It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 362 Wangyun Pavilion

Chapter 362 Wangyun Pavilion

Yun Yao, Bai Haoxuan, and Bai Bingyan sat on the flying carpet and flew towards the Gate of Life and Death.

She has already arranged everything in Yunshan City, Yun Tianfang is the acting city lord of Yunshan City, and Li Xianyang is the guardian elder of Yunshan City to guard the safety of Yunshan City.

As the person in charge of education in Yunshan City, Yun Zhikuan is not only responsible for the cultivation of the Yun family's children, but also responsible for recruiting other staff members in Yunshan City.

Situ You served as the financial director of Yunshan City, responsible for the financial issues of the entire city.

Because Yun Zhiyuan and Ji Ziqian will leave Yunshan City in the future, they will temporarily assist Yun Tianfang in his work.

As for the future development of Yunshan City, Yunyao has already made arrangements.

She selected the four largest buildings in Yunshan City, set up a high-level defensive formation, and took out the high-quality decorations from her storage space, and asked Yun Zhiyuan and others to clean up the four buildings. It was rearranged.

The four buildings immediately took on a new look, and their grades were improved a lot.

Seeing this, Yunyao was very happy, and named the four connected buildings "Wangyun Pavilion".

She plans to make Wangyun Pavilion the largest auction in Canglan Country.

After Yunyao and the others spent five days renovating Wangyun Pavilion, they brought out many high-level treasures that Canglan Country did not have.

These treasures, let alone Canglan Country, are not even in the common jurisdiction of Qiankunzong.

She wants to use these treasures to attract the arrival of high-ranking monks, and to use these treasures to develop Yunshan City.

In addition to these auctioned treasures, Yun Yao also divided half of the treasures brought out by the Xiao family this time and gave them to Yun Tianfang and Situ You respectively.

She understands the reason why all eggs should not be put in one basket. If Yunshan City wants to develop, it can't do without start-up funds.

Since the Xiao family took the initiative to deliver the treasure to their door, why would she not use it?Then use these treasures to develop Yunshan City.

Since she employs people, she doesn't doubt them. She wants to use Situ You, Yun Tianfang and Li Xianyang to contain each other.

Although Li Xianyang's qi training has declined, his spiritual consciousness is still at the Nascent Soul stage, which can deter many Xiaoxiao.

Of course, before she left, she promised Li Xianyang that Li Xianyang would wait for her in Yunshan City, and she would come back to cleanse the dead energy in Li Xianyang's body.

At that time, Li Xianyang was so excited that his eyes were full of tears, he wished he could kneel down and kowtow to Yun Yao again.

Yunyao also plans to send the items of Qiankunzong back to Yunshan City in the future, and auction them in Wangyun Pavilion.

In this way, things that the entire Canglan Kingdom does not have, even treasures that ordinary monks of the Qiankun Sect do not have, will be available at the auction in Wangyun Pavilion in Yunshan City.In this way, why don't you worry that Yunshan City will not be prosperous?

Yunyao knows that the development of a city has a lot to do with the flow of people. He wants to use treasures that are not available in other places and are in short supply in the cultivation world to develop Yunshan City.

In this way, why is Yunshan City not prosperous?
Of course, if someone wants to cause trouble in Yunshan City, those fourth-order killing formations she set up will not show mercy.

Thinking of the prosperous Yunshan City in the future, Yun Yao couldn't help laughing happily.

The Extinguishing Sword Spirit in the dantian couldn't understand Yunyao's appearance as a money fanatic, so he asked speechlessly, "You can obviously use your blood to cleanse the dead energy in Li Xianyang's body, why don't you help him clean it up?"

Yun Yao has always been very generous, so why is she treating Li Xianyang differently this time.

Yun Yao sighed and said, "Mie Shi, you are too simple!"

The World Extinguishing Sword Spirit would not recognize these words.As a sword spirit, it has survived for an unknown number of years. Although it has lost a lot of memory now, it has lived longer than Yunyao.

Through telepathy, Yun Yao sensed the thoughts in the heart of Mieshi Sword Spirit, and explained with a smile:
"You really don't understand human nature. Although Li Xianyang made an oath to follow me, I can't guarantee that he won't rebel for the wealth of Yuncheng."

Seeing that the World Exterminating Sword Spirit was puzzled, Yun Yao continued:

"The greed and selfishness of human nature is unimaginable. In the face of huge wealth and power, few people can withstand the temptation. What's more, the easier it is to get, the less you will cherish it. If I put him away so soon He will feel that it is easy for me to save him. Maybe he will have a rebellious mentality in the future. On the contrary, if I treat him slowly, he will not only help me manage Yunshan City for his own life, but will Appreciate me even more."

"Furthermore, he and I are not related, so why should I use my own blood to treat him? I rescued him and gave him so many high-level pills, which is very good."

Yun Yao didn't say what happened next, she didn't want to explain too much.

After Yunyao's analysis, the World Extinguishing Sword Spirit seemed to understand a lot, and he re-examined Yunyao for the first time.

It has always thought that Yunyao is very generous, so generous that it has no discernment, but it never thought that Yunyao would have such a city.

"Yes, what you said is that what you do is right."

The World Extinguishing Sword Spirit would never admit it, and he began to admire Yunyao, a 15-year-old girl.

Yun Yao shook her head with a smile, and didn't say anything more to the Sword Spirit of Extermination.

Bai Haoxuan looked at Yun Yao who was meditating, his eyes were full of doting.

For some reason, he thinks his junior sister's quiet appearance is cute.

He didn't know since when, he liked to look at the side face of the little junior sister like this, and liked to look at the young junior sister's pensive look.

Sometimes Bai Haoxuan wondered if he was sick. He felt that he was not only sick, but also very sick.

Bai Haoxuan laughed at himself, his thoughts drifted away.

In Yunshan City, Yun Zhiyuan and the others were sitting in the meeting hall. You looked at me and I looked at you. They all felt a little strange and indescribable.

When Yun Chuyao left, he seemed to have lost his backbone.

As for Yun Tianfang and Li Xianyang, the three of them sat there in a daze, and they still couldn't get back to their senses.

They looked at the storage rings on their fingers and were shocked.

What Yunyao gave them was beyond their imagination.

These things, even Li Xianyang, who was cultivated in the late Yuanying period, had only seen them in the records of the jade slips, and had never seen them in reality.

"Hey, I said, what's the matter with you?"

Looking at the dazed people, Ji Ziqian asked loudly.

She didn't understand these people very much. Although Yunyao had left, they still had a lot to do!What are these people doing here?

Ji Ziqian's shout brought Yun Zhiyuan and the others back to their senses.

A few people touched their noses and laughed awkwardly.

After all, Li Xianyang is a late Nascent Soul cultivator who has seen the world. He immediately sorted out his emotions, and said to Yun Tianfang and the others:
"Now, the most important thing in Yunshan City is the opening of Wangyun Pavilion. In this way, I will be stationed in Wangyun Tower first, and other things will be arranged by Yuncheng Lord. What do you think?"

He did not put on the airs of a Nascent Soul cultivator in front of Yun Tianfang and the others, but his attitude was very modest.

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  During this period of time, I was very busy, and I didn't have full attendance, so I didn't have any motivation to write.

  After all, updating every day requires not only time, but also air conditioning costs, electricity costs, and so on.

  Without full attendance, I really have no motivation to write down.

  My friends have been persuading me to end it early, so as not to waste time and energy. It is of no benefit to me to generate electricity for love.

  But I was reluctant, reluctant to part with the eunuch, and wanted to finish this book properly.

  I have always been in poor health, and writing a book takes a lot of energy and time. My forehead is a little bald, and my hair is also a little gray. I always hope to write good works, and write works that book lovers like.

  Maybe I have insufficient experience in writing and did not achieve the desired effect. In this regard, I have been extremely depressed for a long time and have been devastated.

  However, now that I have recovered, I will try my best to keep writing.I also hope that all the book lovers can give a lot of support and encouragement!
  Love you guys!
  Sect Master Qingfeng bows to pay tribute!

(End of this chapter)

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