It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 235 Classroom Disturbance

Chapter 235 Classroom Disturbance
Yun Yao looked at the back of the second senior sister leaving, and remembered what the second senior sister said, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and go.

She pressed Ruan Xizhi's jade slip between her eyebrows, and a vast message flooded into her mind.

Yun Yao hurriedly held her breath, absorbing the information in her mind.

After digesting all the information in his mind, he sighed slightly.

Fortunately, my soul is strong enough, and it has also broken through to the early stage of Jindan.

The strong man in the Nascent Soul stage is really powerful. Such a vast message seems simple, but it is difficult for me, a foundation-building cultivator, to digest it.

She took a deep breath, suppressed her nervousness, and walked to the classroom.

Just as Ruan Xizhi flew out of the outer door, remembering the power contained in that jade slip, she slapped her forehead in frustration, turned around and ran away.

If I was not careful and damaged the soul of my junior sister, then I would be a big villain.

She had just arrived at the Outer Sect, and because she was worried about Yunyao, she glanced at Yunyao with a sweep of her consciousness.

Seeing Yunyao entering the classroom as if nothing had happened, Ruan Xizhi breathed a sigh of relief.

She smiled slightly, talking to herself.

"It's me who was worrying too much. Junior sister's aptitude is not comparable to that of ordinary people." After saying that, she turned around and flew in the direction of Zhangbang Peak.

Outer sect, above the outer sect classroom.

The large hall was already full of outer disciples.

These Foundation Establishment disciples were all looking forward to it, waiting for Elder Yuanying who came to give lectures.

Liu Haoran and Yuning Lang arrived early and found a seat in advance.

For the outer sect disciples of the outer sect, this lecture is of great significance. Not only can they learn a lot of knowledge, but it is also a way for the carp to leap over the dragon's gate.

They all hoped that they would be favored by Daoist Nascent Soul who was giving this lecture, and be selected into the outer gate of Zhang Bangtang.

Yuning Lang sat among these disciples, very uncomfortable.

His father and several of his uncles were all Yuanying Daojun.

Once upon a time, when he was still at the Gate of Life and Death, he sneered at the guidance of Nascent Soul monks, thinking that these old men and old ladies were full of nonsense, and it would be easy for him to break through to the Nascent Soul stage with his own talent.

After staying in Qiankunzong for more than a year, he finally understood how difficult it is for an ordinary outer disciple to break through.

How difficult it is for outer disciples to climb up, and how difficult it is to obtain cultivation resources.

Today, Liu Haoran proposed to attend the class, hoping to use this opportunity to go to a better place to practice.

While he was meditating, a disciple next to him suddenly asked:
"Who is Yuanying Daojun who came to lecture today?"

"It's the virtuous real person of Zhangbang Peak. It is said that he is the second apprentice of Shangjun Zihuang, the hall master of Zhangbang Hall. At a young age, he is already an elder of the Nascent Soul Stage."

"Zhang Bang Peak? If I can get the appreciation of the virtuous Taoist Lord and become an outer disciple of Zhang Bang Peak, that would be great."

A glimmer of hope flashed in the monk's eyes.

As soon as they heard Taoist Master Zihuang of Zhangbang Peak, Liu Haoran and Yuning Lang's hearts moved slightly, and then they sighed secretly again.

Among the few people who came from Canglan Country, except for the two of them, all of them have masters.

And the two of them could only be submerged among the many outer disciples, trying to "crawl".

It was time for the class to have a cup of tea, and the Daoist Yuan Ying who came to class hadn't arrived yet, the disciples couldn't hold back anymore and began to speculate one after another.

As soon as Yun Yao entered the hall, she saw the crowds all around the hall.

In the entire class, there are more than 500 disciples from the early stage of foundation establishment to the peak disciples in the late stage of foundation establishment.

There are many disciples with single spiritual roots and good aptitude.

It was the first time for her to give a lecture in front of so many people, and she felt a little excited and a little nervous.

Yun Yao took a deep breath, relieved her excited and nervous mood, and walked towards the center of the hall.

Listening to the complaints of the disciples, Yun Yao looked at them and smiled slightly.

"Why hasn't Lord Xianling come here yet, is she not coming?"

"Why did the virtuous Dao Lord not arrive? Could it be that she is not here?"

"I've been waiting for such a long time. It would be a pity if she didn't come."

All the disciples were talking about Daoist Nascent Soul who was lecturing today.

Yun Yao gritted her teeth and walked up to the podium in the middle of the classroom.

The disciples in the class saw that Daoist Yuanying who was waiting for him did not come, but a little girl who was also a foundation-builder was standing in the middle of the podium, and all of them blew their hair, shouting to Yunyao:
"Who is that? That's where Elder Yuan Ying lectures, come down quickly."

"You are a new disciple! Hurry up and get down from the podium, and Elder Yuanying will come later, so I will see you."

"Oh my god! This little girl is too courageous. She dared to stand in the position of the elder Yuanying at this time. Does she want to court death?"

"It would be a pity if such a beautiful girl was bestowed to death by Elder Yuanying!"

Yunyao's move caused an uproar in the classroom, all the disciples reacted differently, some sympathized, some laughed at Yunyao, and some warned.

Looking at the back of Yunyao walking up to the podium, Yuninglang was stunned for a moment, a little envious, but soon, he laughed, gloating.

Hehe, these people who scolded Yunyao should look very nice after knowing Yunyao's identity.

When Liu Haoran saw Yunyao, his face flushed with excitement, but he quickly calmed down.

Yun Yao didn't care about the shock in the audience, she collected herself, coughed lightly, summoned up her spiritual energy, and said:

"Xianling Daojun has something to do today, so I can't give a lecture in person. Let me replace her and explain today's lesson to everyone."

Yunyao Qingyue's voice resounded throughout the hall, and the hall was suddenly silent, and all the disciples were stunned.

Yun Yao glanced around the classroom and began to explain to everyone.

Immediately, there was another commotion in the hall, and all the disciples made noises, and some even cursed and turned to leave.

It was the first time Yunyao saw such a scene, she panicked, but she calmed down soon.

She didn't say a word, just looked at these disciples quietly.

All the disciples were disappointed. The half-yearly Daoist Nascent Soul lectures and the half-yearly opportunity to enter the Twelve Classes just disappeared.

Some disciples didn't believe it, and they were even more angry. They threw the things in their hands at Yunyao and cursed loudly.

"You brat, you dare to lie to us, get out of here quickly."

"A foundation-building cultivator dares to come out and give us a lecture, it's simply beyond his control."

All the disciples were filled with righteous indignation, why should a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage teach them.

who is she?How dare a brat who is also in the Foundation Establishment Stage be his master in front of them?

Some disciples were relatively calm and sat there watching the play.

No matter how the disciples insulted and moved, Yun Yao remained completely still.

She stood quietly on the podium and let the abusers leave.

Seeing this, some disciples felt very strange, and couldn't help asking:

"Who is that? Why did she dare to stand on the podium?"

Liu Haoran smiled and walked towards Yunyao.

"This is Zhangbangfeng, the third apprentice of Taoist Zihuang, the junior sister of Taoist Xianling, our ancestor, Yun Chuyao."


Liu Haoran's soft words fell into everyone's ears, the class fell silent for an instant, and the disciples looked at Yun Yao in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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