Chapter 34
"I'm going!"

"I'm going!"

"It doesn't matter. I won't listen or not!"

Before going to the county seat to carry out the first step of the "making money plan", Chen Li encountered a difficulty.

This difficulty is Chen Xue.

After discovering that her brother's money-making plan had no place for her, Chen Xue was almost in a daze.

She watched helplessly as her elder brother persuaded her parents to work part-time, and got a full 100 yuan of pocket money from her parents.

This made Chen Xue very dissatisfied!

Originally, she thought that her elder brother would go fishing, catch eels, and collect herbs this summer vacation. But now Chen Li said that he was going to work in the county?

Uh. Chen Li did say that he was going to work in the county, because if he said he would go to the county to do business, he would definitely not be able to go.

But part-time jobs are different. Regardless of whether they can make money or not, parents will have a positive attitude towards the idea of ​​their children wanting to be self-reliant.

In addition, Chen Li made his family feel at ease since he was a child, so he had two titles of "precocious" and "sensible" when he was very young.

It was also for this reason that when Chen Li said that he planned to go to the county town to find a summer job during the summer vacation, although Chen Li's parents were a little surprised, they still expressed their support.

The main reason is that Chen Li's father is very supportive of his son's decision, but Chen Li's mother is a little worried that Chen Li will not be able to bear the hardship.

After all, what kind of job can a high school student get?

send flyer?Wash the dishes?Pass the vegetable worker?
Most of these occupations that do not require any skills have the same characteristic. Tired!
Although the Chen family was not considered a rich family, at least Chen Li had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child. Coupled with his mother's careful care, Chen Li did not suffer much since he was a child.

So it's completely normal for Chen Li's mother to have this worry. After all, a mother always loves her son.

On the contrary, Chen Li's father felt that it would be good for Chen Li to experience hardship in advance.

In fact, Chen Li's father didn't expect Chen Li to really make money by going to the county seat, as long as the child could get exercise, it would be good.

In particular, Chen Li was going to take the university entrance exam, which meant that sooner or later, Chen Li would leave Erlong Town and Huilong County to live independently.

It is definitely a good thing for Chen Li to let him experience it earlier.

In addition, there is still Chen Li's cousin in the county, so Chen Li's parents finally agreed to Chen Li's going to the county.

But for Chen Xue, a girl who just graduated from junior high school, the couple is not so easy to talk to.

When Chen Xue mentioned that she wanted to go to the county with Chen Li to work and earn money, she was directly rejected by her parents.

When a boy is away from home, the two of them are more or less at ease, but when a little girl who has just graduated from junior high school goes out, the two of them are not at ease.

After all, Chen Li went to the county town to "work", not to play.

But as a little girl, how can she understand her parents' kindness, but because of her parents' strong refusal, Chen Xue was very helpless.

But the little girl didn't intend to give up. After dinner, Chen Xue planned to try again, so there was Chen Xue's almost outrageous "begging" at this moment!
In fact, Chen Li was also very entangled before.

Basically, wherever Chen Li went, Chen Xue followed. Except for being quiet when going to the bathroom, she had to face her little sister's thoughts at other times.

"You don't take me.!"

"Take me there!"

"Brother is not good to sister!"

"Brother doesn't want sister anymore!"

Such resentment almost surrounded Chen Li, which made Chen Li almost collapse for a while.

Of course, Chen Li also felt like laughing when he collapsed. In his previous life, he didn't know that his sister was such a money fanatic.

Well, it was true that Chen Xue was not like this in her previous life, but she did not experience the "temptation"!
After all, Chen Li in his previous life didn't have that ability, so he could get pocket money casually.

At that time, Chen Li, you let him go fishing for black sticks by the river under the sun?Only fools do this, okay?

He has the time to go fishing for black sticks and catch eels, isn't it nice for him to watch TV with the fan on at home?Why run outside to suffer.

But it was different now. It was obvious that Chen Xue's latent "money fan" attribute had been activated by Chen Li.

So before the little girl didn't know the hard work she had to bear, she always believed that as long as her parents allowed her to go, she could make money.

This kind of thinking is actually the same as that of many people before they have experienced social tempering!

Before going through social tempering, many people have a feeling that "it won't be long before they will be promoted and raised, become general manager, become CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life!".

But in fact, when you enter the society, you will find that reality is completely different from your imagination.

Just like Chen Li in his previous life, after failing the college entrance examination, he completely ignored his parents' idea of ​​letting him repeat his studies, and followed the people in the town to Guangdong Province with the intention of working to make money.

At that time, Chen's ideal was very simple. After entering the factory, as long as he worked hard, he would be appreciated by the leaders.As long as you work hard, you can get promoted and raise your salary. As long as you are smart enough, you can become a supervisor or manager in the future.

As a result, after entering the factory, Chen Li found that he couldn't even finish "doing a good job", let alone get the appreciation of the leader.

As for working hard?Come on. Chen Li can't even persist in working hard, why should he work hard?
Later, Chen Li couldn't adapt to the busyness and boredom of the factory, because he found that it was completely different from the "part-time job" he expected.

After persisting in working for a few months, after saving some money, Chen Li resigned resolutely, and then went to the capital city of his dreams.

At that time, Chen Li believed that entering the factory was not suitable for him. People like him should go to the capital to shine and make a contribution to the construction of a great capital.

But after arriving in the capital, what can Chen Li do as a high school student?
After bumping into walls everywhere, Chen Li found a sales job that didn't require a high degree of education, but his performance turned out to be like a pile of shit.

After the first month of work, Chen Li didn't even get his full basic salary, and then he was fired by the company.

At that time, Chen Li was actually a little confused, but he didn't have time to be confused because he had no money.

Finally, in desperation, Chen Li entered a restaurant with room and board as a waiter, and Chen Li also learned to cook here.

Unfortunately, the restaurant closed down soon due to poor business, and Chen Li, who was helpless in the capital, finally joined a KTV as a waiter.

It was also in that KTV that Chen Li saw the feasting and debauchery of the metropolis, and saw the charm in the bustling world.

Then Chen Li suddenly became enlightened. With his extraordinary drinking capacity, Chen Li started as a waiter in KTV, and then became a foreman, supervisor, lobby manager and later a marketing director.

At that time, almost 15 years had passed since Chen Li graduated from high school.

Therefore, Chen Li's simple thoughts about Chen Xue are actually understandable.Because he used to think the same way too!
In fact, if it wasn't because he went to the county town instead of opening a barbecue stall in Erlong Town, Chen Li would rather want Chen Xue to experience what reality is like!

After all, for Chen Xue at this moment, she only knows that working part-time can make money, but she completely ignores her own ability.

Chen Li really wanted to educate Chen Xue with reality, but he couldn't do so for the time being.

Because he was going to the county seat now, he and Li Yuan couldn't take care of it, so how could he bring along a little Chen Xue who could only cause trouble for the time being?

However, Chen Li didn't say anything to Sui Sui Nian's own sister.

"You wait a minute!"

"I'll call you when I get to the county seat and get a foothold!"

What Chen Li said was not nonsense, if the business of the barbecue stall was good enough, then he and Li Yuan would definitely be too busy.

When the time comes, call Chen Xue to come over, even if you help out with the string, you can get paid for it!

Although Chen Xue was a little skeptical, but because Chen Li's credibility with her had been quite high in recent years, she just asked with some hesitation?


Chen Li agreed with certainty, and he really wanted Chen Xue to exercise in advance, as long as he and Li Yuan established a firm foothold in the county...he did not refuse to let Chen Xue go and see it!
"Okay then!"

Chen Xue thought for a while, and finally nodded!
 Please collect and recommend tickets, if you have a ticket, please give some!Lao Yun begs here!

(End of this chapter)

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