It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 255 Bai Haoxuan

Chapter 255 Bai Haoxuan

Yun Yao remained calm on the surface, secretly happy in her heart, the gift given by these distracted men must be of great value.

Among other things, just these few storage rings are already beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

Even some Golden Core cultivators would be ecstatic to have a storage ring for themselves.

Moreover, those who can come to Qiankunzong to participate in the grand ceremony are all good friends with the master.The gifts they gave must not be too bad.

Yun Yao was overjoyed, and walked to the next distraction, and bowed to that mighty distraction.

"This is the Supreme Lord of Guiyi."

Lord Zihuang gave another introduction, while Yunyao saluted respectfully.

Shangshan Shangjun's whole body is as warm as water, which makes people feel very kind.

He smiled and introduced to Yunyao: "This is my apprentice Bai Haoxuan, whose dao name is Linshui."

"Thank you for the reward, Lord Linshui!"

Yun Yao put away the storage ring from Bai Haoxuan's hand.

Bai Haoxuan in front of her, with a bone age of 35 years old and a late Nascent Soul cultivation, was wearing a dark blue plain silk shirt with a dark black coiled belt around his waist, and a head of hair as long as flowing water, holding a hair With a bun, her eyes are as moist as water.

"What a strong water spirit power!"

From Bai Haoxuan's body, Yun Yao felt a powerful water-type aura.

She smiled sweetly, and took the storage ring from Bai Haoxuan.

At this moment, she noticed again that a hostile gaze was staring at herself.

This gaze is different from the previous one.

Yun Yao frowned slightly, then regained her composure, and walked towards the next distracted Lord as if nothing had happened.

"This is the Mad Heaven Lord of the Promise Sect."

Yun Yao raised her head slightly, Kuangtian Shangjun had a rough and savage face, with a sharp look in his eyes, giving people the feeling that he was not easy to mess with.

He raised his hand slightly, and said: "This is my seat's meeting ceremony. This is my disciple Yue Wuxie, whose dao name is Lianye. When you advance to Yuanying cultivation base, you can exchange ideas with him."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man wearing a purple gilt brocade robe, with high bristling hair and a dark purple gold hairpin came out from the Nascent Soul seat.

This man's appearance is extremely enchanting, especially the pair of slightly raised narrow eyes, which seem to have magical powers, making people intoxicated by it at a glance.

His bone age is 29 years old, giving people a bohemian and vicious feeling.

Yun Yao hurriedly saluted: "Thank you for the reward, I have met Daoist Lianye."

She didn't call Senior Brother Yue Wuxie affectionately. Whether it was the Mad Heaven Lord or the Lianye Dao Lord, they all gave people a very sinister kind of feeling.

It's better to keep a respectful distance from such a person.

Yue Wuxie looked at Yunyao, a playful look flashed in Taohua's eyes, he said with a smile:

"Young junior sister is too polite. In Tianqiong Zhenlu, the five top sects are connected with each other. We are of the same generation. You can just call me Wuxie senior brother from now on."

Yun Yao smiled and took the storage ring without saying a word.

An inexplicable look flashed in Zihuang Shangjun's eyes, and he raised his hand slightly towards the presiding elder.

The presiding elder hurriedly sang and sang, "Sect Master of Qiankun, Bangfeng, Zihuang Shangjun's apprenticeship ceremony is completed, and the same generation sees the ceremony."

Yun Yao first visited the senior brothers and sisters of Qiankunzong, and received many gifts.

She was ecstatic in her heart, "Did the Zongmen arrange this teacher apprenticeship ceremony and want me to accept the gift and be soft-hearted? Haha..."

After paying homage to the senior brothers and sisters of the Qiankun Sect, she began to greet the peers of the Outer Sect.

When she came to the team at Fenxiang Valley, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she saw the beautiful woman in front of her.

The woman in front of her was attracted by the scent on her body.

The woman in front of her is dressed in pink roses, a tight-fitting gown with sleeves, and an emerald green smoked gauze skirt, with jasper and phoenix hairpins on her temples.

She has a coquettish face, a charming look flashes in her eyes, and a slender figure that seduces the soul. She exudes a unique fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.

The presiding elder introduced Yunyao.

"This is Fenxianggu Hanxiang Daoist Lord, whose name is windy and affectionate."

For some reason, Yun Yao felt that this Daoist Hanxiang looked at her a little strangely, so she smiled slightly and said:
"I have met Daoist Hanxiang."

Feng Hanqing narrowed his slanted fox eyes, and then said with a smile:

"Well, in the realm of comprehension, another beautiful junior sister has been added. Junior junior sister, this is a gift from my sister."

Yun Yao frowned slightly, and she understood where the uncomfortable gaze just now came from.

She was very puzzled, she had never seen this coquettish and beautiful Taoist Hanxiang, where did her hostility towards her come from?
At this moment, Shangjun Zihuang's whole body was icy cold, and his body exuded a icy aura, which made the atmosphere of the whole hall fall into ice-cold.

Feng Hanqing felt the terrifying pressure rushing towards her, she broke out in cold sweat, and said to Yun Yao in a humble tone:

"This is a gift from me to Junior Sister, I hope Junior Sister will not dislike it."

Yun Yao took the storage ring from Feng Hanqing's hand, feeling warm in her heart.

Master is standing up for himself!It's great to have Master's protection!
At this time, a woman sitting not far away hurriedly lowered her head.

When Yun Yao came in front of her, she quickly stood up and said with a smile:
"Congratulations, Senior Sister! This is a gift from Senior Sister, I hope you don't dislike it."

"This is Hua Qingyue, the Shameful Dao Lord of Xuanyin Pavilion." The presiding elder continued to introduce.

"Thank you Daoist Shameful Moon!"

Yun Yao looked at the woman in front of her, and thought of the words "closed moon and shameful flower" in her mind.

The woman in front of her was wearing a pink embroidered blouse and a pearl white lake crepe skirt. On her melon seed-shaped white and tender jade face, a pair of pear dimples appeared slightly between her cheeks, and a light rouge was applied to make her cheeks look like A viburnum that has just opened is white and red.It's really a shameless flower, beautiful and unparalleled.

Her slender black and long eyebrows are like a painting, and a pair of eyes that yearn for light, those seductive pupils, black and white are distinct, rippling with a fascinating charm.

Yun Yao not only thought of Xuanyin Pavilion, Xuanyin Pavilion majored in temperament, every female cultivator of Xuanyin Pavilion has a unique temperament, these temperaments, cultivated in the temperament for a long time, are female cultivators from other sects. Repair did not.

And this Shameyue Daojun is even better. Not only is his face beautiful, but his unique temperament is also very attractive.

Hua Qingyue is also looking at Yunyao, she is recognized by the outside world as one of the top ten beauties in the cultivation world, seeing Yunyao now, she feels that Yunyao's appearance is even better than her own.

Regarding this, Hua Qingyue felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

Yun Yao didn't pay attention to Hua Qingyue's flickering eyes, and went to the next senior brother.

She couldn't help sighing in her heart: "The world of comprehension is really outstanding, and there are many handsome men and women. If these handsome men and women go to modern times, wouldn't those celebrities have to stay away?"

(End of this chapter)

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