It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 297, Nine Profound Light Sword Techniques

Chapter 297, Nine Heavens Xuanguang Sword Art

In the sky above Yunmengju, a burst of brilliance flashed, a formation was formed, and Yunyao also woke up from the mysterious state.

She suddenly realized that the spiritual power in her dantian was about to be exhausted, and the colorful golden elixir had also lost its luster. She was shocked, and quickly took out the Juling futon and sat cross-legged.

Huangpu Yufeng waved to Huang Zhonghe and Su Qiaohong, and they turned and left knowingly.

On the other side, Ruan Xizhi glanced at Yunyao with a smile, and from the storage ring, strange flowers and plants flew out one after another, and inserted into various places in the yard according to her ideas.

Huangpu Yufeng looked at the spiritual energy swarming around Yunyao, and couldn't help being envious.

Junior Sister's cultivation aptitude is simply too good!Too good to be jealous.

Just as Huangpu Yufeng sighed, Yunyao withdrew her exercises. When she opened her eyes and saw the senior brother, she got up happily, but she smelled a smell of sweat.

Yun Yao frowned, only then did she realize that it was emanating from her body, she recited the mantra silently, a brilliance flashed by, and her body immediately felt refreshed.

Yunyao smiled and walked towards Huangpu Yufeng: "The formation is completed? Thank you, big brother!"

The elder brother has set up a three-level five-level formation for Yunmengju. The first level is a defensive formation, the second level is an attacking formation, and the third level is a gathering spirit formation.

The combination of these three formations is extremely powerful. It can not only attack and resist the attacking power of Huashen cultivation, but also gather spiritual power, making Yunmengjuli's spiritual energy several times stronger than before.

Huangpu Yufeng looked at Yunyao's innocent eyes and said with a smile, "Little Junior Sister, this formation was not arranged by me, but by you."

Yun Yao was taken aback for a moment, and the previous scene appeared in her mind.

The elder brother's words teaching the formations lingered in her ears, and it was only then that Yunyao realized that these fifth-order formations were arranged by herself.

"Is it true that I set up these formations? No, the spiritual power in my dantian can't set up such advanced formations at all. Senior brother?"

Yun Yao's black eyes blinked, as if she was asking Huangpu Yufeng, what happened just now?

Huangpu Yufeng looked at the cute little junior sister in front of him, and couldn't help laughing: "Little junior sister, think about it again, if your dantian is full of spiritual power, you can set up a fifth-level attack, defense, and spirit-gathering array in the future." It's done. However, I suggest that you don't rashly deploy a fifth-order formation before your cultivation has reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul."

Huangpu Yufeng said it very conservatively, even the monks at the early stage of transformation may not be able to deploy a fifth-order formation.You must know that setting up formations is not only related to the knowledge of formations, but also requires a lot of spiritual support. The young junior sister is very talented, and the peak of the late Nascent Soul is something that ordinary monks can't imagine.

Yun Yao has already recalled everything that happened just now, and she is full of gratitude to the senior brother, who is teaching her formation.

Yun Yao's heart is beautiful, this feeling is like a bowl of hot spring in cold winter, it warms the heart.

"Well, I understand, thank you senior brother, it's great to have a senior brother!"

After living for decades, she has always lived with strength and forbearance. She wants to be a protected baby in front of her senior brother. ,

"Silly girl, you are my little junior sister. I don't guide you. Who should I guide? This is the sword manual left by the master before he left. You have advanced to the Golden Core cultivation level, and you can practice swordsmanship according to this sword manual."

As he said that, Huangpu Yufeng gave Yunyao a book marked "Nine Heavens Xuanguang Sword Art".

Yunyao was full of joy when she received the "Nine Heavens Xuanguang Sword Art". In her blood lineage, there is no practice formula at all, let alone kung fu and sword skills. The master actually left a book of swordsmanship and asked the elder brother to give it to him.

Huangpu Yufeng saw that his task was completed, touched Yunyao's head, and said to Yunya: "Little sister, although the master is not here, but you still have senior brothers and sisters, if you need anything, just tell me."

Being patted on the head by a big brother, Yunyao always has the feeling that the senior brother is petting a pet, she blushed slightly, and said to Huangpu Yufeng: "Big brother, should you recruit a little apprentice?"

"You little girl, you dare to tease senior brother, you should hit me." As he spoke, he made a gesture to beat Yunyao.

Yun Yao took advantage of the situation and quickly dodged the big hand of the senior brother, and said mischievously: "Brother, how can you bully your little junior sister? Huh, hurry up and recruit a cute little apprentice, so that the little junior sister can also bully you!" Bully."

Huangpu Yufeng has always been serious, so he was a little embarrassed to be teased by his junior sister like this, and flew away with a reddish face.

Yun Yao looked at the senior brother's back, turned around, and walked towards the yard.

When she first entered the courtyard, she was stunned by the sight in front of her!
At this time, the garden in the courtyard is full of beauty and beauty.

In the courtyard, among the pavilions and pavilions are dotted with vivid emerald greens and grotesque heads. Those monsters are piled up together, abrupt and uncommon.

The exotic flowers and plants in the garden are well arranged, and the colorful prosperity is too beautiful to behold. There are clusters of flowers, the green grass and the towering spiritual trees exude a comfortable fragrance, which adds a beautiful color to the whole Yunmengju.

Yun Yao's face was full of surprises!

In the garden, any green grass is an extremely rare high-level spiritual plant, and any one inside will be looted if taken outside.

She looked at the second senior sister happily, and she was very grateful, but she didn't know how to repay the second senior sister.

Well, if I get a good baby in the future, I will give it to Second Senior Sister.

Thinking of this, Yun Yao walked towards Ruan Xi Zhi.

Ruan Xizhi had just retracted the spell, and with a sweep of consciousness, the whole Yunmengju could be seen. Seeing Yunyao coming, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she asked Yunyao:

"Junior Sister, do you like this arrangement?"

"I like it, I really like it! Thank you, Senior Sister, for being so kind to me!"

Yun Yao was overjoyed and said hastily.

Just kidding, these spiritual flowers and spiritual grass planted by the second senior sister in the courtyard are not only beautiful in appearance, but also priceless.Is there any reason why she doesn't like it?
Ruan Xizhi felt relieved when she saw that Yunyao really liked her.

For the first time, she always felt that she was overthinking, the little junior sister was so innocent and cute, how could she care about those things.

Ruan Xizhi despised herself in her heart, and joked with Yun Yao with a smile.

"Junior Sister is so amazing! Not only is she advancing to the Golden Core cultivation level at such a young age, but she also has amazing talent in formations. I'm a little jealous of Senior Sister."

"Where is it? The senior sister was joking. If it weren't for the love of the senior brother and the senior sister, I don't know what would happen to me now!"

Yun Yao's face turned red, but she was taken aback in her heart, why is Second Senior Sister's tone a little bit?

Even so, she noticed that the second senior sister did not have any malice towards her, so she didn't care, and told herself in her heart, senior brothers and sisters treated her so well, how could she casually speculate on them?

At this moment, a figure flew in the air, Yun Yao quickly activated the formation and said to Ruan Xizhi, "Second Senior Sister, Senior Brother Ruochen is here."

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