasp the global situation. extreme climate disaster data.

Of course, this will have to wait until Weiguang’s computing power improves before it can be put on the agenda.

There is also good news. Huaban Company has successfully developed the latest AI intelligent application reasoning dedicated server and big data analysis dedicated server. Its performance can be improved by forty or fifty times compared with the high-end servers currently in use.

However, it will take at least until the end of the year to produce, deliver and install the products.Before that, Qin Ke still focused his energy on "new geometry". He must first solve the most serious problem of mankind's fresh water crisis, and to solve this problem, he must solve the obstacle of nuclear sewage.

"It's really a country that causes trouble for people." Qin Ke's refusal to accept the Kyoto Prize, which was envied by countless people, also reflects this resentment.


Qin Ke woke up early again.

He raised his arm to look at the time on his watch. It was just past 03:30 in the morning. It was pitch dark outside, with only the advertising lights of the city's high-rise buildings flickering.

Since his sports level was upgraded to LV7, Qin Ke has become more and more energetic, recovering from mental and physical fatigue faster and faster. In addition, he insists on practicing the Eastern Secret Code in the morning and evening, and his sleep time has been greatly reduced. Now he has a I would wake up after sleeping no more than four hours at night, and then I would be so energetic that I would never be able to sleep again.

Qin Ke put down his arm, and the light of the watch automatically turned off after a few seconds, and the room returned to darkness. But for Qin Ke, who could see at night, there was not much difference between darkness and day.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Ning Qingyun sleeping soundly next to him.

Ning Qingyun was wearing a pure white nightgown, sleeping soundly next to him, with one hand still on his body. Her soft skin felt so beautiful, and her angelic sleeping face was even more impressive. I couldn't help but kiss him a few times.

The air is filled with the familiar, elegant and pleasant lime-like body fragrance.

Such a warm and fragrant nephrite atmosphere made Qin Ke reluctant to get up, but since he couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning on the bed would easily wake up Ning Qingyun.

Qin Ke gently opened the soft and warm air-conditioned quilt, carefully took off the soft little hands on his body, and then got out of bed.

Turning around and carefully covering the sleeping Xiao Baicai with a quilt, Qin Ke left the master bedroom quietly without changing out of his pajamas. He went directly to the study and turned on the light.

I opened the window and took a breath of fresh air, but I felt that the temperature in the early morning was not high, it was estimated to be around 28 degrees Celsius.Come to think of it, it's already the end of May, and there are less than three days left before the scorching heat begins.

"Go hard." Qin Ke closed the window, turned on the air conditioner, and practiced Wing Chun twice in the open space of the study. He felt that his mind was clearer and calmer, and then he sat down at the desk and sorted out the piles on the desk. He picked up a thick stack of manuscript paper and looked at the calculations on it. Qin Ke's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Just the last little bit."

He picked up a pen and paper and scribbled down the calculations he had not finished before going to bed last night, using the pen in his hand to launch a final attack on "new geometry".

In the past two weeks, after repeated brainstorming discussions with eight other top mathematics masters, the system of "new geometry" has become more and more mature, and there is only the last small step left to take shape.

Once the "new geometry" takes shape, "modern algebraic geometry", a great discipline founded by Grothendieck, will enter a new era!

The "unified theoretical framework of mathematics" conceived by Qin Ke will also be at the most powerful "theoretical core"!
Whether it is to solve the problem of making radioactive elements harmless, or as a pure mathematics enthusiast, Qin Ke feels an uncontrollable excitement in his heart when he sees that new mathematics is about to be born under his own pen!

Geometry is a very abstract subject. Especially in modern times, the theory of geometry has become more and more complex and abstract, and even "geometric problems without figures" such as "Hodge's Conjecture" have been born.

But even abstract graphics need to be connected with numbers. This is the basis for the communication and combination of geometry and algebra. To perfectly combine the two, it is very important for a mathematician’s logical thinking ability, spatial thinking ability, and knowledge system. The integration and penetration capabilities have extremely high requirements.

In this regard, Qin Ke, whose talent in science has reached the limit of human beings and has absorbed countless knowledge, is the best at it.

In Qin Ke's writings, simple Arabic numerals and operation symbols that represent the palace of mathematics are woven into a series of equations, extending to infinite equations, infinite-dimensional geometry, and functions of infinite variables...

Qin Ke's concentration became more and more concentrated. At a certain moment when his concentration reached the limit, his brain cells suddenly became active, his thinking was extremely clear, and the veins of all knowledge were clearly visible - it once required long-distance running and physical exercise to achieve The "inspiration amplification state" that we entered came quietly like this.

In the past nine months, he has made research results on algebraic geometry, logarithmic theory, general rates, topology, differential equations, etc. The sparks of thinking that came out of discussions with top mathematicians such as Ertings and Wiles all appeared in his mind like a kaleidoscope at this moment.

In the end, all the results slowly converged into various strange shapes.

Then these extremely complex graphics were decomposed into the simplest points, lines and surfaces, and then turned into manifolds, topological geometric patterns, and even algebraic homology expressions...

This was repeated over and over again, eventually forming a highly mathematically beautiful curved surface complex that resembles layers of petals wrapped around it.

Each petal rotates in a special way, extending out more small petals, connecting various sub-disciplines of mathematics, including number theory, probability theory, topology, partial differential equations, etc.

Although this connection method is not perfect yet, it is enough to give birth to the core of the unified framework theory of mathematics - "new geometry".

When Qin Ke's pen tip finally stopped, the sun was just rising from the east, and the sunlight squeezed out from the gap between the curtains. The white manuscript paper seemed to glow, forming a great beam of light that illuminated the world of mathematics!
(End of this chapter)

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