After the rebirth, the top idol, he pestered me to announce

Chapter 15 A Fei's Contact Information

Chapter 15 A Fei's Contact Information

"Oh oh." Zhang Yu responded perfunctorily.

However, in the next second, seeing the uncommonly familiar handwriting in his hand, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a few seconds later, the groundhog screamed: "Sign—sign!"

Still to sign!

Zhang Yu drooled enviously.

Qin Yan slowly folded the note into a square and aligned the edges, and then put it into his chest pocket under Zhang Yu's envious and jealous eyes.

"Mine." Qin Yan said with a smile.

Zhang Yu... Zhang Yu jumped up angrily and hooked his neck, and roared angrily: "You bastard, you didn't take me when you went to ask for an autograph! I want to break up with you for 3 minutes!!"

"Break off!"

When Qin Yan and Zhang Yu gradually walked away, a figure slowly turned out from a certain corner.


After receiving the news from Rong Fei, Zhao Yunqiao almost fell off the stool, and the phone fell to the ground unsteadily.

Then he frowned: "What the hell?"

The employees of the public relations department looked at each other, what happened to the boss, he was surprised?

"It's okay, it's okay, you do what you want." Zhao Yunqiao rubbed his bird's nest-like hair, peeled off a candy and stuffed it into his mouth.

Picking up the phone and typing: "Okay, Mr. Rong."

Zhao Yunqiao couldn't help but read the message from Rong Fei again, and then turned on the computer to search for Qin Yan.

The Baidu entry is blank.


He remembered that Mr. Rong seemed to be on a talent show variety show recording program.

So Zhao Yunqiao went directly to VB to search for entries about Qin Yan, and then fell into deep thought as he looked at the young man with bright eyes and bright teeth in the promotional photo.

Known conditions: Mr. Rong seems to have a target, and he is upright (should be).

So it's impossible for Mr. Rong to subtly rule him out.

Zhao Yunqiao touched his chin, then why does Rong always pay close attention to the dynamics of ordinary people?

There is only one answer -

Rong always wants to mess with him.

Zhao Yunqiao shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "If this face is packaged up, it will definitely catch fire. It's a pity, life is bad. Mr. Rong doesn't like it."

Zhao Yunqiao, who thought he could figure out Rong Fei's mind, felt very sympathetic to Qin Yan.

Later members of the public relations department also sympathized with him.

Rong family.

When the servants passed by the living room, they couldn't help but quicken their pace.

A low air pressure enveloped everyone around them.

Mr. Rong said in a deep voice, "Qianqian, call Rong Fei and ask her how long the elders will wait!"

Rong Qianqian said helplessly, "Grandpa, I did, but my sister didn't pick up."

"Maybe my sister is busy."

Rong Qianqian's mother, Jiang Yue, snorted softly, and said in an unclear manner, "Busy? I remember Dad called Feifei yesterday, right?"

The implication was that Rong Fei didn't take Mr. Rong seriously at all.

Old Mr. Rong wanted to save face again, he became even angrier when he heard it, and pointed at Rong Minghe who was drinking: "Minghe, go fight!"

"Okay." Rong Minghe reluctantly put down his wine glass, and muttered to his wife in a low voice: "You are the one who talks too much."

Jiang Yue glared at him.

Who is she doing this for?
Rong Minghe fiddled with the phone, then looked at Rong Qianqian in confusion: "What's Ah Fei's contact information?"

Rong Qianqian showed him the address book as if she had expected it.

Mr. Rong was about to laugh angrily at him.

He has three sons and one daughter, all of whom are useless.

Especially Rong Minghe, who only knows how to drink all day long, but Jiang Yue's stomach is not up to date, and she gave birth to a baby girl.

So much so that he doesn't have a grandson now.

Otherwise, how could Rong Fei take care of the huge Rong Group?

When the phone was dialed, Rong Minghe cleared his throat, and his tone was like that of a kind old father: "Fei, huh? We're almost there, okay, be careful on the road."

Then the line was closed.

Jiang Yue, who was sitting next to Rong Minghe, almost didn't come up out of breath.

She could see clearly that the phone hadn't been connected at all!
(End of this chapter)

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