It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 348 The Magic Lamp of the Next Day

Chapter 348 The Magic Lamp of the Next Day
Yunyao counts the treasures in the space, the treasure map, the ancient ship-shaped house, the fairy artifact and the ancient soul lamp

Yunyao had a beautiful dream, in the dream, she came to a fairyland on earth.Here is full of fairy spirit, fairy flowers are in full bloom, and even the grass on the ground can talk and laugh.

Before she knew it, she came to a fairy mountain, and she saw a beautiful woman dancing on the top of the mountain. Yun Yao really wanted to go up to see the woman's appearance, but her eyes seemed to be separated by a veil. can not see clearly.

Yun Yao felt familiar with this woman, but she couldn't tell where she had seen her before.

She walked slowly towards the top of the mountain in front of her, and she was about to reach the top of the mountain. At this moment, the mountain changed drastically, the space twisted, and a huge force of attraction hit Yunyao. Yunyao was instantly caught by this huge force. pop open.

Yun Yao gradually woke up from her sleep, when she saw Sister Bingyan beside her, she looked around, seeing the familiar bed and the familiar room layout, she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

Sister Bingyan was dozing off on the edge of the bed, Yun Yao couldn't help smiling when she saw Bingyan's side face.

Here is her childhood room.The layout of the room is exactly the same as before, and sister Bingyan must have spent a lot of effort.

Yunyao was very touched. Sister Bingyan and grandpa were the first people in this world who brought her warmth.

In order not to disturb Sister Bingyan's rest, Yunyao continued to lie on the bed, closed her eyes, and entered the space.

When she saw everything in the space, she was shocked!
How is this going?

In the sky above the space, a quaint oil lamp unexpectedly spun, and that oil lamp emitted an orange light, like the sun, covering the entire space.

The oil lamp is surrounded by an orange halo, giving people a simple and mysterious feeling, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

However, Yunyao is the master of Chuyao's space, the ruler of the space, including this oil lamp.

Just as she was looking up at the sky, suddenly, the oil lamp shone brightly and spun rapidly.

Gradually, the spinning speed of the magic lamp became faster and faster, and along with the orange light, mysterious runes rushed out from the wick of the magic lamp.

Looking at those runes, Yun Yao was very pleasantly surprised, and asked Mie Shijian loudly: "Mie Shi, what do these runes say?"

Mieshijian turned into a stream of light and rushed out. When it saw those runes, its eyes widened, and it said to Yunyao in surprise:

"Haha, Yun Chuyao, your luck is too good! This is an ancient artifact, an artifact! You actually got an artifact."

Yun Yao was dumbfounded by Mieshijian's words, she looked at Mieshijian in disbelief, "What? You said it's a divine weapon?"

There are many weapons used by monks, and their levels are also different.

From low-level to high-level, it is divided into: magic weapon, magic weapon, semi-immortal weapon, fairy weapon, divine weapon, etc. These levels are only roughly divided.For example, the magic weapon ranges from the first level to the ninth level, and the same is true for the magic weapon.

The highest level of weapons is a divine weapon. Yun Yao never thought that she would get a divine weapon by accident.

This is simply more incredible than pie in the sky.

"Didn't the person who took me away call himself an immortal? Shouldn't the immortal position use an immortal weapon?"

Yun Yao was a little confused.

Mie Shijian explained with a smile: "It is indeed a fairy soul that took you away, but this is indeed a divine weapon. As for how he obtained this divine weapon, I don't know."

"Hehe, my luck is good, it doesn't matter if it is a magic weapon, as long as it is a magic weapon."

Yun Yao no longer dwelled on that question, and quickly engraved the mysterious runes in the halo in her mind.

As circles of runes flashed quickly, the four characters of "God's Lamp for the Next Day" appeared in the center of the runes instantly.

"God! The magic lamp of the next day? Is this the magic lamp of the next day?"

Before Yun Yao had time to be happy, the Mieshi Sword Spirit shouted excitedly.

"The magic lamp of the next day, is this magic lamp called the magic lamp of the next day?"

Yun Yao quickly thought about the information about the magic lamp of the next day in her mind, but found that there was no record about the magic lamp of the next day in the cultivation world.

Yun Yao was pleasantly surprised, and asked Mie Shi, "Mie Shi, what is the magic lamp for the next day?"

"You don't even know about the magic lamp of the next day?" The World Extinguishing Sword Spirit said contemptuously:

"I don't know how you have such good luck, but you don't know that you have obtained the world's most precious treasure. Tomorrow's magic lamp is an ancient artifact. Not to mention those people in the fairy world, even the so-called gods in the god world will fight to the death .”

"I don't know what kind of shit luck you have had. Not only did you get immortal energy, but you even got one of the top ten divine weapons in ancient times."

The Extinguishing Sword Spirit is really envious of Yunyao's luck.

If Yunyao hadn't been its master, it would have wished to snatch this artifact away.

Hearing what Mie Shi said, Yun Yao was overjoyed!
She never thought that she was so lucky!

This magic lamp was not abducted by her, but delivered to the door by herself.

Hehe, Yun Yao couldn't help but laugh.

Gradually the runes around the magic lamp disappeared the next day, and the four characters in the center of the runes also disappeared, and the magic lamp became a simple one. Compared with ordinary oil lamps, the only thing that remains the same is that it emits an orange color. There is no change in the light, and the entire space is illuminated by the light emitted by the magic lamp as if it has the sun.

The space is no longer gray and gray, and there are colors in the space. The mountains in the distance look extraordinarily beautiful and have a touch of warmth under the orange light of the magic lamp the next day.

Seeing this, Yunyao felt warm in her heart. Her space was getting better and better, and she couldn't help wondering whether Chuyao's space would form a small world in the future?

"By the way, Mishi, besides being able to illuminate the next day, what else can the magic lamp do?"

Yunyao sensed that she had a slight connection with the magic lamp of the next day. Now that she couldn't use the magic lamp and didn't know the function of this magic weapon, she could only ask the World Exterminating Sword Spirit.

The Extinguishing Sword Spirit said speechlessly: "You just need to know that it is a divine weapon, you don't need to know about the rest for now. Work hard to cultivate! Maybe as your cultivation level improves, a lamp will be born in this divine weapon." With the spirit of the lamp, once your cultivation has reached a certain level, you can use this magic lamp to kill all directions. Hahaha..."

After finishing speaking, the World-Mietering Sword Spirit returned to the World-Mietering Sword again.

Yun Yao twitched her lips, saying that the World Extinguishing Sword Spirit didn't say anything.

She glanced at the magic lamp in the sky, calmed down her excitement, and walked towards the wooden house.

Wait, what is this?
Just after taking a few steps, Yun Yao noticed something extra in the sea of ​​consciousness.

When she saw the appearance of that thing clearly, she was stunned with excitement.

"Here, is this the old ship-shaped house?"

If it weren't for the shape of the boat in the soul, it would be impossible for Yun Yao to connect it with the old boat-shaped house underground.

She hastily pulled her consciousness out of the space, and when she saw the radiant and incomparably gorgeous house in her soul, she was so surprised that she didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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