Chapter 109
Yun Yao and the others turned their heads and saw that the presiding disciple who presided over the test at the bottom of the mountain was standing on the high platform in the square.

He glanced at the crowd in the square and said:

"Congratulations to all of you who have passed the Canglan Sect test and become Canglan Sect disciples."

Having said that, he paused and continued:
"Now, those who hear the name, come down to the stage."

The children below are very nervous. They know that this is the moment to determine their fate and direction in the Canglan Sect.

Everyone dared not make a sound, and silently looked at the presiding disciple on the stage.

Yunyao is fine, although she really wants to learn something in Canglan, but she dare not expect to enter the inner sect.

The Canglan Sect has long stipulated that when entering the foundation building period, one will automatically enter the inner gate.

For the rest of the disciples, if they want to enter the inner sect, they must have a master with a cultivation level of Jindan or above, or pass the apprenticeship test to enter.

For the rest, it is even more difficult to enter the inner door.

With the nine levels of Qi training she is showing to the outside world, if no elder accepts her as a disciple, she will at most enter the outer door.

As for the inner door!Don't worry, she will always come in.

Situ You was very excited. He looked at the presiding disciple with anticipation in his eyes.

Thinking of Yunyao, he stepped forward and asked Yunyao:

"Yun Yao, are you nervous?"

"Not nervous." Yun Yao said truthfully.

Yunyao's composure infected Situyou, and he felt that his mentality was a little unstable just now. He smiled gratefully at Yunyao and said:
"I was so nervous just now, thank you!"

"What are you thanking me for?" Yun Yao was puzzled.

Situ You touched his head and said seriously:
"I don't know why, every time I am nervous or want to give up something, seeing your calm expression, the feeling of tension and anxiety in my heart disappears."

Situ You's inexplicable words made Yun Yao stunned, she was puzzled and said:

"What's wrong with you? You don't have a fever!"

After speaking, she touched Situ You's forehead.

Situ You really wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say.

Just at this time, the voice of the presiding disciple came: "Situ You"

"Are you calling me?" Situ You was so excited that he asked Yun Yao in disbelief.

Yun Yao rolled her eyes, "Is it you or who? Hurry over."

"It's really me! Yunyao, I'll go there first, we'll talk later."

Situ You was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

He looked at Yunyao, was so excited that he was about to jump up, and said to Yunyao:

"Hello, I'll go there first, don't worry, I'll call you later!"

"Okay, you go first!"

Yun Yao nodded, not paying attention.

Situ You and the children whose names were called entered the main hall following the foundation-establishing disciples of the Canglan Sect.

The children whose names were not called stood on the square, at a loss.

The presiding disciple glanced at the children and said:

"Students whose names have not been called, don't worry. When they come out later, you all still have a chance."

It's okay if the presiding disciple doesn't say anything, but when he said this, these children were even more puzzled.

This does not include Yunyao.

Yun Yao knew that she had nothing to do, so she silently walked to the edge of the square and squatted down.

It was written in the Xianxia novels of the previous life that they took part in the entrance examination.

People like Situ You and the others who were called into the hall were basically single spiritual roots or disciples with good aptitude.

After these people enter the main hall, they will be accepted as apprentices by the elders of the sect.

The fact that her name was not called meant that she was not in the eyes of these elders.

Not to mention direct disciples, even inner disciples are impossible.

Yun Yao smiled, thinking of her parents and grandma in the illusion, feeling a little depressed.

Do you know if she is really dead in modern times, or has she become a vegetable like in the illusion?
I don't know how sad grandma and the others are.

"I want to improve my cultivation level. It would be great if I can travel to all realms." Yun Yao secretly said in her heart...

In the hall, all the elders observed the disciples who entered the hall.

Situ You dared not speak in the crowd.He cherished this opportunity very much, for fear of offending the elders.

Lord Zhongxuan Daoist, who is the master in the middle, glanced at it, and the disciples below glanced at him, exuding a powerful coercion.

This coercion was extremely terrifying, and the disciples were so scared that they couldn't breathe.

The timid child fainted instantly.

The headmaster withdrew his coercion, and said in a deep voice, "Throw those timid ones out."

The Foundation Establishment disciples in the hall quickly dragged the two fainted children out.

The remaining dozen or so children were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat, but they dared not make a sound.

They lowered their heads tremblingly.

Situ You looked at the two children who had been dragged away, and thanked himself for not being overly frightened just now.

He hurriedly lowered his head, lowering his sense of existence.

The performance of the eleven children in the hall fell into the eyes of many elders.

The elders nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, the real Yutang, who had taken a fancy to Situ Youyou before, spoke.

"Situ You, come forward."

Hearing his name, Situ You hurried forward.

Master Yutang was very satisfied with Situ You, and asked Situ You:
"Are you willing to be my personal disciple?"

Situ You raised his head in surprise, looked at the gray-bearded Jindan Daoist, and opened his mouth, wanting to answer.

At this time, another Jindan Elder Yu Xiaozheng spoke.

"Situ You, are you willing to be my apprentice? As for that old man Yutang, just ignore him."

"I said, old man Yutang, why do you always compete with me for your apprentice? You have finally taken a fancy to a disciple, and you want to snatch it. You have to compete with me for everything. Shall we go out and compete?"

Situ You looked at Reverend Yutang, and then at Reverend Yuxiao. He was hesitant in his heart as to which elder he wanted to worship.

Before taking the entrance test, his mother just told him that with his aptitude of three spiritual roots, he could enter the outer sect, but had no chance to enter the inner sect, but unexpectedly, two elders actually fell in love with him.

This sudden great opportunity not only made him overjoyed, but also made him at a loss.

He didn't know which elder was suitable to be his master.

I don't even know which elder is a better person, and I can't make a choice for a while...

Yun Yao is thinking about things to pay attention to after entering the sect.At this time, an indifferent voice came.

"Yunyao, come with me."

Yun Yao raised her head and looked, not understanding, what did the presiding disciple tell her to do?
"Hurry up. What are you doing here?"

The presiding disciple looked Yun Yao up and down in disgust, and urged her impatiently.

Yun Yao didn't understand, why, at this time, the presiding disciple called her alone.

However, the presiding disciple asked her to enter the hall that symbolized the status of the Canglan Sect, which meant that someone in the hall had already noticed her.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

 On a high mountain with an altitude of more than 1000 meters, my feet were numb from the cold and my hands were frozen. I really didn’t want to code!

  However, I still have to persist and work hard to code words.

  Babies, encourage me!The votes are smashed, and the comments are smashed.Don't make me feel like I'm alone, writing alone.

(End of this chapter)

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