It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 105 Violet Extreme Flame

Chapter 105 Violet Extreme Flame
Looking at the poison pool in front of her, Yun Yao couldn't help thinking of the blood pool set up by Zhong Hunxiao.

This deep pool is different from the blood pool, but equally terrifying.

She couldn't help complaining in her heart.

In this world of comprehension, what kind of pools do you like to build, pools, come to punish people?
She looked at the flame pool full of flames again, and began to choose in her heart.

Take out a first-order magic weapon from the storage bag, and gently throw it into the poison pool.

With a bang, the dagger fell into the poison pool.

I saw that the dagger turned black and instantly melted in the gurgling water bubbles.


Together with Yun Yao, everyone took a deep breath.

Some children were frightened, crying and shouting:

"Woo, don't, I don't want to be corroded by poisonous water, I don't want to be poisoned to death."

"Mother! It's so scary! This place is too scary! I want to go home, I won't join the Canglan sect anymore."

For Yunyao's experiment, those children who were originally relatively calm also showed fear in their eyes.

Situ You couldn't help being shocked!

This is too scary!

He looked at the flame pool on the other side, took out a first-order magic sword from the storage bag, and threw it in.

I saw that the dharma sword instantly melted into molten iron under the burning of the raging fire.

In the blink of an eye, the molten iron evaporated instantly.

The scorching temperature filled the entire space, and along with the scorching temperature, the shuddering poisonous gas surrounded everyone.

Many children cried because they didn't know what was ahead.

Because, the road ahead is the pool of poison and flames.

However, these two tests, no matter which one they are, are unbearable for them.

Yun Yao stood on the stairs, she had already made a decision in her heart.

If they want to enter the Canglan Sect, they must choose one of the two options in front of them.

Since he chose Canglan Sect, there is no reason to retreat.

Isn't it the poison pool full of venom and the burning fire?

What are you afraid of?She was in the flames just after crossing over, and the flames here were nothing compared to where she was at that time.

Situ You saw the firmness in Yun Yao's eyes and asked Yun Yao.

"Yunyao, which one are you going to choose?"

Yun Yao whispered: "It doesn't matter which one is fine, you should choose the same one too!"

"Well, I choose venom." A firm look flashed in Situ You's eyes.

"Then I will choose the flame pool."

A flash of decision flashed in Yun Yao's eyes, she jumped into the pool of flames after she finished speaking.

"Ah! Someone jumped into the pool of flames."

A child who was nearest to her screamed loudly in fright.

Seeing this, Situ You jumped into the poison pool without hesitation.

The other children looked at Yun Yao and Situ You, and were dumbfounded.

Some smart children looked at Yun Yao and Situ You's bodies in the Poison Pond and Flame Pond, and quickly covered their eyes in fright.

Yunyao in the flame pool is surrounded by raging fire.

The scorching heat was about to melt her, and she felt that her skin had been burned and cracked countless holes, and her blood was so hot that it boiled.

The blood vessels are about to burst, and the flesh and blood are about to be burned into coke.

What made her suffer even more was that her soul was being burned by a raging fire, and the intense pain of burning made her feel miserable.

This feeling is worse than death.

Yun Yao doesn't know how long she can hold on, but she really wants to die now.

Immediately, she thought of her grandfather's instruction to her, that she must enter the Canglan Sect and find out the truth about the fall of her adoptive parents.

Just as Yun Yao was in a daze, a white light flashed across the piece of thousand-year-old soul-cultivating wood around her neck.Immediately, a cool feeling came from her neck, and Yunyao's mind cleared up a lot.

She resisted the severe pain in her consciousness and body, sat up cross-legged, and quickly performed the exercises.

The kung fu is running in the body, and the spiritual power from the outside swarms in an instant.

At the same time, countless fire spiritual power penetrated her skin like a tide, drilled into her bone marrow, blood, and finally flowed into her dantian.

At this moment, Yun Yao felt that she had turned into a raging fire.

The intense burning sensation disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of extreme comfort.

This feeling made her feel extremely comfortable.

Outside, standing on the steps, those children looking at Yunyao were stunned!
They didn't understand why Yun Yao, who was howling in pain just now, turned into a peaceful and peaceful appearance.

Yun Yao sat in the raging flames, she didn't seem to feel anything at all.

Is it true that the flames in the pool of flames are just a scary cover-up?
Could it be that the Canglan Sect was testing their courage?
Some clever children are ready to jump into the pool of flames.

Just at this moment, with a "boom", the flame instantly grew larger, and the flame in the flame pool disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's going on here? How did the flame disappear?"

The children opened their mouths in disbelief, not knowing whether to jump in or stay put.

In the Canglan Sect, the elders couldn't help but widen their eyes when they looked at the illusion mirror.

One of the Jindan elders was puzzled and said:

"What's going on here? The flames in the flame pool disappeared?"

A look of jealousy flashed in the eyes of another Jindan elder, and said:
"These flames are made by the Supreme Elder with the heart of fire drawn out by his Ziluo Jiyan. How could it be absorbed by a little girl who is practicing Qi?"

"That's right! Ziluo Jiyan, if it is strong, it will be strong and if it is weak, it will be weak. It is a terrifying existence that can burn people's souls. Although it will not really kill people after being refined by the elders, it is still How could something with an owner be absorbed by Yunyao?"

"Maybe, this is her chance. It's just that the Supreme Elder is going to be very angry."

Thinking of the stingy Supreme Elder, everyone couldn't help but shudder.

The head of Zhongxuan has been staring at the illusion mirror, with a complicated look in his eyes.

He didn't speak, and the elders in the hall didn't know what he was thinking.

Afraid of angering the head, everyone stopped discussing, and the hall became quiet again.


Yun Yao felt refreshed all over her body, and the spiritual power in her body stayed in her dantian obediently.

In the dantian, a cluster of small purple flames, like a child, playfully jumped up and down in the dantian.

Her dantian is also wider than before, and her spiritual power is more intense.Seeing this, the corners of Yun Yao's mouth curled up slightly.

She actually possessed a spirit fire.

Although the spiritual fire just subdued is just a cluster of small flames, it is better than nothing!

Spiritual fire is something that can be encountered but not sought after. It is something that everyone in the cultivation world wants to have.

In the world of comprehension, there are ordinary fires, spiritual fires that help in fighting, and demon fires in the bodies of monsters.

Of course, there are magic fires, divine fires that purify all things, and so on.

Flame has so many uses that monks all want to have their own spiritual fire.

Many monks were burned to death by the backlash of the flames in order to contract a mass of spiritual fire.

Yun Yao didn't expect that she hadn't entered the Canglan Sect, and she could get the spiritual fire that monks dreamed of by taking only one apprenticeship test.

Although this cluster of flames is small, it is still a seedling, which is enough for her to be happy.

What makes her most happy is that she has advanced.

Just now, while subduing the flames, she advanced to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

(End of this chapter)

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