Chapter 218 Accepting Disciples ([-])

At this moment, the eight gods, more than 20 gods, and more than 60 nascent souls are sitting in the hall.

Yun Yao and the others stood in the middle of the hall with excited expressions and suppressed their inner anxiety, waiting for the suzerain's order.

Before Tianxin Sect Master could speak, a soft voice sounded in his ear.

"This little girl is pretty, so she will be my disciple."

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes fell on Yun Yao.

Yun Yao's heart tightened, and she followed the sound, only to see a woman in the early stage of distraction pointing at her.

This woman's face is like a lotus, her eyebrows are like willow leaves, her skin is like fat, her jet-black hair is coiled into a high bun, she wears a green jade hairpin, her fingers are like green onions, her lips are Like cinnabar, every frown and smile can seduce people's souls.

This distraction is so beautiful!beautiful!
Yun Yao's heart was as excited as a deer.

This distraction, who is as beautiful as a fairy, is willing to accept herself as an apprentice, which is really wonderful!
She wanted to nod, but she held back and didn't answer right away.

Because, it's not her turn to speak here.

At this moment, the elder next to the woman said dissatisfiedly:

"I said, Juexin Shangjun, although you are an alchemy master, you can't be too strong. Every time you recruit disciples, you have to be the first. Although you recruit handsome men and beautiful women, those disciples are all extremely qualified. OK.

You let us old guys, how will we mess around in the future? "

When the old man said this, several elders in the hall couldn't help laughing.

"Juexin Shangjun, don't you have to be good-looking even in alchemy?"

Juexin Shangjun smiled slightly in his heart, and said softly: "Everyone, there is no way, I just like pretty girls. I like to look at handsome men and women when I am refining alchemy, otherwise, I can't refine the elixir. Well, since the elixir cannot be refined, then I will retreat and not refine it."

After finishing speaking, Shangjun Juexin closed his eyes and got up.

"Pfft!" There was a soft sound.

In the hall, the tense atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and the elders were amused by such a direct sentence from Taoist Jue Xin.

Juexin Shangjun, this is a blatant threat!
Juexin Shangjun is the most powerful alchemist in the sect, and most of the high-level pills are made by her. If Juexin Shangjun doesn't make alchemy because of this, then...

For a moment, the hall became quiet again.

Yunyao and the others were stunned, what about the elders' demeanor just now?

These great abilities who have cultivated for thousands of years are so easy-going!

This seems to be a little different from what they imagined?
The Tianxin Sect Master was about to speak, but a Divine Dao Lord beside him did so.

"I don't know why the suzerain summoned us this time. Didn't he just recruit a few disciples from that small place in Canglan country? Is it necessary to summon us all?"

"That's right! Of these six disciples, only this ten-year-old girl has better talent and aptitude. The others, although their spiritual roots are good, are their cultivation levels too low?" Another elder was also somewhat dissatisfied. Impatient.

Because of a disciple, it is not worthwhile to offend Juexin Shangjun.

When Yuning Lang was told by the elder, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He felt his face turn red, and he felt an urge to find a hole in the ground to hide.

Bai Yutang and the others also blushed and lowered their heads, feeling very embarrassed.

Shaya looked at these elders blankly, not understanding why these elders would say that her second brother had poor qualifications.

You know, the second brother Bai Yutang is a genius with a golden spirit root whose spiritual root purity is above [-]%. How can these elders say that the second brother has a low cultivation base?
Yun Yao knew that Qiankunzong was full of geniuses, and it was normal for the elders to have high vision.

Although she understands, she doesn't agree.

She doesn't want herself to be someone else's cargo, to be picked at random, that feeling is really too bad!

However, she doesn't have the strength to fight now.

At this moment, Shangjun Juexin opened his eyes, chuckled, and said, "You elders! Stop teasing these children."

Her onion-like finger pointed at Yunyao, and then asked: "Little girl, what's your name?"

Elder Jue Xin is so beautiful and soft-spoken, Yun Yao likes it very much.However, Shangjun Juexin's casual words just now made them very embarrassed.

From the looks of it, this beautiful female superior is not as kind as she appears on the surface.

Yun Yao saluted Jue Xin Shangjun and replied:

"My lord, my name is Yun Chuyao."

Juexin Shangjun looked at Yunyao's clear, watery red phoenix eyes, and said with a smile:
"Yun Chuyao? Well, not bad. Clear water produces hibiscus, which can be carved naturally. I like it very much."

She nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "By the way, do you know how to make alchemy?"

"My lord, this disciple doesn't know how to make medicine, but can only arrange formations." Yun Yao answered truthfully.

Juexin Shangjun wanted to continue asking Yunyao, but he saw a distracted Shangjun who looked to be in his 60s and looked plain, and asked Yunyao in surprise:
"What level of formation will you arrange?"

Yunyao was about to answer, but Juexin Shangjun was not happy, she glanced at the old man, and said with a nonchalant smile:
"Wuwei Shangjun, this girl is my favorite disciple."

The old man Wuwei Shangjun smiled and retorted: "Juexin Shangjun, she has not officially become your apprentice. What's more, this girl doesn't even know alchemy, she is only interested in the formation. Why do you force it? "

Sect Master Tianxin, who was sitting at the top, raised his forehead. Every time he selects a disciple, the elders have to come out like this, which is really troublesome.

When he was about to mediate, Daoist Wuwei suddenly spoke.

"Juexin Shangjun, don't forget that as the elder in charge of the array, I also have the responsibility to cultivate geniuses for the sect."

"Ugh!" Juexin Shangjun was speechless for a moment, then sneered and said:

"I'm the elder Zhangdan, you are the elder Zhangzhen! I have taken a fancy to her and want to take her as my apprentice, what can you do to me?"

"I can't help you."

This made Wuwei Shangjun very distressed, Juexin Shangjun is really too difficult to deal with

In the main hall, the two of them were arguing with each other, and the other elders didn't say much, just watched with cold eyes.

Yunyao, Shaya and the others were all speechless.

Yuning Lang looked at Yun Yao enviously, feeling a little jealous in his heart.

Once upon a time, he was still the young master of a sect, full of majesty.

Yun Yao is just a small outer disciple, and her status has changed so quickly.

This huge gap made him a little unaccustomed to it.

Bai Yutang, Min Changyu, Liu Haoran and others looked at Yunyao with envy.

In their hearts, they all longed for an elder to be able to take a fancy to them.

Even worshiping under Yuanying Daojun's door, it's okay!
After all, they are newcomers, and it makes a world of difference whether they have a master or not.

Shaya is very happy, how lucky Yaoyao is to become a disciple of Lord Disciple God!

Distraction Shangjun is a figure that the entire cultivation world must look up to. If Yun Yao can become a master, she will definitely soar into the sky and have a bright future.

Shaya was even more excited than Yunyao.

Just at this time, an untimely voice sounded: "Two lords, can the disciples choose one?"

(End of this chapter)

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