Chapter 290 Nine Nine Thunder Tribulation
Yun Yao was shocked, she was locked by Tianlei.

Suddenly, there were several deep thunderclaps in the distance, "Boom." "Boom."

Yun Yao cheered up and looked into the distance, there was no boundary between the sky and the earth, but they merged together, and it was hard to tell which was the sky and which was the earth.

Thunder rumbled among the low clouds, making people's ears ring.Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder roared overhead, and the earth was shaken.

The rumbling and powerful fighting resounded through the valley, as if a ferocious beast was awakened from sleep and became furious.

Yun Yao collapsed on the ground, unable to get up, at this moment, her meridians all over her body were broken, and blood flowed out instantly.

There was a powerful force scurrying around in her body, causing her whole body to swell like a ball.

Not only that, what hurt Yunyao the most was that her sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode, and the planets in her sea of ​​consciousness were revolving rapidly.

Yun Yao wanted to call for help, but found that her voice was hoarse and she couldn't speak.

"It hurts! Ah! There can be no problems with the sea of ​​consciousness. If there is a problem with my sea of ​​consciousness, I will really die."

Yun Yao lay on the ground, telling herself to hold on.


In the sky, thunder is roaring, and lightning is flashing its teeth.The thunder exploded as if the entire universe was collapsing.A few seconds later, there was rumbling thunder, getting closer and closer, and finally there was a thunderbolt, and the universe seemed to explode.

The sudden lightning shocked the whole room, followed by thunder, rumbling, Yun Yao, who was paralyzed in the room, escaped, but had nowhere to hide, and could only let the roar of thunder and lightning.

"Not good, how did little junior sister get locked by Lei Jie?"

Huangpu Yufeng, who was meditating, found that the thunder and lightning had locked on Misty Peak. He was startled, and immediately flew to Misty Peak.

At the same time, the high-ranking monks of Qiankunzong released their consciousness one after another and looked at Misty Peak.

Everyone saw that the ninety-nine destroying world thunder was brewing in the sky, and they couldn't help but took a deep breath.

On the main peak, Tianxin Sect Master saw that Misty Peak was locked by Jiujiu Tianlei, and quickly released his consciousness. In his consciousness, Huangpu Yufeng was anxiously setting up a formation for the entire Misty Peak to resist the thunder disaster.While setting up the formation, he sent Huang Zhonghe and Su Qiaohong out.

Immediately, his consciousness landed on Yunyao in Yunmengju's room.

Yunyao didn't look lively at this time, she was lying in a pool of blood in pain, and above her head was the power of heavenly thunder locked by heavenly thunder.

Sect Master Tianxin frowned and muttered to himself.

"How could that girl Yun Chuyao attract the ninety-nine heavenly thunder? Isn't this the thunder tribulation that the Nascent Soul demon cultivator survived? She has just built a foundation and has no signs of advanced. How could she attract this terrifying thunder?" robbery?"

Immediately, his gaze swept to Yun Yao's side, and Dun Dun, who was also collapsed in a pool of blood, couldn't help but nodded.

"The ninety-nine sky thunder may have been caused by the ice crystal white tiger. It stands to reason that even if the ice crystal white tiger advanced to the third level, it would not be able to attract ninety-nine thunderstorms! Forget it, hurry up and save that girl and her contracted beast. Otherwise, when Zihuang comes back, he will definitely settle accounts with me."

Sect Master Tianxin talked to himself, waved his sleeves, and two pills flew into Misty Peak, and stuffed them into the mouths of Yunyao and Dundun in an instant.

Yunyao, who was on the verge of coma, felt a warm current rushing through her throat, the pain in her body disappeared a little, and she gained a little bit of strength.

Dun Dun was on the verge of despair, but he felt the warm current. After taking the elixir, the spiritual power in his body circulated rapidly, and he was about to enter the third level.

Sect Master Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and said to the anxious Huangpu Yufeng through voice transmission:
"Nephew Huangpu, hurry back!"

When Huangpu Yufeng heard the voice of the suzerain, his body was startled, thinking of his impulse just now, he flew up, and returned to his own mountain in the blink of an eye.

Although he returned to his mountain peak, he did not give up protecting Yunyao.

Huangpu Yufeng took out all the treasures that could resist the thunder disaster, and was ready to defend Yunyao against the thunder disaster at any time.

At this time, the second senior sister Ruan Xizhi also came to the peak of Huangpu Yufeng. She looked at Misty Peak and asked suspiciously:

"Eldest brother, how did my junior sister attract Jiujiu's thunder calamity? That's a thunder calamity that can only be overcome by monsters entering the fourth rank."

Although the Jiujiu Thunder Tribulation is only at the fourth level, it is comparable to the Thunder Tribulation that the human Nascent Soul's late cultivation base has crossed.

You must know that the way of heaven is very harsh on monsters. If monsters want to transform into human form and advance to the fourth level, that is, the cultivation base of the human soul, they must go through the frightening thunder calamity.

Jiujiu Thunder Tribulation will directly chop the monsters to death.Even monsters that have survived the thunder calamity will be torn apart by the thunder calamity.

If you fail to overcome the calamity, you will either lose your mind and soul, or your skill will be greatly damaged, which is different from the past.

Either way, it's pretty brutal.

But at this time, Yun Yao, who only had a foundational cultivation base, was about to go through the catastrophe with her contracted beast.

"It might be that Junior Sister's contracted beast is going to advance, and then, Lei Jie locked them both."

Huangpu Yufeng followed Yunyao's every move, and told Ruan Xizhi the speculation in her heart.

Ruan Xizhi looked at Yun Yao in the pool of blood, and sighed worriedly and distressedly:
"Little Junior Sister is too pitiful! The foundation building has to endure such a powerful thunder tribulation. It's a pity that we can't move forward, and we can't help her with anything. I don't know if she can get through this hurdle."

No matter whether it is a monk or a monster, no one else can approach it.

If there are other creatures approaching, they will also be locked by Thunder Tribulation, and the power of Thunder Tribulation will be doubled.

Therefore, Huangpu Yufeng and the others could only add a defensive formation to Yunyao from a distance, but they couldn't move forward.

After Yunyao digested the elixir fed by Sect Master Tianxin, her mind cleared up a little, followed by rich spiritual power and powerful strength.

This force is quite terrifying, and it is about to break through her body.

Seeing this, Yunyao silently recited the cultivation formula, and this mysterious and terrifying power actually calmed down in her body.

The sudden surprise stunned Yun Yao, and she said to Dun Dun via voice transmission: "Dun Dun, don't be afraid, quickly suppress that power to a part of your body."


There was a startling sound, and in an instant, the lightning flashed wildly, which was really scary, and a thunderbolt rumbled like an explosion, and with a "click", it slammed straight towards Yunyao.

Seeing this, Yun Yao yelled that it was not good, and with all her strength, she grabbed Dun Dun and ran out the door.


As soon as she ran out of the room, the thunderbolt fell directly on top of her and Dun Dun's heads.

At the same time, Yunmengju's room collapsed in an instant.


Yun Yao withstood most of the force of the sky thunder, her body fell forward, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

And her body was also split into coke by the terrifying power of thunder.

"No, I don't want to die!"

The force in her body rushed rapidly, and there was only one voice in Yunyao's mind, that is don't die.She wants to live, she wants to live well.

At this moment, the power in her body was moving rapidly like a tide, and her dantian was about to burst under the impact of that power.

"Hurry up and run the exercises."

The voice of Sect Master Tianxin reached Yunyao's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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