It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 319 Tier 4 Golden Python

Chapter 319 Tier [-] Golden Python
"Pfft!" Yun Yao spat out a mouthful of blood under the double attack of the Jiang family's Yuan Ying monk and the golden python.

Yunyao sensed something was wrong, and quickly used the restraint technique to suck the blood she spurted into Chuyao's space.

However, the fragrance in her blood has successfully attracted the golden python.

The golden python smelled the sweet blood in the air and instantly went berserk. Its eyes were red, and it looked at Yunyao full of fear.

"Hey! Delicious blood, I'm lucky today. Hahaha, delicious meat!"

The giant golden python went berserk, and its roar resounded in the entire Skystar City. With a sweep of its tail, countless houses instantly collapsed.People were shocked and fled.

And the owner of the giant golden python, looking at the crazy golden python, not only did not restrain his spirit beast, but looked at Yun Yao with a smirk.

"Hmph! Even a little girl dares to play wild on my Jiang family's head. I will feed you to the python today. Huang Jiao, feed her and eat her."

Seeing the giant golden python go berserk, Yun Yao was shocked!

This fourth-order spiritual beast is extremely ferocious, with rough skin and thick flesh. Even the sharp World Extinguishing Sword cannot hurt it in the slightest.

Seeing the giant golden python opening its bloody mouth and spraying towards her, Yun Yao tried to keep calm in her heart, thinking about how to deal with it.

She received the Nascent Soul and above attack and defense gifts at the teacher apprenticeship ceremony, and there is not much left. What if I use them up this time and encounter a strong enemy again?
With the strength of her Jindan cultivation base, against the strength of Yuan Ying's cultivation base, it is like hitting a stone with an egg.If it weren't for the defense token that the senior brother gave her that can withstand the attack power of the Nascent Soul, she would have been out of her wits by now.

what to doWhat can I do?With so many people in the city, they couldn't use high-level attack talismans, so they could only resist.

Seeing the sharp teeth of the golden python reach her eyes, Yunyao closed her eyes, and quickly thought about the corresponding method in her mind.

At this time, various formations and various attacking formations flashed through her mind quickly, making her sweat coldly.

"Roar!" The powerful Nascent Soul's attack power caused Yunyao's head to ache. She was sweating coldly and trembling all over.

Seeing this, Bai Haoxuan shrank his pupils, raised the sword in his hand and flew up, intending to kill the golden python.

At that critical moment, Yun Yao's eyes widened, and countless talismans flew out.

Those talismans emitted brilliant light, forming runes one after another, forming a powerful defensive barrier.


The giant golden python bumped into the talisman barrier, gritted its teeth angrily, "Roar!" With a roar, a flame spewed out from its mouth, and the defensive barrier composed of talismans instantly burned down.

The golden python saw its prey in front, how could it let go, opened its bloody mouth, and came to bite Yunyao again.

And the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Jiang family, seeing the flying sword in Bai Haoxuan's hand, carrying terrifying power, wanted to kill the golden python, how could he let it go, raised the magic weapon and slashed towards Bai Haoxuan.

The corner of Bai Haoxuan's mouth twitched into a sneer, it seemed that Canglan Country's strength was exhausted.

A small country elder dared to kill a direct disciple of Qiankunzong.

If something happened to Yun Chuyao here, the entire Canglan Country might change hands.

How can Yun Chuyao be moved by these people?How can a small Jiang family bear the anger of Zihuang Shangjun and Shangqing Shangren?
Without saying a word, Bai Haoxuan carried the flying sword in his hand with the late Yuanying sword force, and slashed at the Jiang Family Yuanying monk.

At the same time, Yunyao's two hands made a talisman, shining brilliantly, forming a talisman formation with countless high-level bursting talismans, and rushed into the mouth of the giant golden python with lightning speed.

Seeing the prey in his hands, the golden python's eyes were red, imagining the scene where he would advance after eating the prey. As for the golden light rushing into its mouth, he didn't care at all, and excitedly bit at Yunyao.

"Golden Horn!" The elder Yuan Ying of the Jiang family felt the power of the talisman array, his pupils shrank, his face turned pale in shock, he yelled at the golden python, and his head was chopped off by a sharp sword.

At the same time, with a "boom", the sound of the explosion resounded through the sky, and thick smoke billowed from the golden python soaring into the sky.

The aftermath of the explosion filled the entire Skystar City. The emperor of Skystar City, Ruohai, was retreating, and when he heard the noise, he felt bad. He flashed his figure and appeared in Skystar City instantly.

When he arrived, what caught his eyes was the explosion of the golden python and the scene of the third prince's head moving.

With Jiang Ruohai's spiritual sense swept away, the entire Tianxing City was in chaos, people fled in all directions, and many houses in the city were blown to pieces.And in the sky above, stood a pair of young men and women.

He shouted angrily: "Why don't Xiao Xiao come here, dare to make trouble in Tianxing City."

Jiang Ruohai deserved to be the emperor, although he was furious and wished to cut the pair of men and women under the dragon's head right now, but found out the cultivation level and age of the pair of men and women, tried hard to restrain the anger in his heart, and looked at Yun Yao with majesty. The two questioned.

Yun Yao was relieved to see that the golden python had been dealt with, and the elder Yuan Ying who had dealt with her was also beheaded by Bai Haoxuan.

When she saw the middle-aged man in the yellow robe and the golden crown in front of her, she guessed in her heart that this was probably the emperor of Skystar City.

Seeing that although the emperor was furious, he did not take the initiative to attack himself, so he reported his family.

"My name is Yun Chuyao. This Nascent Soul Elder of the Jiang family attacked me indiscriminately. I had no choice but to do so in order to protect myself."

With a flick of his finger, Bai Haoxuan put away his trophy, the storage ring of the elder Yuanying of the Jiang family, and moved to stand beside Yunyao.

And the three terrified idiots below, seeing that Yunyao had saved her life for the time being, quickly took their swords to the sky and stood behind Yunyao.

The emperor of Canglan Kingdom swept Yunyao's five people with his spiritual sense, his brows were slightly frowned, and his heart was shocked.

That 35-year-old man in a black robe has already reached the late Yuanying stage, what a genius he is.

In the world of comprehension, there are only a handful of 35-year-old young people who have advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul, and there are only ten in total, isn't it?

When he looked at the water aura around Bai Haoxuan again, he couldn't help blurting out: "Are you Linshui Daojun of Guiyi Sect?"

Bai Haoxuan nodded, and replied in a gentle manner: "I return to Bai Haoxuan, and I have met His Majesty the Emperor of Canglan Kingdom."

Jiang Ruohai, as the emperor of the Canglan Kingdom, is also a veteran Nascent Soul cultivator, who is over a thousand years old. As a junior, Bai Haoxuan should meet normally.

Bai Haoxuan's words confirmed Jiang Ruohai's guess. He paused, suppressing the anger in his heart, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:
"It is rumored that Daoist Linshui of Guiyi Sect has already cultivated at the late Yuanying stage at a young age. He is a well-known young genius in the cultivation world. Seeing him now, he really lives up to his reputation."

Without waiting for Bai Haoxuan to answer, he continued: "Although my Canglan Kingdom is small, it is a country under the rule of the Qiankun Sect. Linshui Taoist Lord will not solve the problem of your belonging to the same sect, but will come to the capital of our Canglan Kingdom to kill you." What does my Yuanying elder intend to do?"

You know, there are very few Nascent Soul cultivators in the entire Canglan Country, and it takes a lot of cultivation resources to train a Nascent Soul cultivator.Now, their Canglan Country has lost two Nascent Souls, and their combat effectiveness has dropped instantly.

Bai Haoxuan replied unhurriedly: "That's because you, the elder Yuanying, carried its spirit beast and acted recklessly to deal with the genius of your Qiankun Sect."

"What? The third elder dealt with the genius of Qiankunzong?"

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(End of this chapter)

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