Chapter 332
After several people discussed, Yun Yao brought Yun Zhiyuan and others to the City Lord's Mansion in the early morning of the next day.

"Who are you? If you dare to trespass into the city lord's mansion, what should you do?"

The guards at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion blocked the way of Yun Yao and the others.

Yun Yaokang said forcefully: "I am the new owner of Yuncheng. I will report to your master that the owner of Yuncheng, who was assassinated by the emperor of Canglan Kingdom, has arrived."

Yun Yao's voice was not loud, but it echoed throughout the entire Yun City.

In Yuncheng, the people who were sleeping woke up immediately, and they all stretched out their consciousness, wanting to see who the blind person dared to play prestige in front of the Xiao family.

Yun Yao felt many eyes, but she didn't panic.

What she wants is this kind of effect. At this moment, she just wants to go back to the city openly and let everyone know that the sky in Yuncheng has changed.

Xiao Huaiqing was calculating Yuncheng's income for the past two months, when he heard Yunyao's voice, he shouted, "Are you crazy outside?" He appeared at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, in the City Lord's Mansion, the other two Golden Core cultivators and the guards of the City Lord's Mansion ran out one after another, and surrounded Yun Yao and the others.

Seeing this, Yun Yao didn't panic, and secretly made preparations.

Xiao Huaiqing looked at the four young people in front of him, the oldest one was only in his 20s, and the one with the highest cultivation was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and said in a deep voice, "How dare you guys come to the City Lord's Mansion Provocation is simply courting death."

A terrifying coercion emanated from him, rushing towards Yunyao and the others with the power of the late Jindan stage like a thousand horses.

Yunyao and the others felt this powerful coercion. If they were in the past, they would definitely be overwhelmed by this coercion.Now, the coercion at the late stage of Golden Core couldn't trouble Yun Yao who was already at the early stage of Golden Core.

Everyone saw that the glamorous girl standing in the middle waved her big hand, a purple light flashed, and the coercion emanating from the city lord was instantly dispelled.

"Hiss!" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion looked at this 15-year-old girl, how could a little girl be so powerful?This is the attack power of Jindan late stage!

The city lord Xiao Huaiqing and the other two Golden Core cultivators did not expect this girl to be so powerful, so they couldn't help but thump in their hearts. Then they thought, there are three Golden Core cultivators on my side, and there are only five people including this girl with Golden Core cultivation.

Can five people fight against the tens of thousands of officers and soldiers in the City Lord's Mansion?It's just a fool's dream!

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, Yun Yao flashed her figure and flew to the gate of the city with the silly girl and the others.

Xiao Huaiqing was taken aback by her unconventional way of playing cards, and then sneered, "Hehe, some little bastards actually came to my Xiao family's territory to show their prestige. Let's go, today, we will kill chickens to make an example of monkeys."

After the words fell, Xiao Huaiqing and the three Golden Core cultivators of the Xiao family, as well as the foundation-building guards of the City Lord's Mansion, flew towards the gate of the city at the same time.

Yunyao stood on the high city gate, she looked at Xiao Huaiqing in front of her, and said coldly: "Xiao Huaiqing, your Xiao family has illegally occupied my Yuncheng and made it a mess. Now, I, Yunchuyao, are ordered to Come, take back Yuncheng."

Before Xiao Huaiqing could speak, a yellow imperial decree appeared in the sky.

The big characters on the imperial decree shone with golden light, illuminating the entire Yuncheng.

The people in Yuncheng looked at the big characters floating in the sky, and they all looked in the direction of the city gate in disbelief.At this time, the girl was standing on the tall tower, confronting many monks of the Xiao family, her majestic wind blowing, her skirt fluttering, was so eye-catching.

Seeing the imperial decree in mid-air, everyone in the Xiao family was startled, and then adjusted their mentality.

The three Golden Core cultivators of Xiao's family are all veteran Golden Cores, and they didn't panic at all when dealing with this kind of situation.

Xiao Huaiqing sneered, and cast a spell to destroy the imperial decree.

It was too late, it was soon, Yun Yao snorted coldly, and moved even faster, "Shua, Shua, Shua" several array flags flew into the sky, inserted on the edge of the imperial decree, a third-level defensive formation was activated instantly, and the imperial decree was protected In the array.

Xiao Huaiqing's pupils shrank, and he stared at Yunyao with a frown, his heart was already turbulent.

The woman in front of me is only 15 years old, but she already has the attacking power of golden core. Who is she?The imperial decree said Yun Chuyao, is there anyone else in the Yun family?She is a 15-year-old girl, how can she be so powerful?
Just now he lost the two rounds with Yunyao, which made him very angry.

After eating for a while, Xiao Huaiqing suddenly became furious and shouted loudly: "Where did this dog thief come from, to seize the city under the guise of the imperial decree of the Canglan Kingdom emperor, he is looking for death."

Yunyao chuckled, "Xiao Huaiqing, Yuncheng was originally the city of my Yun family, but your Xiao family took it forcibly. Now, I, Yun Chuyao, have come to take back Yuncheng."

"Huangkou kid speaks nonsense. When Yuncheng was destroyed, whoever snatched it will belong to him. Now it belongs to my Xiao family in Shuanglong Kingdom. It has nothing to do with your Canglan Kingdom, and the imperial edict issued by the emperor of your Canglan Kingdom has no effect. Think If you want to take back Cloud City, you need to find His Majesty the Emperor of Rufeng Nation."

An old man of golden core in the Xiao family looked respected, but what he said was disgusting.

Yun Yao just thought it was funny, and asked back: "Since you said that, is it true that we went to your Shuanglong country and occupied your Xiao family's Rufeng City, then Rufeng City is ours? Hehe, this is a good idea. !"

"That's right! According to his logic, isn't that the case? Yun Chuyao, I have a proposal. After we subdue Yuncheng, we will go to occupy Rufeng City. Damn, if they can occupy our Yuncheng, why should we Aren't you going to trouble them?"

Yun Zhiyuan also said loudly, the more he talked, the more energetic he became, and he felt that his idea was good.

The silly girl also scolded the Xiao family angrily, "I said you Xiao family, it's a shame to say that the robber's behavior is so high-sounding. I advise you to return Yuncheng to the rightful owner."

Xiao Huaiqing was still wondering where Yun Chuyao came from.Wasn't the Yun family taken over by Zhong Hunxiao back then?Wasn't the third prince taking care of the Canglan Kingdom's imperial city?What's going on here?

The Golden Core cultivator beside him couldn't bear it any longer, "You yellow-mouthed children speak out loudly and dare to challenge the majesty of the Xiao family. Today is your death day."

The old man Jindan of the Xiao family was in a hurry, and rushed directly towards Yunyao and the others with a "shua, shua, shua".

Seeing the floating dust in front of his eyes, the power of the golden elixir carried by the floating dust made Yun Zhikuan and the others feel chills. Yun Yao stood up, and the Shishijian in his hand emitted a dazzling sword light, with a "click", Fu Chen was instantly split in half by the Mie Shi Sword.

After the crisis was resolved, Yun Zhikuan and the others looked at Yunyao excitedly. At this moment, Yunyao was so dazzling in their hearts.

 Add a new chapter today, three more~
  Boys, give me some motivation!come on!
(End of this chapter)

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