It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 322 Sneak Attack

Chapter 322 Sneak Attack
In a high-end restaurant in Tianxing City, Sha Ya looked at Situ You lying on the bed and couldn't help being startled.

There was not a single piece of intact flesh on Situ You's body.The thick water flowing out of the open wound was disgusting.

"Xiao Kun and the others are too ruthless, killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads. They torture people like this, they are even worse than animals."

The silly girl clenched her fist angrily.

Yun Yao invited a doctor to treat Situ You's wound. The doctor applied good medicine on the wound and left after leaving some medicine.

Yun Yao sent the doctor away, fed the fourth-order recovery pill and the Jiexu pill into Situ You's mouth, and then used her spiritual power to dissolve the power of the two pills.

Seeing that Situ You looked better, she said to Situ You: "The elixir given by the emperor to repair the dantian can only be taken tomorrow. Do you feel better now?"

Situ You looked at Yun Yao with gratitude in his heart.

He didn't expect that he would come out of that hell alive, and when he was dying, Yun Yao would come to save him.

However, his mother had been tortured to death by Xiao Kun.

Thinking of this, Situ You couldn't stop crying.

These days of inhuman torture made him lose hope of surviving, seeing Yunyao, hope was ignited in his heart again.

"I'm much better, Yunyao, thank you!"

There are thousands of words, and he can only describe it with one word of thanks.

Yun Yao nodded and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, there will be blessings if you survive a catastrophe. After you have gone through this catastrophe, your future cultivation path will be more open."

"En." Situ You nodded movedly, then closed his eyes, he was really out of strength.


Canglan Sect, Law Enforcement Hall, Daoist Weihua heard his disciple's report, and slapped that disciple flying with his palm.

The poor disciple of Law Enforcing Hall didn't understand what was going on, so he lost his life just like that.

Daoist Weihua snorted coldly at the disciple's corpse, and gritted his teeth angrily.

"Yun Chuyao, okay, you're fine! You actually killed my Jiang Family's two Nascent Souls, and I'm going to peel your skin and constrict your tendons."

Thinking of what the Jiang family emperor had done, Daoist Weihua became even more angry.

"Well, you Jiang Ruohai, they killed our two Nascent Souls, yet you let that bitch go. It seems that you are too cool to be an emperor."


On the top of the mountain behind the Canglan Sect, the head of Zhongxuan stood respectfully in front of the ancestor. At this moment, he lost his previous majesty and lowered his head like a child who made a mistake.

After a long time, the ancestor said: "I understand your thoughts. I have already seen everything you have done."

The head of Zhongxuan hurriedly raised his head, and explained in panic: "It's not like that, Patriarch, I think, I think."

When the words came to his lips, he didn't say them.

The old ancestor stared at the head of Zhongxuan with wise eyes, and said coldly: "No matter how bad my Jiang family is, they are also members of my Jiang family. Don't forget, the Canglan sect was built by the ancestors of my Jiang family with their own blood. Yes. You are an outsider, and you are still very tender if you want to play tricks in front of me."

As soon as the old ancestor finished speaking, a terrifying pressure of transforming gods came straight to the head of Zhongxuan.

Facing the coercion of Huashen, the head of Zhongxuan's back was icy cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. He had never felt so palpitated like today. The whole person seemed to have stopped breathing, and his face turned pale.

The old ancestor didn't change his face, and asked coldly: "Do you know your mistake?"

Facing the strong coercion, the head of Zhongxuan's legs were weak and trembling.

The power of transforming gods is too terrifying!He sensed the approach of death.

"I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

Seeing that the remorse of the head of Zhongxuan did not seem to be fake, the old ancestor withdrew the coercion, sighed, with helplessness and heartache in his tone, and said to the head of Zhongxuan:
"You only know those evildoers from the *** family, but you don't know that if they are eradicated, the combat power of the entire Canglan Nation, and even the Canglan Sect, will decline, which will give the leading nation who has been eyeing it an opportunity to take advantage of it. That's just one of them."

"Secondly, have you used the unscrupulous people in Yun Chuyao's family, the genius disciple, have you ever thought about how we will explain to Lord Zihuang and Qiankunzong if Yun Chuyao is injured or loses his life? ?”

Seeing that the head of Zhongxuan wanted to defend himself, the ancestor continued: "Thirdly, no matter how bad those Jiang family members are, they are also descendants of my Jiang family. If you want to deal with them, you can deal with them yourself. What are you doing with Yun Chuyao? My seat It’s hard to figure out a little secret. At the beginning, I told you not to choose Yun Chuyao as a disciple and let her practice in the outer sect. The reason was to give her a chance to enter the Qiankun Sect and be recruited as a disciple by the elders of the Qiankun Sect. Fortunately, you want to take advantage of it. she."

After finishing speaking in one breath, the ancestor was so angry that his chest hurt, and before the head of Zhongxuan could speak, he continued to reprimand him angrily.

"Yun Chuyao is that variable. The luck of our Canglan Sect and even the entire Canglan Nation is linked to her. If one is not good, the foundation of our entire Canglan Sect for thousands of years will be destroyed by your selfishness. .”

Before the head of Zhongxuan could speak again, the ancestor sighed, "That's all, the fate is like this, what should be done, you can do it!"

After the head of Zhongxuan was reprimanded by the ancestor of the Jiang family, he left the back mountain tremblingly.

Five days later, Yun Yao flew towards Yun City with the injured Situ You, Shaya and the others.

At this time, their original five-member team, together with Situ You, became six members.

Yun, yo, and the others came out to practice, and they were not in a hurry. Along the way, they stopped and stopped, one to take care of Situ You who was seriously injured and the other was to see the customs and customs of other places in Canglan Country.

Yuncheng is located in a remote place, with little spiritual energy and few cultivation resources. Due to its geographical location, it is separated from two other countries, Qifeng Kingdom and Shuanglong Kingdom.

The emperor of the Canglan Kingdom didn't pay much attention to such a place like Yuncheng.Therefore, when the head of Zhongxuan sent the summons jade slip, he stamped the seal without even looking at the imperial edict.

That's why he found the name Yun Chuyao familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

This time, Yunyao not only avenged himself and Situ You, but beheaded Xiao Kun, the Lord of Tianxing City who had done many evil things, and even beheaded the third prince. The severely injured emperor Jiang Ruohai not only did not blame Yunyao, The [-] mu of land around Yuncheng was rewarded to Yunyao.

For this, Yun Zhiyuan admired Yun Yao even more.

Several people left a city and got on the flying dharma boat. Suddenly, a sword light descended from the sky. This sword light carried overwhelming power and fiercely struck towards the flying dharma boat.

"No, someone sneak attack!"

Bai Haoxuan's expression froze, he quickly opened the protective barrier on the flying dharma boat, and shouted at Yun Yao: "I'll deal with the attacker, and you drive the flying dharma boat."

If he faced the terrifying and powerful attack of the Nascent Soul's late stage peak alone, Bai Haoxuan would not panic at all, but now that there are low-level monks like Shaya on the Dharma boat, he has to be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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