It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 274 Entering Phoenix City

Chapter 274 Entering Phoenix City

Yunyao and He Yujun walked on the official road into the city, each carrying one or two rich wolves.

On the official road here, not many people pass by, and the sparse passers-by pass by Yunyao and the others, looking at Yunyao and the others from time to time.

Both Yunyao and He Yujun carried a small bundle on their backs, which were made for them by the two sister-in-laws of the Qiao family with new fabrics.

They wore defensive robes inside and skirts given to them by the Qiao family outside.

Because of their fair complexion, their bodies are similar to those of adult men, and they are much thinner. They carry two wolves on their shoulders vigorously, which arouses the curiosity of passers-by.

A little girl who followed her mother to the city cried in fright.

She pointed at Yun Yao and the two, and cried loudly:
"Wow! Mother, there are wolves eating people there, I'm so scared! Woooo..."

"Qiaoer, don't be afraid, those wolves are dead, they don't know how to eat people, don't be afraid, mother is here!"

When Yun Yao heard the little girl's cry, she paused, and then walked forward quickly.

It was not her intention to scare people, and it was not her idea to scare the little girl to tears.

Last night, she and He Yujun were walking on a steep mountain road when they were suddenly surrounded by a pack of wolves.

She had heard from Qiao Er that this group of wealthy wolves often bit and devoured human beings passing by, so she and He Yujun decided not to do it, but to eliminate harm for the people.

As a result, this group of wolves who often eat people suffered disaster, and they were wiped out by three of Yunyao in an instant.

At that time, Yun Yao looked at the bodies of the dozen or so wolves, and decided to drag four of them away and bring them to Fenghuang County to sell.

After all, who would have trouble with silver?
As for the remaining corpses of the wolves, Yun Yao and the others didn't care whether they were swallowed by wild animals or encountered by the villagers of Fenghuang Village, picked up and sold.

No, this happened.

Two fair-looking girls walked down the official road, each carrying two terrifying corpses of financial wolves.

The guarding soldiers saw from a distance that two girls were carrying two jackals on their shoulders, thinking that they had misread.

The guarding soldier rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and after making sure that he was not mistaken, he took a deep breath and asked the soldier beside him:
"Am I not mistaken? Those two girls are actually carrying two wolves?"

"You read that right, those two girls were really carrying two wolves."

The two couldn't help taking a deep breath at the same time. They had guarded the city for many years, and it was the first time they saw two girls carrying wolf corpses and walking on the official road swaggeringly.

Yunyao and the others came to the city gate, and after paying the entry fee, they entered Phoenix City under the surprised eyes of the guarding soldiers.

He Yujun followed behind Yunyao, feeling a little embarrassed under the eyes of everyone.

As a monk, she has a storage bag. In the past, she always put things into the storage bag, but now, she has to carry these two huge wolf carcasses while walking on the street.

By doing this, I just wanted to sell some silver that ordinary people would use.

Yun Yao saw what she was thinking, and said with a smile:

"For mortals, money is very important, just like us monks, walking in the cultivation world, without spirit stones. Now, we can't find the way back, and we don't know how long we will stay in the mortal world. We don't have money on us, It won't work."

"What the master said was that just now, if we don't have money, we won't be able to enter the city. I learned it."

He Yujun understood the meaning of Yunyao's words, and she admired Yunyao even more in her heart.

She lived in the realm of comprehension since she was a child, and this is the first time she came here. She has no spiritual power, and it is a place where mortals live.

She feels that this is a kind of experience, a kind of practice.

He Yujun said to herself, "It's my luck to be able to practice with my master."

From the cloth bag on Yunyao's chest, the little tiger poked its head out, looking at the passers-by with curiosity.

It looked at He Yujun inexplicably, not understanding what He Yujun said just now.

However, Dun Dun knew in his heart that his sister had gained a little girl.

The two of Yunyao came out of a shop, and the jackal corpses on their shoulders were gone, and there was an extra 1000 taels of silver bills in their bags.

The two found an inn in the county town, rented two houses, and stayed there.

At night, Yunyao opened the window of the inn and looked at the bright moon in the sky, feeling very nostalgic for the days in the cultivation world.

In the world of comprehension, although there are people fighting and killing all day long, there are silly elder sisters who care about her, masters who love her, and senior brothers and sisters who take care of her.

In Qiankun Zongli, the silly girl left the pass, and when she heard that Yunyao had gone out to practice, she hurriedly sent Yunyao a jade slip.

When there was no response to sending the jade slip, Shaya was extremely anxious.

She took the teleportation jade slip and was so anxious that she hurried to Misty Peak.

When she learned that Yunyao hadn't come back, she could only find Yunyao's elder brother Huangpu Yufeng.

Huangpu Yufeng heard what the silly girl said, and sent a teleportation jade slip to Yunyao.

Huangpu Yufeng frowned when there was no response from the sent jade slip.

Shaya looked at Huangpu Yufeng and asked anxiously: "Master Shangqing, have you contacted Sister Yunyao?"

Huangpu Yufeng shook her head slightly, "There is no response to the sent jade slip."

"What's going on? Why is there no response when sending the jade slip? Something must have happened to Yaoyao. No, I'm going to find her."

Silly girl anxiously turned around, and said, she was going to look for Yunyao.

Huangpu Yufeng used a magic spell to pull the silly girl back, and said softly: "Don't worry, I'll do the math."

Huangpu Yufeng pinched her fingers and calculated.

The silly girl is very anxious, Yaoyao must be in danger, otherwise, she will not fail to send me a message on the jade slip.

The silly girl patted her head in frustration, wishing she could go out to find Yunyao now.

However, she knew that if she went out now, she might not be able to find Yaoyao in the vast crowd.

It would be much better if Master Shangqing calculated Yaoyao's location and went to find her by himself.

Shaya can only be patient and wait for the master to calculate.

Seeing Master Shangqing's brows furrowed, she raised her worried heart.

After a while, Master Shangqing withdrew his hand, sighed, and said to Shaya:
"Don't worry, little junior sister's life is not in danger now."

When Master Shangqing said this, Shaya breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then, where is Yaoyao now?"

Huangpu Yufeng looked at the extremely anxious silly girl, and said deeply:

"She has entered a secret realm now, and you can't go there. But don't worry, her life is not in danger."

"She entered the secret realm? Will entering the secret realm be life-threatening?"

Shaya was puzzled, but was still very worried about Yunyao.

Huangpu Yufeng looked at the clear eyes of the silly girl, and said seriously: "Her entry into the secret realm this time is not only an experience, but also a practice. This is a good thing, you don't have to worry."

He practiced for many years, and it was the first time he saw such a sincere sisterhood.

In Nanping Kingdom, Yunyao and He Yujun have already left two cities.

He Yujun wiped the sweat from her head, and asked Yunyao: "Master, when can we go out! We have been here for a month, and the days without spiritual power and magic power are too difficult !"

(End of this chapter)

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