It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 216 Qiankun Sect

Chapter 216 Qiankun Sect

Yunyao sat alone in the room and meditated for a long time. Seeing the ice crystal white tiger Dun Dun waking up in the space, she was very happy. After feeding Dun Dun a high-level healing elixir with the Nie Kong technique, she fed Dun Dun some Crescent Moon Spring again. He took back his consciousness.

Taking out the storage bag given by the head of Zhongxuan, and entering the storage bag with her spiritual consciousness, Yun Yao's eyes lit up.

In the storage bag, there are 1 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, 10 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and 10 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

She was so excited that she wished she could take out these sparkling spirit stones with rich spiritual power and kiss them.

Think about it, forget it, put the storage bag containing the spirit stones into the storage ring in the space, and take out the letter left by the head of Zhongxuan.

Opening the letter, I saw that the head of Zhongxuan wrote on it:
"Yunyao, I should call you Yun Chuyao! These spirit stones are much lower in value than the treasures you obtained in the secret realm. However, this will settle the cause and effect between you in the Tianling secret realm and the sect. "

"I know that you are a person with great ambitions, and one day you will fly high. I hope that when you stand at the top of the cultivation world, you still remember that you were once a disciple of the Canglan Sect. I hope that you can survive the crisis of the Canglan Sect in the future." When it’s time, lend a helping hand and just give it a tug.”

After reading the letter from the leader, Yun Yao was dumbfounded and wanted to scold her.

The head of Zhongxuan had already expected that he would be selected into the Qiankun Sect?He wants me not to forget the karma with Canglan Sect?

Yun Yao felt a little edgy in her heart, she didn't have any feelings for the Cang Lan Sect.

Except for a few people, she didn't have a good impression of Canglan Sect.

Now, the head of the sect actually asked her to help the Canglan Sect in the future?Is this moral kidnapping?

Yun Yao couldn't calm down for a long time, and then she figured out the key point.

She and the Canglan Sect do have unrelated karma, from the moment she entered the Canglan Sect and became a disciple of the Canglan Sect, she had already formed a karma with the Canglan Sect.

If she wasn't a disciple of the Canglan Sect, she would have no chance of being selected into the Qiankun Sect. Based on this analysis, the requirements of the sect leader are not excessive.

Then let's talk about it at that time, she is not the kind of person who can be instructed by others at will!
The Canglan Sect is far away from the Qiankun Sect, and the flying dharma boat quickly flew in the air for more than half a month before reaching the boundary of the Qiankun Sect.

For more than half a month, Daoist Chen Xiao didn't look for Yunyao and the others to talk. Yunyao, Shaya, and Bai Yutang met occasionally, or went to the deck to get some air.

During this period, Yunyao met Yuninglang.

Yuninglang was alone at this time, and when he met Yunyao and the others, he was very awkward. He wanted to go up to talk to Yunyao and the others, but walked away arrogantly.

To this, Yun Yao smiled and said nothing.

On this day, Daoist Chen Xiao called Yun Yao and the others to the deck, and said to them:

"We have already reached the sect of the Qiankun sect, and we will soon arrive at the sect. After you enter the sect with me, if there are elders who ask questions, just answer them truthfully."

After all, these six disciples were selected by him from Canglan Country, and there was also a causal connection between them. The usually cold and arrogant Daoist Chen Xiao took a look at a few of them, and finally, his eyes fell on Yunyao.

Yun Yao and the others answered quickly.

Daoist Chen Xiao looked at the well-behaved Yunyao, and thought of Yunyao's murderous appearance in the Canglan Sect, the corners of his mouth twitched, thinking in his heart:

"This little girl can change her face really quickly. Sometimes she is extremely cold, and sometimes she is cute and cute. I don't know how many faces she has."

In fact, that day, the confrontation between Yunyao, the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall and Daoist Weihua in the Law Enforcing Hall was all seen by Taoist Chen Xiao, but he didn't show up at that time.

The six of Yunyao got their words, entered the room, packed up their things, and came to the deck again. Daoist Chen Xiao explained to everyone:

"Our Qiankun sect is all-encompassing, divided into: swords, methods, formations, pills, utensils, beasts, books, etc., and classified into various cultivation methods. These, you have to think about what is most suitable for you to practice. If you have the opportunity to worship It would be best to be under the elder's door. If you don't have a chance and enter the outer door or the inner door, then you can only rely on yourselves in the future."

Everyone in Yunyao understood Daoist Chen Xiao's words, and sincerely saluted and thanked:
"Thank you, Daojun, for your suggestion! The disciple will keep it in mind."

Daoist Chen Xiao nodded in satisfaction, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

Yun Yao and the others stood on the deck, watching the high mountains passing by quickly, flying over the rivers, and came to the sky above the mountains and forests.

The flying dharma boat is getting closer and closer to Qiankunzong, passing through layers of fog, the surrounding clouds are like gentle fairies, gently surrounding them, gradually pulling away the faint veil, revealing the clear face of Qiankunzong.

Entering Qiankunzong, the speed of the flying dharma boat slowed down, Yunyao and the others saw that the forest was as green as emeralds, the valleys were covered with green velvet, the river water was like flowing cream, and the humid air felt like crystal.

Numerous exquisite pavilions, ancient buildings, and trees lined mountains echo, people have a sense of being in a fairyland.

Yunyao and the others looked far ahead and could only see Qiankunzong in the distance ahead, with majestic momentum, continuous mountains, and tens of thousands of skyscrapers.

Standing on the deck of the flying dharma boat, they were greeted with righteousness, shock and awe.

Silly girl opened her eyes wide, pointed at the mountains below, with a look of surprise on her face, and shouted to Yunyao with joy:

"Yaoyao, Qiankunzong is so big! Look at those palaces, those caves, they are really luxurious!"


Yun Yao followed Sha Ya's finger and looked out.

This is the first time she has seen such a majestic sect. Everything here seems to contain morality, which shocked her unceasingly.

For some reason, when she looked at the majestic mountains of Qiankunzong, she felt a sense of belonging in her heart.

This feeling came from nowhere, but it made Yun Yao very happy.

After all, she no longer has a home, and even the Luoxia Mountain of the Canglan Sect was destroyed.

It would be great if this place could really become her home.

Bai Yutang and Yuninglang were equally astonished.

Although they thought they had seen the great world before, after they came to Qiankunzong, they felt that there were mountains beyond the mountains, and heaven beyond the sky.

"Yaoyao, the Qiankun Sect is really too big! Just arrived at the outside, it is already so shocking. Doesn't it mean that the inside of the sect is even grander?" Shaya asked Yunyao excitedly, blinking her big eyes.

Yun Yao was in a very good mood, she showed two dimples, and said happily: "It should be."

At this time, an untimely voice sounded, Yuninglang gave Yunyao and Shaya a sideways look, despising Yunyao and the others.

"Two bumpkins who haven't seen the world."

He would never say anything, he really wanted to find something to talk to Yunyao and the others.

The silly girl was very angry and pointed at Yuning Lang.

"What did you say? Yuning Lang, can you say it again?"

"I said, you two have never seen the world." Yuning Lang rolled his eyes and walked to the other side of the deck.

Yun Yao pulled the silly girl's sleeve and said, "Young Master Yu seems to have been to the Qiankun Sect? Then, please tell us, Young Master Yu who has seen the world, where are we going in the direction of the Qiankun Sect?"

"Ugh!" Yuning Lang lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

(End of this chapter)

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