Chapter 357
Xiao Qiankun stomped on Li Xianyang hard, and Li Xianyang's face was livid from Xiao Qiankun's step. He looked at Yunyao with hope in his eyes, hoping that Yunyao could rescue him from the sea of ​​suffering.

Xiao Qiankun only thought that Li Xianyang was very funny, and he sarcastically said: "Li Xianyang, do you want this little girl to save you? It's a fool's dream. She will soon become the number one in our Xiao family's brothel. A little bitch who can't protect herself, Come to save you? It’s a fantasy.”

Li Xianyang ignored Xiao Qiankun's humiliation, looking at Yunyao with hope in his eyes.

However, when he compared the strength of Yun Yao and Xiao Qiankun in his heart, he lowered his head in disappointment.

Just at this moment, a cold voice came into his ears.

"If I help you get rid of Xiao Qiankun, are you willing to recognize me as the master and never betray?"

Li Xianyang quickly raised his head, when he saw Yun Yao's clear eyes, he felt something in his heart.

Promise this girl, recognize this girl as the master, she will be able to avenge herself.

So, Li Xianyang nodded seriously, and said firmly:
"I, Li Xianyang, mean what I say. If you rescue me from Xiao Qiankun's grasp, I will recognize you as my master, and I will follow you forever and ever."

And Xiao Qiankun looked at Yun Yao and Li Xianyang with disdain, he wanted to see how these two jumping clowns were going to dance.

"Okay." After Yun Yao answered softly, her figure flickered and disappeared instantly.

Xiao Qiankun thought that he had mastered everything, but he didn't expect that this little girl disappeared under his nose again.

He was so angry that he ignored Li Xianyang under his feet, and cast spells with both hands, countless powerful attacks rushed in all directions.

"Boom boom boom!"

The attack power of the late Yuan Ying was powerful and terrifying, the mountains shook, the ground shook, and all the trees in the mountains were destroyed. Those low-level monsters lost their lives instantly under the attack of the powerful attack power of the Yuan Empress.

Li Xianyang broke into a cold sweat for Yunyao. He understood that that girl only had a Golden Core cultivation, and she was no match for Xiao Qiankun in the late Yuanying period. If this girl escaped, she might come to rescue him.

He was just looking for a little comfort in despair!
Li Xianyang lowered his head in disappointment, hoping that Yun Yao could escape as far as possible.

"Ah! You bitch!"

A miserable voice sounded, and Li Xianyang felt that the pressure on his body disappeared in an instant. He quickly raised his head, only to see that Xiao Qiankun, who was extremely arrogant just now, was instantly killed, and fell down in a pool of blood with a bang.

Li Xianyang was stunned!He stared blankly at the beautiful and moving girl in front of him.

He stared at Yunyao dumbfounded, thinking that he had misread, quickly wiped his eyes, and then took a closer look, Xiao Qiankun was indeed not breathing.

Li Xianyang couldn't believe what he saw, but the facts forced him to believe it.

Is this girl in front of me really only 15 years old?
Does she really only have a golden core cultivation base?Am I not mistaken?

Yun Yao ignored Li Xianyang, but bent down, picked up the storage tools on Xiao Qiankun's body with a sword, and cast a falling water spell to clean the two storage rings.

She did all this so naturally and in one go, Yun Yao seemed to do this kind of thing often, without any psychological burden.

All this left Li Xianyang dumbfounded.

Just now, this girl took out the Nascent Soul Late Cultivator with one move, how did she do it?
Just as Yunyao put away the storage ring, a large group of people rushed from the city.

After the group of people saw the corpse lying on the ground, they hissed and shouted:

"Old Ancestor! Old Ancestor, did you kill Old Ancestor?"

The group of people seemed to have gone crazy, one by one holding magic weapons, they rushed towards Yunyao ferociously.

Seeing Yunyao's unhurried appearance, Li Xianyang shouted anxiously to Yunyao: "Hurry up, people from the Xiao family are here. There are a lot of them, run away quickly."

Shouting, he went to grab Yun Yao's arm, anxiously wanting Yun Yao to leave.

At this time, he was only worried about Yunyao's comfort, and he forgot how Yunyao solved Xiao Qiankun's matter with one move just now.

Yun Yao glanced at the arm holding her arm, and said with a smile: "You don't have to go, I'm waiting for them."

She originally wanted to trouble the Xiao family, but now that the people from the Xiao family automatically come to her door, that would be the best.

Yun Yao smiled, her smile was so beautiful, it made people feel at ease.

Only then did Li Xianyang remember that this girl was able to kill Xiao Qiankun with one move just now, so it was no problem dealing with these Golden Core cultivators.

Immediately, he smiled, laughing at himself for worrying too much, laughing at himself for worrying about a girl he just met at this moment.

Looking at Xiao Qiankun's body on the ground, the people of Xiao's family frantically attacked Yunyao as if they had lost their mind.

Their Xiao family's achievements today depended entirely on the Yuanying Patriarch, and the support of their own family was actually killed by these two people in front of them. This is the life of their Xiao family!
How could the Xiao family let Yun Yao go?
"Come on!"

"Kill those two bitches."

"They actually killed the ancestors, let them pay for the ancestors, and use their souls to light sky lanterns."

The members of the Xiao family rushed towards Yunyao frantically.

At this time, they only wanted to kill Yun Yao and Li Xianyang to avenge their ancestors, without considering the consequences at all.

There is only one thought in their minds, that is, the ancestor is dead, and their Xiao family is finished.It was those two people who killed Patriarch, and they wanted to chop those two people into pieces.

Suddenly, in the open space outside the city, the sound of fighting resounded through the sky, and the light emitted by the spell illuminated the sky and the earth.

The people in the city heard the noise, came out to have a look, and fled in all directions for fear of being implicated.

And Yunyao didn't talk nonsense, and released Dun Dun and Huanhuan who had entered the Jindan cultivation base, and let Dun Dun and Huanhuan fight with these people from the Xiao family.

Dun Dun and Huanhuan had just entered the third level, and their attack power was not that strong, but their skin was rough and their flesh was thick. Suddenly, they were evenly matched with the Xiao family.

The scene of the battle was extremely bloody. Seeing all this, Yun Yao seemed to have gotten used to it. She pulled Li Xianyang aside and began to heal Li Xianyang.

Li Xianyang did not expect that this girl would heal himself, and he was very moved.

When Yunyao placed her hand on his back and injected a bit of life energy into his body, she found that there was some death energy swimming in Li Xianyang's body.

These dead breaths are very stubborn, constantly eating away at Li Xianyang's meridians and flesh and blood.

Feeling the dead air, Yun Yao withdrew her hand, frowned, and asked Li Xianyang:

"Why is there death in your body?"

Li Xianyang was taken aback, he didn't expect that Yun Yao would detect the dead energy in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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