It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 201 Arranging Treasures

Chapter 201 Arranging Treasures
Yun Yao happily packed the treasures she got in the secret realm.

Tomorrow, the Zongmen will collect all the treasures of heaven and earth they obtained in the secret realm.

Zongmen will exchange for spirit stones or contribution points according to the items they provide.However, the price given by Zongmen was [-]% lower than the market price.

Therefore, Yunyao didn't intend to hand over all of them to the Zongmen.

The first point is that because she got too many treasures and their value was too high, if she handed over half to the Zongmen, the other half would be envied and hunted down by others.

You know, she has a lot of treasures, even the strong ones in the Nascent Soul stage will be crazy about them!
In the realm of comprehension, there is no friendship between monks for the sake of cultivation resources. If they take out wealth that does not match their own cultivation, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Yun Yao took out all her storage rings and tidied them up.

In her space, there is a Tianyin fruit tree that can be used to refine high-level spiritual weapons.

In addition, there are forty celestial spirit fruits.

Of course, the Ice Silkworm King is also among them.

In addition, there are 52 fourth-order elixir Xuanbinghua, which can beautify the skin and prolong life.

There are spirit-gathering futons, which can quickly gather spiritual power, concentrate spirit, and resist demons.

If you take out any of these things, you will be hunted down.

Yun Yao put the nine celestial spirit fruits in the storage ring and prepared to hand them over to the sect.

In her storage ring back then, there were ten Heavenly Spirit Fruits, one of which belonged to Sister Shaya. Since Sister Shaya broke through to Foundation Establishment, there are still nine left here.

And the Sky Spirit Fruit in her space will take decades to mature, Yun Yao plans to keep one for herself.

She would not hand over the Ice Silkworm King to Zongmen either.She also counted on this ice silkworm king to give birth to a cub, and then use its ice silk to make a long defensive skirt!

The Tianyin fruit tree cannot be given, and the Juling futon is used to ward off demons, so she will not give it to others.

Yun Yao looked at the box containing the Xuanbinghua, thought for a while, and felt that this fourth-order elixir, Xuanbinghua, which has the effect of beautifying the skin and prolonging life, can only hand over one Xuanbinghua at most.

A fourth-order spirit grass is the best after the sky spirit fruit, and it is worth a lot.

Now, there are 52 Xuanbing flowers in total, and she handed over one, and there are 51 more. If these 51 are refined into pills...

Yunyao's eyes lit up and she was very excited when she thought of the mountains of crystal clear spirit stones.

She put all the 51 jade boxes containing Xuanbinghua into her storage ring, looking at the pile of treasures, her heart was moved again.

The "Universal Promise Formation" was taught to her by Ah Shi, and she does not need to hand it in.

And that piece of Liangyi Xuanshi that can be used to arrange formations and formations, she will never hand in.

She still has to use the Liangyi Xuanshi to crack and arrange it!If it is handed over, what will she use it for?
She lowered her head and looked at the bracelet made of Ning Shenhua on her wrist, she couldn't hand it in either.

She is so beautiful, has the effect of calming the mind, and smells so good, she will not hand it over to her.

As for the colorful fish!This is what I like to eat, so I can't hand it over.

She looked at the Crescent Moon Spring in the Qiankun kettle, and divided it into three parts, planning to give one to Sister Shaya, keep one for herself, and hand it over to Zongmen.

By the way, Sister Shaya also shared some multicolored fish. This kind of multicolored fish is not only tender, but also can strengthen the realm. Sister Shaya is more suitable.

By the way, Xuan Binghua, give one to Sister Shaya too.

Yun Yao took out another jade box containing the Xuanbing Flower, put it aside, divided the five-color fish into two parts, kept one for herself, and put the other beside the jade box containing the Xuanbing Flower , She then put the Qiankun water bottle containing the Crescent Lake and the Xuanbinghua jade box together.

Therefore, the treasure in front of him was divided into three parts, one part was for himself, one part was for the silly girl, and one part was for Zongmen.

Yun Yao took out all the elixir and spiritual plants that she had collected in the secret realm.

She has collected a lot of first- and second-tier Lingzhi in the secret realm.

At the time of picking, she didn't pick all of them, and kept some in the secret realm.

I remember that a herb digger in the previous life said that when digging herbs, the roots should be kept, and not all the roots and seedlings of the herbs should be dug away, otherwise, the herbs will become extinct due to human digging.

At the beginning, Yunyao did the same thing. She dug out the old spiritual plants and grasses, and then dug up some seedlings of these spiritual plants, leaving some in the secret realm, waiting for the next time in the Tianling secret realm. After opening, the next batch of disciples who enter the secret realm can pick again.

She divided these spiritual plants and elixir into three parts, and she kept a little of each of the older spiritual plants and elixir for the convenience of later learning alchemy.

Then separate those seedlings separately, and plant them in the space when there is time.

She plans to exchange all the last and most shares to Zongmen.

After Yun Yao classified the spiritual plants and the spiritual medicines, she put these treasures into two storage rings respectively.

A storage ring she's ready to put in the space.

Wearing it on her hand, she put the storage ring on the bright side, and handed over the items of the sect.

In the world of self-cultivation, no matter it is animal skin, animal bone, animal tooth, or animal meat, they are all valuable.

The bones and teeth of fierce beasts can be used to make weapons, and the flesh and blood of fierce beasts can also be used to make pills and talismans.

Animal skins, on the other hand, have more uses, not only for refining equipment, but also for refining robes, and even for making high-level talisman paper.

Therefore, Yunyao now has tens of thousands of beast corpses, so she has a huge amount of wealth.

Therefore, there are tens of thousands of beast corpses in Yunyao's hands, and her net worth is also a huge fortune.

Her consciousness penetrated into a storage bag filled with the bones of fierce beasts, she was dumbfounded and her heart beat wildly.

At that time, she was still on the glacier. Because of the avalanche, she was busy collecting those frozen ice sculptures, and she didn't notice what level the corpses of those ferocious beasts were.

Seeing this scene now, I was immediately excited.

She didn't pay much attention to it, but she didn't expect that there would be so many monsters.

Yun Yao happily took out a few beasts that were said to have delicious meat, and cut out the tenderest meat from these beasts, preparing them for barbecue later.

(End of this chapter)

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