Chapter 367 Returning to the Universe Sect
As soon as Bai Bingyan flew outside Benlei Mountain Villa, she saw the Patriarch and the others waiting outside the door, not knowing who they were waiting for.

"Little sister is back."

Bai Yuchen saw Bai Bingyan get off the flying sword, and happily went to greet her.

Bai Bingyan asked with a puzzled face: "Brother, who are father and the others waiting for?"

Bai Yutang was about to answer, when Ji Yanran stepped forward, and sarcastically shouted with disdain on her face, "Hmph, a little liar, with such a big face, made us wait for so long."

Patriarch Bai Haotian looked Bai Bingyan up and down, seeing that Bai Bingyan was only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he said with a disappointed face: "Go in when you come back!"

He heard that Yun Chuyao, who joined Canglan Sect with Bingyan, had already entered the Golden Core Cultivation Realm, and he, a silly daughter, had just established the Foundation Cultivation Realm, so it would be false not to be disappointed.

"Little sister, welcome home."

Bai Yutang really loved his little sister, and said to Bai Bingyan tenderly.

Big brother is still the same as before, Bai Bingyan is very happy, "Big brother, I miss you so much!"

Although she is not very smart, she also understands that in the Bai family, there are only two elder brothers who really love her.As for the others, she doesn't care.

In the Canglan Zongmen Square, the children reacted differently. Some children held something in their hands and shouted excitedly: "Hahaha, I'm rich, I'm rich!"

Some children shouted excitedly: "No, this is mine. If you dare to snatch my baby, I will hack you to death."

"What are you? Why does Daddy only like you and not me?"

Narration in the square, the elders of those children were all blushing, their heads drooped, and it was hard to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Yun Yao paid attention to the performance of these children, and remembered everyone's performance in her mind. Then, everyone saw that with a light wave of her right hand, the yellow light covering the children instantly dissipated.

Those children are also awake Guo Ali.

They opened their hazy eyes one by one, not understanding what happened just now. Could it be that they were dreaming?
Some children from the Xiuxian family seemed to understand something, and looked at Yunyao in a daze.

"You, you, those who have reported their names, come out."

Yunyao pointed her finger, and the fingertips emitted warm yellow light again. She pointed at the children shrouded in light, and said softly.

Some children hadn't reacted yet, and when they saw the light covering themselves, they were overjoyed and hurried out of the crowd.

And those children who were not selected were disappointed.

Some were downcast, some showed bitterness, and some sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

The twenty children were ecstatic, they did not expect that they would be chosen.

Just at this time, a woman from the original villa stood up and accused Yunyao: "You are cheating, my family does not choose a child with a single fire spirit root, and chooses a child with a five element spirit root."

The woman looked resentful, ignored everyone's eyes, and pointed at Yunyao, as if Yunyao had done something outrageous.

The head of Zhongxuan was about to yell at the woman, Yun Yao shook her head slightly at him, stepped forward and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Liu Xiuxiang, the niece of the Patriarch of Benlei Mountain Villa. You have abused your personal power and selected people indiscriminately."

When Liu Xiuxiang saw Yunyao for the first time, she couldn't help being jealous.It was the first time she saw such a beautiful person, so beautiful that she wanted to tear that face off.

What made her even more angry was that a 14-year-old girl should stand on a high platform and control her niece's fate.

And she thought she was both beautiful and capable, but she could only look up to that woman from under the high platform.

What made him even more angry was that this Yun Chuyao turned out to be that idiot's younger sister, a idiot, a bitch, why should she show off her might in front of her.

But she didn't know that her distorted face made the people around her take a few steps back and keep them away from her.

At this time, she was still complacent, saying things that no one else dared to say.

She felt that she should be the one standing on the high platform and attracting the attention of everyone.

Looking at the coquettishly dressed woman below, Yun Yao changed her mind and thought of what Sister Bingyan had said to her, and then she smiled slightly.

Yun Yao's smile was so powerful that it made everyone in the audience dumbfounded.

They all focused on Yunyao's cultivation and status before, and they didn't observe Yunyao seriously.Yun Yao's bright smile, like a blooming flower, made people feel instantly at ease.

Some people felt that it was really wrong for them to look at the direct disciple of Qiankun Sect like this, so they quickly lowered their heads.

And some people turned their eyes away with red faces.

Liu Xiangxiu pointed at Yunyao angrily, she was about to go crazy with jealousy, when she was about to attack Yunyao with words again, Yunyao spoke.

"The niece of the Patriarch of Benlei Villa? Who is it? The Patriarch of Benlei Villa doesn't have a niece named Liu like you!"

Yun Yao's seemingly gentle words hit Liu Xiangxiu hard on the face, her expression changed immediately, she was so angry that she wished she could smash Yun Yao's mouth right now.

Before she could refute, Yun Yao said again, "Hmph! A small foundation cultivator dares to use the name of Benlei Mountain Villa, he really doesn't know how to live or die."

Her momentum suddenly changed, and her tone was instantly cold.

The crowd watching the excitement below immediately felt that a powerful aura emanated from Yunyao instantly, like a raging tide, suddenly rushed towards Liu Xiangxiu.


Liu Xiangxiu felt that she was almost overwhelmed by a high mountain, and she could clearly hear the sound of her bones breaking.

Being suppressed by the coercion of Jin Danxiu, her clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

Now that she looks like this, she still wants to put a hat on Yun Yao's head.

"Bold Yun Chuyao, you not only abused your power, but also innocent Master, my uncle will definitely not let you go."

Yun Yao smiled coldly, "Your uncle? Aren't you the niece of the Patriarch of the Bai family? Who is your uncle? Is he very powerful?"

"My uncle, the Patriarch of the Bai family, is a great cultivator of Nascent Soul. If you hurt me today, uncle will definitely tear you to pieces."

Yun Yao was amused by Liu Xiangxiu, she withdrew her coercion, glanced at the square, and asked in a cold voice: "Is there anyone else from Benlei Villa here? Come and tell me, is what this woman said true? ? Is the Patriarch of the Bai family really going to tear me into pieces?"


As soon as Yunyao's words came out, the people in Benlei Villa broke out in cold sweat.

They felt troubled, Liu Xiangxiu was the niece of the wife of the head of the house, and the head of the house had always obeyed what the wife said, if something happened to Liu Xiangxiu here today, they would definitely have trouble going back, and even hurt their family members.

However, the one on stage is even more difficult to mess with!That is the master who even the head of the Canglan Sect has to be courteous, and they dare not offend him!
What should we do?
For a while, the scene was completely silent, everyone in the Bai family was anxious, and people from other forces were waiting to see the good show of the Bai family.

"It looks, it looks, the Patriarch of the Bai family really wants to avenge me for you! In this case..."

At this time, two people flew over from a distance, and the man among them said: "A person with a foreign surname dares to pretend to be my cousin, Liu Xiangxiu has no respect for elders, and ignores the envoy of Qiankunzong, damn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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