It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 285 Heaven's Gate Opens

Chapter 285 Heaven's Gate Opens

All of a sudden, rays of sunlight descended, more and more.

Not long after, on the sky, there were colorful, divine lights descending from the sky, like the sea and rivers falling, and like stars falling into the world.

Not only that, but the pleasant voices were like two phoenixes, hovering in the air, circling the palace, singing crisply, and flying happily around the palace.

At the same time, a bright golden arch bridge appeared out of thin air. Under everyone's gaze, the arch bridge directly penetrated the dome of the palace, enveloping Yun Yao and He Yujun.

In the palace, everyone's eyes widened, looking at Yunyao and He Yujun, some people who reacted quickly backed away, fearing that these two people were monsters.

Even the emperor was startled and got up quickly.

Seeing this scene, the fourth prince hurried over and helped the emperor up, for fear that he would be injured.

At this time, there was chaos in the hall, and the ministers didn't know why, so they retreated and whispered to each other.

"What's the situation? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Why are there colorful rays of light shining on Her Royal Highness Princess Huguo and Princess Hucheng? Who are they?"

"Colorful light, there is auspiciousness in the sky, and there is auspiciousness!"

The reactions of the ministers were different, and some people shouted loudly.

The emperor came to the high platform in disbelief and tried to get close to the two of them, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Seeing this scene, the emperor's eyes lit up, and he shouted tremblingly: "God bless my Nanping country, God bless my Nanping country!"

The emperor's voice sounded in the hall, and everyone reacted and looked at Yunyao and Yunyao one after another.

Everyone saw that colorful light shrouded Xin Kewu Champion and Tanhua Warrior. These two women were like fairies who descended from the sky, making people dare not have the slightest blasphemy.

Especially Yun Yao, with a faint blush on her face, she looked extraordinarily alluring under the sunlight.A beautiful face like a banished fairy, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, makes any man fascinated by it, but the most unforgettable thing is her pair of bright eyes.

Standing in the glow, she exudes a noble temperament, and a mysterious power exudes from her whole body.

Yunyao and He Yujun were immersed in the rosy clouds at this moment, closing their eyes to absorb the auspiciousness, they didn't care about the sight around them, especially the reaction of the emperor and the ministers.

Just when everyone was stunned, the national teacher rushed into the hall, saw Yunyao and He Yujun, shuddered all over, walked to Yunyao and Yunyao tremblingly, and kowtowed to Yunyao to admit their mistakes .

"Fairy, fairy, don't blame me. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to say that you two are bastards. I, I know I was wrong. You two are gods sent by heaven to save our Nanping country. Fairy, please forgive me!" The two fairies spare us!"

All the people in the hall were astonished when they saw the crazily crying national teacher. They finally understood what vicious things the national teacher had done behind the scenes.

"Fairy? Immortal? The national teacher called Princess Huguo and they are immortals? Could it be that Princess Huguo and Princess Huguo are really gods appointed by heaven to save Nanping Kingdom?"

"The national teacher's ability is good, he is like this, what he said must be the truth. God! Immortal, the princess who protects the country is really an immortal."

Everyone knelt down and shouted: "God descends to earth, God bless my Nanping country."

Yun Yao only felt that she was surrounded by a warm light, and her whole body became extremely comfortable.

It was a feeling she had never felt before, which made her a little distracted.

She realized a mysterious power, which is similar to the power of heaven.

Yun Yao's only thought now is to absorb all these energies as much as possible.She hurriedly exercised her kung fu, and the mysterious light on her body turned into colorful brilliance, pouring into her body along her pores.

Yun Yao was completely attracted by that strange force, completely unaware of the way of heaven and faith contained in that colorful light.

Yunyao gradually felt that her cultivation had progressed from the middle stage of Qi training, to the late stage, and then to the early stage of foundation establishment.In the middle stage of foundation establishment, and in the late stage of foundation establishment, with the shining of the colorful rays of light, her cultivation base rapidly improved, and her spiritual consciousness was also rapidly recovering.

Yun Yao knew that the heavenly gate of this land of absolute spirits had opened.

Her spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire hall, and then spread to every corner of Nanping Kingdom.

Her soul has already appeared in the sky of Langfang City, where the common people are worshiping the light of the sky, Yun Yao can feel that under the colorful light, the vitality of the common people becomes more vigorous.

She couldn't help wondering, is this a gift from heaven?

Before she could figure it out, a red light suddenly lit up, and the fiery red light shook Yun Yao's mind, and her soul emerged from Phoenix Mountain.

Although the people in Fenghuang Village are all huts, everyone's complexion has improved a lot.

Yun Yao smiled slightly. Since receiving her reward, the life of the villagers has improved a lot, and their faces have also improved a lot.

In Fenghuang Village, the village head looked at the colorful glow and couldn't help exclaiming:
"Auspiciousness from heaven, this is the auspiciousness from heaven that the elders often say. Could it be that there is another phoenix on Phoenix Mountain that is going to nirvana?"

Hearing this, Yun Yao looked into the depths of Phoenix Mountain, and saw a red light flying towards Yun Yao's eyebrows at a very fast speed.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Yun Yao felt that her soul was about to be torn apart, and at this moment, there seemed to be a flame burning in her mind.

Just as she was covering her head to resist the scorching heat, her soul had disappeared from the sky of Phoenix Mountain and returned to her body.

"The fire of Nirvana, this is the flame seed left over from my phoenix's Nirvana. It has been fused with your soul. This is your good fortune. I hope you can cultivate well."

The hot feeling in her mind had disappeared, and her whole body became refreshed. Only then did Yunyao realize that her Qi training period had returned to the peak of the late stage of foundation building, and there was still a faint improvement, only the last step. Then you can step into the Golden Core cultivation base.

Her spiritual consciousness has also reached the peak of the early stage of Golden Core, and is only one step away from the middle stage of Golden Core.

What made Yun Yao most happy was that she got the Phoenix Divine Fire, the Phoenix Divine Fire!

This divine fire is different from her previous contract fire, it is the fire of her soul, once practiced, she will be able to transform into a divine fire that will never go out.

Yun Yao was ecstatic, opened her eyes suddenly, and saw that the entire palace, including the emperor, was kneeling on the ground, bowing their heads in salute.

She was out of body just now and couldn't speak. Now that she is awake, she can't let them kneel down for a long time. Yun Yao said softly:

"You don't need to be polite, get up quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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