It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 225 Immortal 2nd Generation

Chapter 225 The Second Generation of Immortals

Yun Yao looked at the account book, the details of the accounts, her eyes lit up, it turned out that there are more than 100 disciples in the Misty Twelve Peaks, and these disciples are all performing their duties.

On Misty Peak, in addition to various expenses, they also receive 1 yuan of high-grade spirit stones every year.

When Yun Yao thought that she could get so many spirit stones while lying on the bed, her eyes lit up.

She suppressed her excitement and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Then he said hastily: "Uncle Huang has taken care of Misty Peak very well, so it's fine to proceed as usual from now on. By the way, don't forget your own responsibilities."

Yun Yao's seemingly ordinary words warmed the hearts of Uncle Huang and the others.

They looked at Yunyao, who was only ten years old, and thought in their hearts, following the little master in front of them, maybe they would have a good future.

After Huang Zhonghe and Su Qiaohong left, Yunyao entered the room and sat on the bed in front of the window, looking into the distance, feeling a little tired.

Although I got everything I dreamed of now, it is not as easy as before.

In the past, she had enough to eat alone, and the whole family was not hungry. Now, there are so many disciples in the Misty Twelve Peaks to manage.

Although there is Huang Zhonghe, the housekeeper, Huang Zhonghe and Su Qiaohong have to face it with heart.

She didn't want someone who betrayed her to appear beside her.

Sighing, Yun Yao looked at the newly acquired storage bracelet on her wrist.

This is a simple, small and exquisite storage bracelet without any aura fluctuations, just like an ordinary bracelet.

Yun Yao sucked her spiritual consciousness into the storage bracelet, dripped a drop of blood on it, muttered something, and the bracelet disappeared out of thin air.

"Yes, it has a hidden function."

Yun Yao activated the room defense formation and entered the space.

In the space, Dun Dun was laying on the ground to heal his wounds. When he saw Yun Yao, he was overjoyed and stood up quickly, grabbing Yun Yao's cuff with his chubby claws.

Yun Yao laughed, took Dun Dun into her arms, patted Dun Dun's snow-white hair lightly, and asked with a smile.

"Dun Dun, are you feeling better?"

"Sister, I'm fine, I want to go out and play." Dun Dun looked excited.

"it is good!

"Yun Yao put Dun Dun on the chair and put her spiritual consciousness into the storage bracelet, only to see that there was nothing in the huge storage bracelet except two big boxes.

Yun Yao blinked her eyes, opened the box in surprise, and suddenly, a strong aura emanated from the box.

Yun Yao took a deep breath and quickly closed the lid.

Uncle Huaiyang is too generous, right?
This storage bracelet with concealment function is rare in the world. There are also two boxes of high-grade spirit stones in the bracelet.

This is too arrogant!

Yun Yao was overjoyed when she thought that after she activated the hidden function of the storage bracelet, no one below Yuan Ying would be able to find her.

This is the uncle, he not only gave her a life-saving magic weapon, but also gave her a space magic weapon, and also gave her money.

Yun Yao laughed heartily: "Haha, Uncle Master is indeed a great cultivator with a distracted cultivation base, and his actions are extraordinary. I like this gift."

Yun Yao put the two big boxes of spirit stones into the storage ring, and opened all the storage rings given to her by Gu Ruochen and Senior Brother Yu Lingxiao, Yun Yao was dumbfounded.

Senior brother Gu Ruochen's storage ring contains many third- and fourth-tier talismans, of which offensive talismans are the main ones, and there are also invisibility talismans, defense talismans, water-breaking talismans, fire-explosive talismans...everything else.

Yun Yao was ecstatic.

The third-order talisman is equivalent to the attack power of Jindan, while the fourth-order talisman is equivalent to the attack power of Nascent Soul.

With her current cultivation in the foundation building stage, she can only activate at most one talisman at the beginning of the third stage.

But, she will advance!
Thinking of this, Yun Yao hugged those talismans and kissed them.

The World Extinguishing Sword Spirit was on the side, looking at Yun Yao, who was obsessed with money, grinning...

Senior brother Gu Ruochen deserves to be a great power in the stage of transformation of gods, he is thoughtful and thoughtful.

Yun Yao was a little puzzled, isn't Senior Brother Gu a sword cultivator?Sword cultivators also study talismans?
Shaking her head, Yun Yao decided not to think about it anymore, she divided some of these talismans into storage bracelets and other storage rings, and then opened the storage ring presented by Senior Brother Yu Lingxiao.

Seeing the huge pile of formation materials in the storage ring, he was stunned.

Senior brother Yu Lingxiao, do you know that I can set up formations?

Yun Yao likes these third- and fourth-level formation materials very much.

You must know that neither the materials for the formation nor the third and fourth rank talismans given to him by Senior Brother Gu are available in the market.

In the Canglan School, a third-rank talisman is very popular even in auctions, let alone a fourth-rank talisman.

You know, for a monk, drawing talismans is a very mental and spiritual energy-consuming thing.

Talisman makers are rare, let alone high-level talisman and formation masters.

Yunyao put the third-level formation materials into three storage rings, and put the fourth-level formation materials into the storage rings in the space.

She understands the truth that eggs are not put in one basket, and money is not put in one place.

"Well, look at what Second Senior Sister gave me."

Joyfully, Yun Yao absorbed her consciousness into another storage ring.

She was dumbfounded when she saw these jeweled clothes and jewelry.

In front of her, there are boxes of dresses of various colors and styles.

Inside the box are pink rose-scented bodice, an embroidered skirt of emerald green smoked gauze, a light yellow emerald green smoked sweater, and a pleated skirt embroidered with water mist and green grass.

Goose yellow long skirt, white gown with light blue peonies embroidered on the cuffs, and white long skirt embroidered with plum blossoms at the hem.

Plain white long brocade gown, pink satin skirt, bright red dress, willow gauze outer shirt, and furry palace dress, etc., are all a complete set of cassock.

These magic robes are all brand new, they can shrink in size, they can also absorb dust, and they can even resist the attacks of Jindan's cultivation base.

Yun Yao quickly closed the lid, her heart beating faster.

"Second Senior Sister is really generous!"

While sighing, Yun Yao opened another box.

In the wooden box, there are soul-nourishing wooden hairpins carved with jasmine, magnolia hairpins inlaid with amethyst, colorful silver flower buds, jade beads, silver butterfly earrings, purple pearl necklaces, and various other items. All kinds of earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets...

She rubbed her hands excitedly, taking out each piece of jewelry to admire.

She tried on the gorgeous jewels, put them in a box, and settled down.

The jewels in these boxes are not only beautiful, but also have various functions.

For example, the Mulan hairpin can withstand the full blow of Jindan's cultivation base.

This ring has the ability to change appearance.

Yun Yao closed the jewelry box and sat back on the chair, unable to calm down for a long time.

Before she was reborn, she was just an ordinary office worker. After coming to the world of cultivating immortals, although she was adopted by the Yun family, she had never seen so many high-level magic weapons.

Even grandpa used to have a jade pendant that could withstand the full blow of a Jindan cultivator, and that was the only defensive magic weapon on his body.

Yun Yao couldn't help thinking, if grandpa could have so many treasures back then, perhaps the Yun family would not have been destroyed.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in the world.

Her teacher is really a big hand!

Yun Yao smiled and thought, if she was wearing the gift that the second senior sister gave her, would people think that she was the second generation of immortals who didn't understand the world?

 Thank you very much for the book friend baby: Xing Yunlifang rewarded [-] starting coins!

  Nice to meet you in the new book.

  Thank you very much for book friends: Geng and Dongmeng Lingxue voted for two monthly tickets!

  Thank you for your support and encouragement!

  Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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