Chapter 259
Under the power of the explosion, the bloodthirsty Gu shriveled up like a deflated ball.

The bloodthirsty Gu was injured, and Zhong Hunxiao, who had a contractual relationship with the bloodthirsty Gu, suffered serious internal injuries.

He showed his fierceness and murderous intent, wishing he could drink Yunyao's blood and eat Yunyao's flesh right now.

Just as he was attacking Yunyao, a figure stood in front of him.

Wu Guangcheng Yuanying monk turned into a streamer, exhausted all his strength, and rushed towards Zhong Hunxiao quickly.

Zhong Hunxiao was out of breath, his five fingers turned into claws, and with a click, he broke through the defense of the monk Yuanying in Wuguang City, and the five claws directly grabbed the old monk Yuanying Zifu.

Yun Yao held the Shi-Mie Sword in her hand, and slashed at the top of the bloodthirsty Gu's head, only to hear, "Ah!" A miserable voice came.

In the distance, the Golden Core cultivators who were healing their wounds shouted sadly: "Elder!"

Yun Yao turned her head and saw that Zhong Hunxiao's black claws were holding an old man's Nascent Soul.

Anger flashed in her eyes, and she rushed towards Zhong Hunxiao quickly.

Zhong Hunxiao grinned maniacally, "Haha, Yun Chuyao, don't you like to protect people? I'm going to let you see what happens if you offend me today."

After saying that, he squeezed lightly with his five claws, and with a "click", the Nascent Soul in his hand instantly shattered into pieces.

Yuanying was broken, his body was destroyed, and the elder Yuanying of Wuguang City disappeared completely in the world.

Hatred abounded in Yun Yao's heart, she rushed towards Zhong Hunxiao like a streamer, and without caring about it anymore, countless talismans exploded.

At the same time, Yuning Lang and Liu Haoran looked at each other, and while Yun Yao was fighting Zhong Hunxiao, the two of them quickly flew in front of the Bloodthirsty Gu.

Although the bloodthirsty Gu was seriously injured at this time, it still had a lingering power. It was like a demon in hell, exuding a frightening demonic energy, which made people chill.

Liu Haoran took out the flying sword, and the flying sword became bigger in an instant, slashing at the bloodthirsty Gu.

Yuninglang made a formula with both hands, and silently recited the formula in his mouth. Countless mysterious runes came out of his mouth, rushing towards the bloodthirsty Gu.

The huge bloodthirsty Gu, which swallowed the entire city, was attacked by Yun Yao's gravity, and it was already at the end of its strength.


Its painful roar resounded through the sky, turned around violently, and bit Liu Haoran's arm. Seeing this, Yuninglang stepped up his strength, and countless mysterious runes came out of his mouth, rushing directly to the Tianling cover of the bloodthirsty Gu.

Liu Haoran was injured, a piece of flesh was bitten off his arm, black blood flowed out from the wound, and the devilish energy swept over his whole body in an instant.

Seeing this, Yuning Lang stepped up his efforts, golden runes came out from his mouth, and golden lights sank into the top of Bloodthirsty Gu's head.

The bloodthirsty Gu was controlled by the golden rune, and kept rolling on the ground.

In the distance, the few remaining Golden Core cultivators in Wuguang City had monstrous hatred in their eyes.

Zhong Hunxiao and the others couldn't deal with it, but now they can deal with the cruel monster called Soul Devouring Gu.

They jumped up and attacked the Soul Devouring Gu at the same time.

Zhong Hunxiao saw that the Soul Eater Gu he cultivated was destroyed by Yunyao and the others, and his hatred was overwhelming.

He wanted to deal with Yuning Lang and the others, but was entangled by Yun Yao.

At this time, Yunyao was seriously injured, with multiple fractures and burst meridians all over her body.But she stubbornly resisted Zhong Hunxiao.

She knew that Zhong Hunxiao was extremely vicious, if she didn't get rid of him this time and let him run away, next time, she didn't know how many people would die in the mouth of the bloodthirsty gu.

Yun Yao became ruthless, and kept fighting against Zhong Hunxiao regardless of her injuries.

She has a lot of treasures on her body, she uses these treasures to explode herself, and then hides in the space, in order to consume Zhong Hunxiao's combat power little by little.

Yun Yao was seriously injured by Zhong Hunxiao many times, but she got up again and continued to fight. Her unyielding fighting spirit is frightening.

On the other side, the secret of Yuninglang's Gate of Life and Death is very powerful, firmly anchoring Soul Devouring Gu, coupled with the cooperation of several other Jindan monks and Liu Haoran, Soul Devouring Gu has become the end of its strength and is about to perish.

Seeing this, Zhong Hunxiao was almost insane, he yelled at Yun Yao: "Yun Chuyao, I want you to die without a place to bury you."

Seeing Zhong Hunxiao's coming hard, Yun Yao shrank her pupils, made a decision in her heart, and yelled at Yuning Lang and the others:
"Liu Hongran, Yuninglang, you guys run away quickly."

After saying that, Yun Yao took out a black iron ball.

Yuninglang and the others heard Yunyao's voice, turned their heads and saw Yunyao took out the black Tianleizi, their pupils shrank, without hesitation, they quickly dodged and ran away.

At the same time, they yelled at Yunyao: "Master Zu, don't!"

Several Golden Core cultivators in Wuguang City were terrified.

They never thought that this girl would use the fourth-order sky thunder and the big devil to blow herself up.

Seeing this, Zhong Hunxiao wanted to run away, but Yun Yao sneered and grabbed Zhong Hunxiao's arm tightly.

Her hands, like iron claws, possessed the strength of a thousand catties, and firmly imprisoned Zhong Hunxiao.

At the same time, a piece of jade pendant on Yunyao's waist erupted with a powerful light, covering her.

Zhong Hunxiao turned pale with shock, and his heart was full of bad premonitions.

He wanted to run for his life, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Yunyao's body erupted with a power to transform into a god, and this power made him terrified and made him tremble all over.

"Escape!" He just wanted to escape now.

At this time, Zhong Hunxiao's pupils protruded, tremblingly begging Yun Yao for mercy:
"Yun Chuyao, don't do this. If you do this, you will die yourself. You let me live. From now on, we will never violate the river."

He was really scared, he didn't understand why Yunyao was so powerful in just a few short years.

Not only that, but the treasures on Yunyao made him frightened.

Yun Yao was already angry at this time, her eyes were red, and hatred had already occupied her heart.

Although the Yun family is not perfect, although there are some hateful people, it is her and Sister Shaya's home.

It was grandpa who raised her, and it was grandpa who fed him with the precious Lingmi.

So many innocent people in Yuncheng were killed by the big devil Zhong Hunxiao.

Today, even if they all die together, she will get rid of Zhong Hunxiao, the big devil.

"Zhong Hunxiao, you have done a lot of evil. Today, I, Yun Chuyao, will eliminate harm for the people. Die!"

Yun Yao's voice full of hatred resounded through the heaven and earth, and at the same time, an explosion sounded, centering on her and Zhong Hunxiao, the explosion exploded, and the power of the explosion rushed towards the sky like a mushroom cloud.

The sound of the explosion was earth-shattering.

Yun Ninglang and Liu Haoran, who were fleeing, were seriously injured by the power of the Tianlei explosion, and their bodies fell to the ground.


"Yun Chuyao!"

Yuninglang and Liu Haoran escaped the force of the explosion, looked at the place where the explosion occurred, and shouted heart-piercingly.

They wanted to go forward to look for Yunyao, but they were affected by the force of the explosion, unable to move forward, they could only yell in pain.

Yuning Lang stared blankly at the direction of the explosion, feeling extremely shocked.

He had never seen a monk like Yunyao who, for the sake of others, challenged high-ranking powers, and died with the big devil for the sake of other people's lives.

"Aren't monks selfish? Why is Yun Chuyao different?"

Liu Haoran stood there blankly, unable to accept this fact.

Yun Chuyao is dead, how will the two of them explain when they go back?

How could someone as good as Yun Chuyao die?
The Jindan monks in Wuguang City also stood there in shock.

They still couldn't believe that the big devil who slaughtered the whole city was wiped out by a little girl who had built a foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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