It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 269 The benefactor is a fairy?

Chapter 269 The benefactor is a fairy?

Yunyao and He Yujun, following Qiao Er and the others, entered the village under the cheers of everyone in the village.

Qiao Er brought Yun Yao and the others to his yard.

The yard of Qiao Er's house is very large, surrounded by earth walls on three sides.

Several people placed the body of the leopard and other prey in the yard, and the children and daughter-in-law of the Qiao family were overjoyed.

Qiao Er hurriedly told his wife, "Daughter-in-law, quickly fetch the stool and pour tea for your benefactor."

Qiao's second daughter-in-law, a fat middle-aged woman in her 30s, was full of joy, and ran into the house happily when her husband told her to do something.

Qiao San's daughter-in-law, a thin woman in her 20s, saw her second sister-in-law entering the house, and quickly followed her in to help.

Another, thin, gray-haired woman in her forties also ran over to help.

When the three women moved out the tables and stools, Qiao Er immediately walked up to Yun Yao, and respectfully said to Yun Yao:

"Benefactor, this is my house. My house is relatively simple. I hope the benefactor will not dislike it."

As he spoke, he wiped the wooden bench with his sleeve, brought the bench to Yun Yao's side, and invited Yun Yao to sit down.

Qiao Er's approach attracted the attention of the villagers who came to watch the excitement.

Earlier, everyone focused their attention on the bodies of the two frightening leopards, and only then did they notice Yun Yao and He Yujun.

The villagers talked one after another.

"Who are these two girls? Why is Qiao's second child called that girl's benefactor?"

"Our Fenghuang Village has not seen outsiders for many years. Why did two women suddenly appear? These two women are still covered in mud, and they don't look like they are?"

Qiao's second move made not only the villagers puzzled, but even his old mother and the three wives of Qiao's family were full of doubts.

At this time, the old village chief was so excited when he heard that Qiao Er Er and the others had hunted two adult leopards, he quickly walked to the yard of Qiao Lao Er's house on crutches.

Qiao's second child didn't notice the village chief, she explained to everyone:
"We went hunting in Phoenix Mountain this time, and we almost couldn't come back. If this benefactor hadn't saved us, we would have all died under the jaws of the leopard."

"Yes! At that time, we met an adult leopard. This leopard was so fierce. At that time, it scared us... If it wasn't for this strong man, maybe we would all be bitten to death by the leopard."

Joe's second child and several others talked endlessly, telling the villagers about the thrilling process at that time.

Yun Yao was sitting on the bench in a daze, she really wanted to take a bath now.

Thinking about it now, being a monk is great!

The clothes are dirty, use the cleaning technique, and feel uncomfortable, immediately use spiritual power to turn out clean water to take a bath.

But now, unable to use their spiritual power, they can only go to a place with a water source to take a bath.

However, when I came down from the mountain, I didn't see a place with water.

"Where is the river?"

Qiao's second son and the others were talking excitedly, and Yun Yao's cold voice sounded.

Only then did he come back to his senses, and asked Yunyao, "Senpai, why are you looking for He?"

Yun Yao was speechless, wouldn't she wash off the mud all over her body?
However, with so many people in the yard, she couldn't say that she was going to take a bath, right?

Qiao's second son's fat daughter-in-law looked at Yunyao, and suddenly realized, she said with a smile:

"Benefactor, there is a small river to the east of the village. I will take two benefactors there."

Then, she said to Qiao's third daughter-in-law:
"Third daughter-in-law, do you have clean new clothes at home? Bring two sets here."

Qiao's third daughter-in-law understood what the second sister-in-law meant in seconds.

She hurried home, ran for a while, suddenly stopped, ran back in embarrassment, and whispered to Qiao's second daughter-in-law:

"Second sister-in-law, I only have a new set of clothes at home."

At this time, the gray-haired woman came out and said to the two women:

"I still have a set at home, a new dress for Nizi's wedding, I'll go get it right away."

The three women were busy making a group, and the man in the yard understood what was going on.

Especially the other people in the village, they would never believe that this girl, who is much thinner than the men in the village, can kill a leopard with one punch.

Only the village chief gently stroked his beard and looked at Yunyao with hope in his eyes.

Yunyao and He Yujun followed the three daughters-in-law of the Qiao family to a small river at the east end of the village.

Qiao's daughter-in-law said to Yunyao and He Yujun:

"Both benefactors, this is where we usually take a bath. The water quality of this river is clear and clean, and few people come here. You two can go there to take a bath."

Fearing that Yunyao and the others would be embarrassed, Qiao's second fat daughter-in-law said again:

"The two of you can rest assured to wash, the three of us are watching here, no one dares to approach."


Yun Yao and He Yujun walked down the river.

The two soaked in the cold river water, not only did not feel cold, but felt very comfortable.

As disciples of Qiankunzong, the two were used to using spells, and they had never let themselves be so dirty.

Nowadays, spells cannot be used, and a bath is really comfortable.

The two took a bath in the river water, and cleaned the defensive skirt by the way.

Due to the inability to use spiritual power, the defensive skirt was wet.

The two of them could only wear the dresses from Qiao's family, and wring out the clothes with their hands like ordinary people.

After Yunyao and the two got dressed, they said to the three wives of Qiao's family:
"We've washed it."

The three women of Qiao's family turned their heads and looked at Yun Yao and He Yujun, stunned.

The three of them stared at Yun Yao, dumbfounded.

Yunyao in front of her looks about 14 years old.

She wears a blue polar dress with a wide white belt around her waist.Long hair and waist hanging, long ink-like hair, wet, casually scattered.

Her face is as charming as the moon.Fair and clean face, soft and thin skin.The eyebrows are slender and picturesque, and the eyes are shining like stars.

There is a small mouth under the high bridge of the nose, with thin lips and slightly curved upward corners.Her small mouth of cherry, vermilion is not dotted but gorgeous.

Especially the little cinnabar on her forehead, delicate and beautiful, red but not demonic.

Yunyao was wearing an ordinary blue sarong, so pure and tender, like a budding hibiscus, spotless.But it exudes a dignified, noble, quiet and elegant temperament, like a fairy in the sky, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Seeing the three women stunned, Yun Yao asked suspiciously: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The fat daughter-in-law of Qiao's second family came to her senses and exclaimed:

"My God! Are you a fairy from the sky?"

Qiao's third daughter-in-law turned her gaze to He Yujun behind Yunyao.

He Yujun was wearing a pink sarong, with fair skin and big glazed eyes shining on her beautiful face.

She is about the same height as Yunyao, with a slender figure. She looks a few years older than Yunyao, giving people an elegant yet luxurious feeling.

The three couples were stunned by Yunyao's temperament and were at a loss.

Yun Yao smiled slightly, and said, "Sister Qiao, your new skirts will be returned to you after we sell our prey."

The fat daughter-in-law of Qiao's family quickly waved her hands and said with a flushed face:
"No, there is no need to pay it back. My benefactor saved the head of my family. A skirt is nothing compared to your life-saving grace."

(End of this chapter)

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