Chapter 373 Exhale
Yun Yao was seriously injured and was struggling very hard. Fortunately, she used all her strength to send Bai Bingyan and those disciples to a safe place.

She originally wanted to send these disciples and Bai Bingyan into the space.However, this mang ox attacked too fiercely, and the high-level magic weapons and talismans on her body had been used up, so she could only use her own strength and the mang ox's hard steel.

However, this mang ox has already transformed into a god, and Yunyao only has a golden core cultivation level, so he can't deal with it at all, so he can only use all his strength to resist the mang ox's attack.She was too weak to do it all at once, unable to knock the disciples and Bai Bingyan on the spaceship into a coma and send them into space.You can only deal with the reckless cow desperately.

Furthermore, the acceleration of time in Chuyao's space will accelerate the aging of the human body.If Bai Bingyan and the others are sent into the space, they will age faster because of the time problem in Chuyao's space.

Thinking of this, Yun Yao can only slightly resist the attack of this high-level beast by fighting hard with the Kaishan Mang Niu.

Seeing the Kaishan Mangniu attacking again, Yunyao's eyes flashed coldly, she held up the World Extinguishing Sword, and shouted: "The Jue of Initiating Fire and Transforming Thunder."

As soon as she opened her dantian mouth, the fire flashed, and an orange flame rushed towards the Shishijian instantly.

The Mieshijian in her hand instantly turned into a blazing flame sword. At the same time, the sky thunder flashed, and there was a loud bang, and the thunder that shot people's hearts and souls instantly slashed towards the Shishijian.

The Mieshi Sword is like a divine sword that surpasses the world. The sword body is burning with raging fire. The fire is filled with the power of purple thunder and lightning.

Immediately, it wanted Yunyao's strength, then snorted, roared, and spoke human language.

"Moo, a little Golden Core cultivator can exude such power, I simply underestimate you."

"Drink, you bastard, why did you attack me for no reason?"

Yun Yao shouted loudly, trying to delay the time as much as possible, trying to accumulate more power of thunder. "Lightning Fire and Lightning Jue" is the second form of "Entraining Qi and Hua Lei Jue" given to her by her master. So far, she has only practiced this level.It is the most powerful formula she can use now.

She used the one in the dantian as an introduction, and then used the first form of "Nine Heavens Dazzling Sword Art", the anger of the sky thunder, combining the power of the sky thunder with the power of the strange fire, the power was greatly increased, and it could reach the attack power of the late Nascent Soul.

However, this is also a risky attempt, Yunyao has no other way to fight against this beast, and can only use this move to fight to the death with Kaishan Mangniu.

The Kaishan Mangniu, who has already enlightened his wisdom, is impatient, thinking that it is a majestic high-level power, but it was bruised all over by a little girl's film. How can it mess up when it goes back in the future?
The eyes it looked at Yunyao were as cold as looking at a dead person, filled with fierce power, and roared angrily.


There was a whistling sound of Jian Rui, which made people's souls painful.

Yun Yao, who had been watching Kaishan Mangniu, took a closer look, her pupils shrank, and her heart beat faster.

Kaishan Mang Niu opened its ferocious and ferocious mouth, and Yun Yao rushed towards it.The mountain-like body of Kaishan Mang Niu carried a crimson flame, as if it wanted to burn everything around it to ashes.

Yun Yao was shocked in her heart, she knew that it was just an appetizer for Kai Shan Mang Niu before, but this time, Kai Shan Mang Niu came for real and wanted to put her to death.

Just at this moment, a strong wind blew up, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and thunder struck across the sky, as if to destroy the creatures below.

"Go to hell!"

With a loud roar, Yun Yao shot up into the sky, aiming at the heart of Kai Shan Mang Niu with the fierce Mie Shi Sword.


Yunyao and Kaishan Mangniu collided like two comets, emitting a dazzling light in the night sky.

Yunyao exuded monstrous divine power, Kaishan Mangniu's body was monstrous, the two world-destroying forces collided together, and the entire sky erupted with terrifying power.

There was a loud bang, the space was shattered, and two black holes formed around the two forces.Black holes collide with black holes, unleashing enormous forces.


A shrill scream pierced the sky, the two black holes disappeared instantly, and the sky returned to calm...

Bai Bingyan was startled awake by the roaring sound, and immediately regained consciousness. When she opened her eyes, she saw corpses strewn all over the field, and the mountains with blood flowing into rivers, her heart ached.

"Not good, Yaoyao!"

Bai Bingyan quickly flew up, looking around for Yaoyao's trace, but she didn't find Yunyao's figure.

"Yaoyao, Yaoyao, where are you?"

Bai Bingyan shouted with all her might, and searched the surrounding mountains with her spiritual sense, but she couldn't find Yunyao.

At this time, the disciples protected by Yunyao woke up. They heard Bai Bingyan's shout, and then saw the destroyed mountains, broken branches and corpses of monsters. They were shocked and rushed forward to ask.

"Elder Bai, where did Elder Yun go?"

"I was going to kill that beast earlier, but was rescued by Yaoyao, and then fell into a coma. When I woke up, Yaoyao was nowhere to be seen. Yaoyao, Yaoyao..."

Talking, talking, Bai Bingyan was sobbing.

She had a bad feeling in her heart that Yaoyao was killed.

That is a ferocious beast that has transformed into a god!Not to mention that Yaoyao only has a Golden Core cultivation base, even a cultivator at the Transformation God stage may not necessarily be the opponent of that beast!

Thinking of this, Bai Bingyan couldn't help crying.

At this time, the disciples on the spaceship had already gathered, and when they knew that looking at the devastated mountains, recalling the previous human-beast station and worshiping Yunyao in their hearts, they were more worried.

The disciples looked at the sad Bai Bingyan, not knowing what to do.One of the young monks stepped forward and asked:
"Elder Bai, Elder Yun?"

He didn't ask the rest of the question, but everyone here understood what he was going to ask.

Thinking of Yun Yao's previous advice, Bai Bingyan wiped away her tears, and said, "In order to save our lives, Elder Yun is fighting against the god-turning mountain bull by himself. I'm afraid it will be more or less auspicious."

As she spoke, Bai Bingyan couldn't help but shed tears.

It's her fault, it's only because her ability is too low to help Yaoyao, that's why Yaoyao and Kaishan Mangniu died together.

The disciples were shocked when they heard Bai Bingyan's words. It turned out that the fierce beast that attacked them was a mountain-breaking ox that turned into a god and cultivated it?
The Kaishan Mang Ox has immense strength, rough skin and thick flesh, and boundless mana. It is one of the most brutal beasts.

What kind of righteousness and strength is Elder Yun actually using the power of golden core to save them from the mouth of a beast that has transformed into a god?
When the disciples thought of this, they felt extremely uncomfortable. After comforting Bai Bingyan, they split up to find Yunyao's whereabouts.

In an unnamed space, after Yunyao realized that she couldn't use her spiritual power here, she adjusted her mood a little, then got up and walked forward.

When she saw the dying Kai Shan Mang Niu on the ground, she was very angry and raised her fist to beat Kai Shan Mang Niu.

"Tell you to hit me, tell you to hit me, tell you to do this."

"I'll kill you, the beast that attacked me."

(End of this chapter)

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