It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 214 Going to Qiankunzong

Chapter 214 Going to Qiankunzong

"You, come out." Following Daoist Chen Xiao's words, Bai Yutang stood up.

For a moment, everyone held their breath, not knowing who would be the next one to line up.

The disciples all knew in their hearts that the envoy of Qiankunzong, who was called out of the ranks, was very likely to be selected into Qiankunzong.

Their eyes are full of envy and expectation.

Looking at the silly girl who was selected, Yun Yao was very happy for sister silly girl.

Sister Shaya and her second brother were both selected, and they could have someone to take care of them when they went to Qiankunzong, so I could rest assured.

The two disciples were ecstatic, wishing they could jump up and cheer. Seeing the cold face of Daoist Chen Xiao, they immediately put away the joy in their hearts, lowered their heads, and walked forward.

Among the crowd of the Canglan Sect, Jiang Hai felt a little uneasy when he saw Daoist Chen Xiao's eyes sweeping over him. He glanced at Daoist Weihua, and then quickly looked away.

Daoist Chen Xiao didn't ask his disciples to go out again, and the scene became quiet again.

The head of Zhongxuan was about to ask, when Daoist Weihua spoke up. He pointed to Jiang Hai, and suggested to Daoist Chenxiao: "My lord, this disciple has a good talent, you can think about it."

As soon as Weihua Daojun's words came out, the temperature in the audience dropped to freezing point.

After a long time, Daoist Chen Xiao finally spoke.

"Our Qiankun Sect selects disciples, and we don't need a little monk from the subordinate sect to point fingers."

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped.

Everyone at the scene seemed to have entered an ice cave, shivering from the cold, Nascent Soul was able to talk, and the disciples quickly lowered their heads to reduce their sense of presence.

Daoist Weihua has always been domineering in the Canglan Sect, and he never thought that he would be choked up in front of the public.

This is simply slapping him in the face, which is tolerable or unbearable.

Daoist Weihua was so angry that his face was red and his ears were red. Just as he was about to speak out, the master of Zhongxuan's spiritual consciousness transmitted the voice:

"Junior Brother Wei Hua, no matter how you are, I can turn a blind eye to it, but don't forget who this is in front of you."

Taoist Weihua clenched his fists angrily, his teeth were almost crushed.

Standing among the crowd, Yun Yao sneered inwardly when she saw Daoist Wei Hua's expression.

"Finally someone can stop you, hum! Just wait! I will pay you back twice what you did to me."

The envoy Chen Xiao Taoist gaze fell on the top of Yun Yao's head, full of doubts in his heart.

This little girl has very good talents and aptitudes, and she has advanced to the late foundation establishment stage at a young age.

Looking at the entire cultivation world, those who reach the late stage of Foundation Establishment at the age of ten are rare.

But, why, the luck on the top of this little girl's head is black?
Daoist Chen Xiao opened his Dharma eyes again, carefully inspecting the black luck above Yunyao's head.

He frowned and looked carefully.

Gradually, he discovered that there was a hint of dark purple energy hidden in that black aura.

Daoist Chen Xiao's eyes lit up, and he immediately pointed to Yun Yao and said:

"You, come out."

Yun Yao followed Daoist Chen Xiao's fingers and found that it was her.

Pointing at herself blankly, she asked, "Is Taoist calling me?"

"Well, it's you, come out."

Yun Yao smiled slightly and walked out from the crowd.

Seeing that Yunyao was selected, Daoist Zhongxuan and Daoist Xiuqi showed joyful expressions on their faces.

Situ You, Yao Zhilan, Bai Yutang and others all looked excited.

They suppressed the excitement in their hearts and cast their eyes on Yunyao.

Daoist Weihua was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, he finally couldn't hold back the resentment in his heart, and roared angrily:
"I said, Daoist Chenxiao, did you make a mistake? Why did you choose a waste material with five elements' spiritual roots to enter Qiankunzong?"

"Hehe! Who our Qiankunzong chooses has nothing to do with you. You should take care of yourself first." Daoist Chen Xiao satirized Daoist Weihua coldly, then turned his head and said to everyone:
"The Qiankun Sect selection meeting is over, you can go back."

Seeing this, the head of Zhongxuan hurried forward and smoothed things over: "Okay, okay, let's go back first!"

Those who were not selected were all disappointed, especially those from other sects, who were extremely depressed.

The Qiankun Sect is the top sect in the cultivation world. Even if their elite disciples enter the Qiankun Sect and become a handyman, they are better than the current sect.

Being selected by Qiankunzong is their dream!
Jiang Hai was full of hatred in his heart, his face was livid, and he really wanted to go and ask Taoist Chen Xiao why he didn't choose him, but when he saw Taoist Weihua's appearance, he stopped thinking.

After the other disciples left, the head of Zhongxuan invited Daojun Chen Xiao: "My lord, come to the head hall to drink a cup of spiritual tea before leaving!"

"No need." Daoist Chen Xiao replied coldly, and announced to everyone here:
"You have to remember that from now on, the six of them belong to the disciples of my Qiankun Sect."

"Yes." The four masters answered quickly.

Then, they looked at Yun Yao and the others.

"Starting today, you will become members of the Qiankun Sect. Remember, from now on, you are the disciples of the Qiankun Sect who left Canglan Country. You must practice hard, and don't forget the kindness of Taoist Chen Xiao to you."

"Disciple obeys." Yun Yao and the other six people cupped their hands together.

They understood the meaning of the words of the heads, and none of them came out to refute.

Daoist Chen Xiao had a smile in his eyes, but he was cursing in his heart:

"These old foxes."

Seeing that the masters still wanted to say something to these disciples, Daoist Chen Xiao immediately released a flying dharma boat.

He strode onto the flying dharma boat and said to Yunyao and the others: "Let's go!"

"Yes!" Yun Yao and the others did not delay, and followed closely behind on the flying dharma boat.

"You must pay attention to safety!" The head of Zhongxuan shouted behind him.

Yun Yao and the others waved to the heads to show acceptance.

Under the watchful eyes of several elders, the flying dharma boat slowly lifted into the air and flew towards the distance.

Sect Master Zhongxuan let out a long sigh, and suggested to the other three suzerains: "Fellow Taoists have come all the way here, and I invite you all to have a few drinks in the main hall of the sect master."

The suzerain of Benlei Mountain Villa, Bai Haotian, the patriarch of the Bai family, laughed: "Haha, I want to have a few drinks. My two children have been selected. It's really a happy thing."

"Uh!" Everyone looked at Bai Haotian's proud face, wishing they could slap Bai Haotian a few times.

This is even more so for Daoist Weihua. He was humiliated by Daoist Chenxiao today, and he had nowhere to vent his anger. He couldn't help it now, and sneered at Bai Haotian:
"I don't know what kind of eyes this Chen Xiao has, but he chose that idiot of yours away. It's just that I don't know if that idiot of yours will lose face to our Canglan Nation in the Qiankun Sect."

"What did you say? Old man Weihua, say it again? Believe it or not, I will beat you to death right now." Bai Haotian rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat Daoist Weihua.

The head of Zhongxuan saw it, and quickly stood between the two, smiling to persuade him to make peace: "You two, harmony is the most important thing. No matter which disciple Qiankunzong chooses, aren't they all from our Canglan country?"

"Be kind, won't you be angry if he wants to scold your daughter? My surname is Jiang, I want to tell you today that others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. I said why are you so angry! That's how it is! Haha, Jiang It’s so miserable that none of the members of my family were selected!”

(End of this chapter)

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