Chapter 102
Under the leadership of Le Wuyou, Yun Yao and Situ You rode the teleportation formation to the outside of the Canglan Sect's gate.

This time, she spent a total of 500 yuan on low-grade spirit stones.

Although she is very rich, there are a lot of low-grade spirit stones for 500 yuan, and she spent so much just for one teleportation formation, which made her feel a little pained.

Le Wuyou saw what Yunyao was thinking, and explained to Yunyao and Situyou:

"We offended the Jiang family in Tianxing City. If we didn't take the opportunity to take the teleportation array here, we might be caught up by the Jiang family on the way. It's worth spending the 500 yuan spirit stone."

With that said, she took out a storage bag, handed it to Yun Yao and said:

"Yunyao, if it weren't for me and You'er, you wouldn't have been targeted by the Jiang family and you would have been in danger. I don't have any good things. There are 2000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones in this storage bag. You accept them. Later There are many uses."

Yun Yao pushed the storage bag back and said:
"No need, I have already collected Jiang Huahua and that person's storage bag, and got a fortune. Hehe, you don't have to worry about this matter."

Yun Yao didn't want to mention the past, since she decided to do that, she won't regret it.

Besides, under the circumstances, if she didn't solve Jiang Huahua, it would only be more troublesome.

Le Wuyou saw what was on Yunyao's mind, took back the storage bag, and said to Yunyao and Situyou:
"This apprenticeship test determines your fate after entering the Canglan Sect. No matter what, you must work hard to enter the Canglan Sect."

"Don't worry, mother, I will work hard, but, mother, what will you do after I enter the sect?"

Situ You was very worried about his mother's health.

Now, that villain Xiao Kun came to his door, making his mother's life even more difficult.

Le Wuyou patted Situ You's head, smiled and comforted him:
"You'er, don't worry about your mother. After you enter the sect, I will find a place to live in Canglan City, so I can take care of you."

Le Wuyou looked at Yun Yao.

This child Yun Yao is too sensible!
I don't know where her home is. For such a big thing as entering the sect, she came alone without escort. She is also a poor child!If she is still alive, something must be done for this sensible doll.

Yun Yao felt the true feelings of Le Wuyou, she is not a paper person, she can feel the kindness of others.

Feeling warm in her heart, Yun Yao said with a smile:

"You have to take care of your health! Only in this way can Situ You practice with peace of mind."

Le Wuyou was a little moved, tears flashed in his eyes, afraid that Yunyao and Situ You would notice it, so he turned around quickly.


In Tianxing City, Xiao Kun brought people to Le Wuyou's home.

Watching people go to the empty room, Xiao Kun knew that they had been fooled again.

He was furious, punched the wall, and cursed at the men behind him:

"You idiots, why did you let them run away?"

The subordinates were terrified and did not dare to make a sound.

Xiao Kun walked out of the yard angrily, gritted his teeth and said:
"Le Wuyou, do you think you can escape after entering the Canglan Sect? Humph! Don't forget, who belongs to the Canglan Sect."


Yunyao and the others set up a tent at the foot of Canglan Mountain.

At dawn the next day, the three packed up their tents and climbed up the mountain.

This majestic mountain is the largest mountain in the Canglan Sect.

If you want to enter the Canglan Sect, you have to go to the mountainside and take the entrance test.

At this time, there are many people with them.

These people all came to participate in the entrance test after passing the spiritual root test in Tianxing City.

Many children, still awake, with hazy eyes, were urged by adults to climb up the mountain.

Some of these children were complaining, some were crying, and some, with a serious look, walked out.

The people who came to participate in the entrance test this time were all children under the age of 15 who had practiced Qi.

In the world of immortality, anyone under the age of 20 can be called a child.

For monks over the age of 20, if they want to enter the Canglan Sect, they can only participate in the sect's apprentice competition.

Said it was a competition, that is, a contest between foundation-building monks.

Yunyao originally planned to participate in that kind of competition, and to enter the inner sect of the Canglan Sect through the competition in the foundation building period.

Without the Yun family, she has no backing. In order to keep her secrets, she must hide her cultivation and change her strategy.

Before she knew it, Yun Yao had already reached the mountainside.

Halfway up the mountain, rich spiritual power rushed towards us. The air here was fresh, and the spiritual power was many times stronger than that at the bottom of the mountain.

Looking up at Canglan Mountain, Yunyao saw the steep and dark green mountains, the lush trees all over the mountains, the vast blue sky, and the wispy wisps of clouds just constituted an elegant and interesting light ink landscape painting.

In front of them was a mountain gate carved from white isolated stone.

In the middle of the mountain gate is a large arched gate with two small arches on both sides.These three doors are said to be doors, but they have no door panels, only door frames made of insulating stone.

On the top of the arch in the middle, there are three big characters "Canglanzong" engraved.

Although the mountain gate of Canglan Sect is not big, it is not a place that everyone can enter.

As a second-order formation mage, Yunyao was very talented in formations, and soon saw the traces of formations on the mountain gate.

However, she only saw the formation formed by the Canglan Sect, but did not see what kind of formation it was.

For this, Yun Yao sighed in her heart.

"The Canglan Sect is indeed the largest sect in the Canglan Nation. This low-key luxury is not comparable to ordinary small sects."

For entering the Canglan Sect, Yun Yao had some expectations in her heart.

The sky gradually brightened up, and the rising sun slowly rose from the east, shining on the mountains, and the peaks were full of vitality.

More and more people came, and the seemingly small mountainside square was crowded with people.

There are almost [-] people here, many of whom are families with their children who come to take part in the test.

Looking at those children, Yunyao thought of the parents sending their children to school on the eve of enrollment in her previous life, her eyes filled with anticipation and worry.

Yunyao has long been used to doing things by herself, she has always been very independent.

In this life, she also got warmth from her grandfather and sister silly.

Thinking of Grandpa and Sister Silly, Yun Yao touched the thousand-year-old Shenmu on her neck, and said from the bottom of her heart:

"Grandpa, I will definitely enter the Canglan Sect. Even if I am a handyman, I have to go in. Don't worry, I will live well."

Just then, the bell on the mountain rang.

Nine bells rang through the sky.

Everyone didn't dare to say much, and looked up, countless disciples came down from the mountain.

Looking at those sect disciples in Canglan Sect costumes and the people in the mountainside square, their hearts were filled with anticipation.

If they can enter the Canglan Sect, they will be like these disciples, imposing and extraordinary.

Among the disciples, the leader of the late foundation establishment monk came out and said to everyone:
"Welcome everyone to come and participate in the entrance test of Canglan Sect. This test is very simple. As long as you climb up the stairs and reach the top of the mountain, you can enter the sect and become disciples of the sect."

After the Foundation Establishment disciple finished speaking, he turned around, and the gate of the Canglan Sect instantly became larger in front of everyone.

At the same time, behind the mountain gate, there appeared a staircase that could not be seen at a glance.

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(End of this chapter)

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