Rebirth starts with small money

Chapter 28 The Power of the Cauliflower Snake

Chapter 28 The Power of the Cauliflower Snake
The black-browed snake is also known as the cauliflower snake in Sichuan Province.

Although it is a non-venomous snake, it is even called a house snake because it likes to eat rodents.

But it is precisely because of this that this kind of snake often strays into the human chassis due to predation.

In addition, its temperament is relatively rough. After being disturbed, it will erect its head and neck to attack, so even a non-poisonous snake can scare people.

For Chen Li or Wang Yan, this kind of snake is completely harmless as long as it is not an oversized black-browed brocade snake.

But for Liu Qingqing, a girl who just transferred from the county seat to Erlong Town, a small rural place, it was a bit scary.

In particular, this black-browed brocade snake sprang out when Liu Qingqing was undressing to take a bath, which made Liu Qingqing scream immediately.

And this is also cheap for this guy, Chen Li!
Well, if we look at it by the standard of not 20 years later, five years later, Chen Li actually didn't see anything.

After all, although Liu Qingqing took off her shirt, she still had a bra and a vest inside.

After entering the 21st century, a lot of girls will even go shopping directly wearing these two.

But in 97, especially in the land of Kaka, such as Wangjiashan, Erlong Town, Chen Li could be regarded as a feast for the eyes.

But in fact, Chen Li just took a look, because Liu Qingqing quickly realized something following Chen Li's gaze, so when the other students came over, Liu Qingqing had already got dressed.

"A cauliflower snake!"

At this time, Chen Li had already caught the cauliflower snake that frightened Liu Qingqing. This snake was not too big, it probably weighed two catties, and it could only be considered an adult among non-poisonous snakes.

As for the other students who heard the news, except for a few girls who were afraid of the snake, the other boys hardly felt much about the cauliflower snake!

"Hey cauliflower snake!"

"It's a pity that if I catch it early, I can add another dish at night!"

"That's right! In fact, I think it's okay to make a late-night snack. Chen Li's craftsmanship is so good, I'm afraid it's no problem to make a snake meat soup!"

As a small town in the mountains, there are very few children in Erlong Town who have never seen a snake.

If it was a highly venomous snake like the five-step snake, I'm afraid everyone would be a little worried, but this kind of non-venomous snake... everyone is already thinking about how to eat it.

"Get out~! This is caught from the toilet, you eat it?"

"As long as you don't find it disgusting, I will cook it for you now!"

Chen Li rolled his eyes, this group of guys didn't even look at their faces, and didn't look at Liu Qingqing next to him, almost crying in fright!

"That's right. I caught it in the toilet. Forget it!"

"Go, go back and continue playing cards!"

"Let's go~ let's go! The hand just now is in the dealer, and we should hit 5 with this hand!"

A group of straight men. They didn't even think about comforting Liu Qingqing. After confirming that it was only a cauliflower snake, they went back outside and continued to upgrade.

Instead, a few girls are here to comfort Liu Qingqing, and attack Chen Li by the way!

"Chen Li, why is there a snake in your aunt's house!"

"That's right. There won't be snakes coming out when we take a bath later, right?"

"Yeah. I'm a little afraid of snakes!"


A few girls chatted in a hurry, and Chen Li's brain was about to explode!

"No. Wait a minute!"

"It's fine if you say you're afraid of snakes, Zhao Xiaoqiu, why are you joining in the fun?"

"I remember when you were in the third year of junior high school, didn't you want to catch snakes with me and sell them for money?"

"And you dared to catch poisonous snakes when you were young. Are you afraid of hammer snakes?"

Chen Li was speechless, even though Zhao Xiaoqiu looked a little cute, but everyone who knew her knew that this girl was definitely a serious woman.

When she was a child, this girl often followed him and Li Yuan to climb trees and catch birds, but now she is pretending to be weak!

"What's the matter? I wasn't afraid of snakes before, but now I'm scared!"

Zhao Xiaoqiu rolled his eyes at Chen Li, but turned his head and said something to Liu Qingqing.
"It's okay. Wait a minute and ask Chen Li to skin that snake for you. If you don't want to let go of your hatred, let him stew that snake for you!"

"That guy used to catch snakes and sell them, and he did this kind of thing a lot!"

"Hey Zhao Xiaoqiu, don't ruin my reputation! I've stopped catching snakes and selling them!"

Chen Li was speechless, this girl Zhao Xiaoqiu really talked about everything, although it was really not a secret that he caught snakes and sold them before, but mentioning this to Liu Qingqing at this time might ruin his image in Liu Qingqing's eyes!
You know, Chen Li still plans to have a relationship with Liu Qingqing and continue.

"That... I'm afraid to take a bath, or which one of you should wash first!"

Seeing that the snake was caught, Liu Qingqing, who was comforted by everyone for a while, finally recovered at this time.Frightened by this, the girl didn't dare to take a bath anymore!
"You still have to take a bath, so how about this? I'll ask Yanzi to get another bucket. Zhao Xiaoqiu, why don't you take a bath with Liu Qingqing!"

"You girls wash together, so you shouldn't be afraid."

The weather in June, plus a day of walking on the mountain road, if you don't want to take a bath, it's really okay.

If it was the "smelly" boys outside, Chen Li wouldn't bother to persuade them, but for the clean girls, it would be more comfortable to take a bath.

And Chen Li knows that although Liu Qingqing has no cleanliness, she really likes to be clean, so...
"Chen Li, stay away from me!"

Liu Qingqing suddenly said to Chen Li, her tone seemed aggrieved.

Following Liu Qingqing's gaze, it turns out that Chen Li is still pinching the head of the cauliflower snake in his hand!
"Oh oh~!"

Chen Li put his hands back, and he also took two steps back.

"I'll ask Yanzi to carry water for you, and you girls can wash together."

"If you're still afraid, ask Yanzi to go in and help you see it."

"She can catch snakes!"

After saying this, Chen Li walked towards the back of the house with the cauliflower snake in his hand.

Although in 97, the black-browed snake had not been included in the "List of Terrestrial Wild Animals Protected by the State that are Beneficial or of Important Economic and Scientific Research Value", Chen Li did not intend to give this cauliflower snake a real name. That's it.

It's not that he's being hypocritical, but that the cauliflower snake can't be sold at a high price, and it doesn't have much meat. In addition, this thing can be regarded as a beneficial snake. So Chen Li planned to release the snake.

Of course, it has to be farther away, don't let the snake get back into the toilet again, and it would be nonsense to scare people.

Chen Li carried the cauliflower snake and went out for a long way before releasing the cauliflower snake. The little guy was quite irritable, and when he released the snake, he turned his neck up at Chen Li.

However, Chen Li didn't bother to talk to this little guy, so he turned around and left after taking two steps back.

For people who are afraid of snakes, the fear brought by this animal is endless. Some people even get goose bumps when they see a snake.

But for a guy like Chen Li, the snake had better not make him anxious, otherwise.
And he wouldn't mind selling the guy to the town peddler either!

(End of this chapter)

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