Chapter 315
Coming to Skystar City again, Yun Yao couldn't help but think of Situ You and Le Wuyou.

When she first came to Skystar City, she met Situ You and Le Wuyou.

Le Wuyou treated her very well. After she returned to Luoxia Mountain, she also went to look for Situ You. According to the sect disciples, after Situ You went out to practice, he never returned to the sect.

Two days ago, Yun Yao also went to Fangshi to look for Le Wuyou's residence, but the door was locked and no one was in the house.

Yun Yao couldn't help thinking that it was common for monks to go out to practice, and it was very likely that Le Wuyou's mother and son went out to practice together, so she didn't care.

At that time, when they left Skystar City, they were hunted down by Jiang Huahua's husband, Xiao Kun.

Now, she no longer has to be afraid of Xiao Kun.

Yun Yao and his party walked in Tianxing City with gorgeously dressed people, attracting the attention of everyone.

People on the street wondered where this group of young talents with extraordinary temperament came from.

There are also many people whispering.

"I'm afraid they come from the largest sect in Canglan Nation, Canglan Sect?"

"They are most likely from the Canglan Sect, and only the Canglan Sect can cultivate such extraordinary people."

Yunyao and the others listened to other people's comments, but didn't care, they were enjoying themselves strolling on the street.

Especially the silly girl, who can't move when she sees delicious food, so she has to buy some of everything.

"Yaoyao, Tianxing City is indeed the largest sect in Canglan Kingdom, and it is much more lively than the city below our Bai family."

When Bai Haoxuan heard Shaya's words, he couldn't help but look at Shaya, and asked, "Your surname is also Bai?"

Yun Yao and Yun Zhiyuan have always been called Sister Shaya, and everyone can tell that the three of them are from the Yun family in Yuncheng. This is the first time Bai Haoxuan heard that Shaya's surname is Bai.

"That's right! My surname is Bai, and my name is Bai Bingyan." The silly girl blinked her big eyes and said seriously.

Then, her eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "By the way, your surname is also Bai, and we are a family."

Bai Haoxuan smiled and nodded, "Well, your surname is also Bai, and I am also surnamed Bai. We are a family. From now on, you and Junior Sister Chuyao will both be my younger sisters."

His words seemed casual, but Yun Yao and Yun Zhiyuan were stunned.

What does Bai Haoxuan mean?
As a major disciple of the Guiyi Sect, he can't say such things casually.

Immediately, Yunyao and the others didn't take it seriously.

If she took everyone's words seriously, how innocent would she be?Maybe, people are just talking casually.

The silly girl asked Bai Haoxuan seriously.

"Is it true what you said? I am your sister?"

When the silly girl asked this, Yun Zhiyuan and Yun Yao could not help but support their foreheads.

Sister Silly is too naive!That's all people say!
Yun Yao lightly tugged on Shaya's sleeve, and whispered: "Sister Shaya, Taoist Lord Linshui was just joking. There are so many people surnamed Bai in the world, how did you get involved?"

She doesn't want a pure-hearted fool to be hurt. People like Bai Haoxuan, it's better to stay away from him. Isn't Hua Qianyue the best example?

"I see." Shaya was a little disappointed.

Bai Haoxuan is gentle towards people, it would be nice if it is really her brother.

"That's right! Sister Silly, don't have too many expectations for others in the future. Without expectations, there will be no disappointment. Yaoyao doesn't want Sister Silly to be disappointed in the future."

Yun Yao seriously spoke her mind to Shaya.She really didn't want Sister Silly to be sad.

Bai Haoxuan looked at Yunyao and Yunyao who were talking in low voices, and felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Junior sister Chu Yao treated him like an outsider.

However, Junior Sister, this silly older sister, is indeed kind-hearted, and he really wants to recognize her.

Bai Haoxuan, as a direct disciple of the Bai family, a super big family, is used to the intrigues in the cultivation world, people who call him brother face to face, and touch guys behind their backs.After getting in touch with Shaya, I suddenly felt that Shaya is a rare pure-hearted person in the world.

He took out a token from the storage ring, walked up to Shaya, smiled and said to Shaya:
"I really want to recognize you as my sister. I have no other intentions. I just feel that we are very destined. This is my token. If you have the opportunity to go to Guiyizong in the future, you can use this token to come Find me."

His sincerity made Yun Yao believe it.

Shaya looked at Bai Haoxuan in disbelief, feeling a little excited, but a little unbelievable.

Although her mind is not very bright, she also understands that a proud person like Bai Haoxuan will not casually recognize anyone as his younger sister.

One must know that once she and Bai Haoxuan recognized as brother and sister, there would be causal ties between the two.

How could a dignified one who was ranked tenth in the world of self-cultivation, the proud son of heaven, have casual karma with others?
Seeing that the silly girl was stunned, Bai Haoxuan gently patted the silly girl's head, and said softly: "I'm serious, since your surname is also Bai, and we are so destined, it's destined by heaven. You have to know, As a Nascent Soul cultivator, I will not do things indiscriminately. Come, sister, this is a gift from my brother."

Then, from nowhere, a storage ring was conjured up and worn on Shaya's finger, and the token was put into the storage ring that Shaya was wearing just now.

This scene stunned the three of Yunyao.

Especially Yun Zhiyuan and Ji Ziqian sighed in their hearts.

It's true that foolish people have foolish blessings. Shaya's silly appearance has won the favor of the tenth-ranked genius in the cultivation world.

Silly this luck, there is no one else.

In the world of comprehension, there are quite a few people with the same surname, why haven't they encountered such a good thing?
Seeing this, Yunyao knew that Bai Haoxuan was serious, and seeing that the silly girl was still in a daze, she smiled and said to the silly girl: "Sister silly, brother Haoxuan is serious, from now on, you will have an extra brother. "

Only then did the silly girl come back to her senses, and asked with joy in her eyes: "I have an extra brother? Do I have three brothers now?"

"Yes! Sister silly, you have three older brothers now. I envy you so much! Haha..."

What Yun Yao said was the truth, she also wanted to have an older brother, and wanted to have an older brother to protect her.

When Yun Yao said this, Yun Zhiyuan was not happy.

"Don't you have a brother? Your brother is standing in front of you, and you still say such things, are you looking for a beating?"

"I want to be beaten? Yun Zhiyuan, you want to be beaten, right?"

Yun Yao clenched her fist, as if she wanted to beat Yun Zhiyuan.

Yun Zhiyuan was so frightened that he quickly dodged. He was really scared of being beaten by Yun Yao when he was a child.

"Haha, Yun Zhiyuan, you're too cowardly. It's the first time I've seen a brother who is so afraid of his sister. Haha..." Ji Ziqian laughed loudly, and the others couldn't help laughing too.

Yun Zhiyuan's appearance made everyone laugh.

Just at this moment, a group of officers and soldiers dressed in the costumes of the City Lord's Mansion came towards Yun Yao and the others aggressively.

Yun Yao saw the leader of the team at a glance, Jiang Huahua's husband - Xiao Kun.

(End of this chapter)

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