Chapter 231

On Xianzong Peak, Yunyao was chopping with a giant sword.

The sword in her hand was not the Extermination Sword, but an iron sword weighing a thousand catties.

This is the task given to her by her master Zihuang Shangjun. Every day she wields the iron sword and chops the bronze figure [-] times.

The bronze figure in front of her was a fourth-order puppet made of fine steel and gold by a high-level weapon refining monk.

This copper man can not only dodge by himself, but also has the function of attacking the opponent.

The basic movements of the swordsmanship that Yunyao used at this time recalled the essentials taught by the master in her mind.

The stabbing sword, the standing sword or the flat sword is straight forward as a stab, and the force reaches the tip of the sword.Essentials: The sword is in a straight line with the arm.

Cleave the sword, stand the sword, chop from top to bottom, and the force reaches the body of the sword.From bending to extending the elbow joint, from top to bottom of the sword, the force reaches the body of the sword.

To lift the sword, it should be pulled out in an arc close to the body, with force reaching the front of the sword body.

Master's deep voice echoed in Yunyao's mind, and she repeated simple movements over and over again.

In the Tianqing Palace, Lord Zihuang watched Yunyao wield the iron sword tirelessly and was punched by the bronze puppet from time to time, not only did not feel distressed, but his eyes were full of smiles.

It has been half a year since Yunyao came to Qiankunzong. During this half year, although her cultivation has not improved, her meridians have expanded a lot, and her body strength has also increased a lot.

Lord Zihuang was very satisfied with this.

This disciple not only has good aptitude, but also has a very serious attitude.

On the other side, at the outer door, Yuning Lang came to a spiritual field, looking at the large spiritual field in front of him, he was very irritable.

Thinking of him, the majestic young master of the door of life and death, when did he ever plant a field?Isn't that what the handyman disciples and outer disciples under him did?
He, who has always been proud, looked at the land in front of him with disgust. He had to do the work that only mud legs could do.

Yuning Lang looked up at the blue sky, feeling a little confused.

Once upon a time, he looked down on those outer disciples, thinking that those outer disciples in the sect were ants, but now, he is that ants.

Just as he was contemplating, Liu Haoran, who is also an outer disciple, came over.

Liu Haoran saw Yuning Lang standing beside the Lingtian, motionless, and asked suspiciously:
"What are you doing standing here?"

Yuning Lang glanced at Liu Haoran and said irritably:
"Do you tube."

Liu Haoran walked straight past Yuning Lang, and he said as he walked:

"Actually, all roads lead to the great road, it just depends on how you do it, so what if you are a lowly outer disciple? Wasn't Yun Chuyao also an outer disciple of the Canglan Sect? A direct disciple of God’s power?"

When Yuning Lang heard this, the grievance accumulated in his heart could no longer be held back.

He yelled at Liu Haoran: "Liu Haoran, don't mention Yun Chuyao in front of me."

Liu Haoran smiled and said, "What I said is the truth!"

"Say it again, see if I don't kill you."

With a roar, Yuninglang rushed towards Liu Haoran.


A year has passed, and Yunyao's cultivation base has advanced very slowly, still staying at the late stage of foundation establishment.

During this year, she practiced sword and body every day, and under the guidance of her master, she constantly compressed her spiritual power.

Dun Dun was sent back by Yan Long after a year.

As soon as Dun Dun saw Yun Yao, he cried aggrievedly.

Yun Yao asked what happened to it, but Dun Dun didn't say anything.

The good news is that Dun Dun's body disease has been cured.

Yun Yao had to sigh, it was the spirit beast that understood the spirit beast.

In this regard, she doubts the blood of the nine-tailed fox in her body.

If she was really a nine-tailed fox, why didn't she get the bloodline inheritance of the nine-tailed fox, why didn't she have any skills related to divine beasts?
On this day, just after Yunyao had finished practicing swordsmanship, Taoist Zihuang told her to report to the Master Master of Zhangjian Hall.

As soon as she entered the mountain gate of the Sword Palm Hall, she was led up the stairs by a handyman disciple.

Yun Yao stood on the stairs at the bottom of the mountain, looking up at the top of the mountain, full of doubts in her heart, why did the uncle let her climb up the stairs without using her spiritual power?

Doubts are doubts, Yun Yao followed the rules of Zhang Jiantang.

Step by step, without using any spiritual power, she climbed up the ten thousand step ladder.

On the ladder, Lord Huaiyang said to Gu Ruochen beside him with satisfaction:

"You are a good little junior sister. The junior finally accepted a satisfactory apprentice."

Gu Ruochen smiled and nodded.

When Yun Yao came to the top of the mountain and saw the whole picture of the Sword Master, she was stunned.

At this time, from where she was standing, she could see the whole picture of Zhangjian Peak.

At the foot of the mountain on the other side of Zhangjian Peak, tens of thousands of sword cultivator disciples waved broad swords in unison.

The uniform dress, uniform posture, and uniform shouts of the disciples deeply shocked Yun Yao.

It was the first time she saw such a scene.

This is the scene in her mind where the sect of cultivating immortals practices swords.

Infected by this atmosphere, Yun Yao summoned the Mie Shi Sword, followed the movements of these disciples, and practiced it over and over again.

In the distance, Lord Huaiyang smiled slightly, and said to Gu Ruochen: "I'll go back to retreat first, and I will leave the matter here to you."

"Yes, Master!"

Gu Ruochen sensed something in Master's heart, and a gleam of joy flashed across his cold face.

When Daoist Huaiyang walked away, he turned around and stood where he was, looking at Yunyao on the top of the mountain below.

Chop, chop, hook, tease, hang, stab...

Yun Yao repeated the movements in her hands over and over again.

She's getting better and better, and it seems like she's the only one in the world now.

The World Extinguishing Sword in her hand flashed with flashes of sword light.

These sword lights contain laws and carry the power of the prehistoric, making people fearful.

The disciples at the foot of the mountain put away their swords after practicing the basic sword skills, but saw a girl in red on the top of the mountain, waving her sword continuously.

The disciples were stunned and couldn't help but marvel, and they all started discussing.

A young man asked the senior brother beside him: "Senior brother, who is the sword practicer on the mountain? How can she practice the basic sword skills to such a proficient level?"

The senior brother beside him shook his head and said doubtfully:

"I haven't seen it in Zhangjian Peak. It seems that there is no sword seed planted in her body."

Another disciple was surprised: "She didn't plant a sword?"

The disciple was puzzled, and then he said to himself:
"I've heard that for some great abilities, even if no sword species is planted in the body, the swordsmanship can still reach a certain level by practicing spells and swordsmanship at the same time."

The little disciple exclaimed: "Yes! But, that girl is not very capable! She is only 11 years old, and she has built a foundation."

"Wait, 11?"

Everyone was shocked. They stood in place, looking up at Yunyao, observing the subtlety of Yunyao's sword technique.

Gu Ruochen stood on the top of the mountain, watched Yun Yao's every move, and nodded in satisfaction.

The younger junior sister has a very strong comprehension ability and is extremely talented in swordsmanship. It is a pity that there is a good seedling who can practice swords. It would be great if the junior sister would worship under the master.

Immediately, he smiled, he was so old, he was still whimsical.

 Satirical Airlines thanks book friend baby: Wan Rong voted for a monthly ticket!
  Thank you for all your support, love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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