Chapter 375

Bai Bingyan returned to Qiankunzong with a group of disciples.

After arranging the disciples, she hurried up to Zhangbang Peak to see Huangpu Yufeng.

The moment Huangpu Yufeng saw Bai Bingyan, she instantly understood that something happened to Yunyao.

After Bai Bingyan reported everything that happened on the way to Huangpu Yufeng, Huangpu Yufeng's icy eyes and the air-conditioning around him showed the anger in his heart.

After coming for a long time, he said to Bai Bingyan: "You go back first! Junior sister is not in danger for the time being, she and the beast may have been dragged into some space by the crack in space. Don't worry, Master and I will deal with it. "

"Master, please rescue Yaoyao, I am very worried about her."

Bai Bingyan was very worried, she even hated her own low strength, unable to help Yaoyao deal with powerful beasts.

Huangpu Yufeng saw the worry in Bai Bingyan's eyes, and comforted: "It's okay, junior sister's fate is peculiar, and it's not so easy to fall. You go back first and work hard to cultivate."

"Thank you Master for your guidance. This disciple will immediately go back and practice hard."

"You don't need to push yourself too hard, as long as you don't slack off."

After Huangpu Yufeng confessed, her figure disappeared instantly.

After Xianzong Mountain, Xuantian Palace, and Huangpu Yufeng reported everything that happened to Yunyao to Zihuang Shangjun, Zihuang Shangjun's eyes were full of anger, and his fists were creaking.

"Oh, these people are very courageous! How dare you bully my disciples. Yu Feng, go and find out the truth of the matter. If someone is behind the scenes, kill the whole clan."

"Yes, Master!"

Huangpu Yufeng took the order to retreat.

Yan Long on the side glanced at Shangjun Zihuang, and sarcastically said: "You little apprentice, you have no other skills, and you have a lot of skills to cause trouble. A small foundation cultivator dared to confront the cultivator of Huashen. It's really a fate to face Kaishan Mangniu again."

Lord Zihuang cast a sideways glance at Yan Long, and said coldly: "This is my apprentice, how can a cowardly person like a mouse come into my sect?"

Yan Long was very speechless, "You are a troublemaker, and you actually treat her as a treasure. Hehe, you have spent your life looking for the heaven and earth treasures for her to advance to the golden core, isn't it useless now? She has already advanced The golden core has been cultivated."

Yan Long's eyes were full of sarcasm, mocking Zihuang Shangjun's self-indulgent sentimentality, and he felt worthless for Zihuang Shangjun in his heart.

Zihuang Shangjun's eyes were full of anger, and then he sighed and sighed:
"Yan Long, I know you don't like girl Chuyao. But, you have to understand that Chuyao is my destined disciple, and our destiny is connected. Besides, I already regard her as my own daughter. I don’t regret taking my old life.”

"Furthermore, Chuyao's ability to advance to the Golden Core cultivation level proves that she is capable. It is my blessing to have her as a genius disciple. I hope you will stop speaking ill of her in front of me."

Lord Zihuang's last words were spoken in a very strong tone, which was a kind of exhortation and even more a kind of warning.

Before Yan Long could say anything, he had already strode away.

He must tear those villains who murdered his precious apprentice into pieces.

In the black hole space, Yun Yao rode on the back of the Bull Demon King and walked for a long time.

Along the way, she saw no other living things except seeing the stars all over the sky.

Kaishan Mangniu lost his patience and said irritably, "Where is this? We walked for five days and five nights, but we still haven't reached the end."

"I don't know, I really want to go out too."

Yunyao is glad that she owns Chuyao's space. There is no spiritual power here, and the two of them almost can't support it.

You must know that whether it is a monk or a beast, it needs to be replenished with spiritual power. It is very uncomfortable in a place without spiritual power.

"Your luck is really against the sky! You even got the mustard field."

Because of the contract, Kaishan Mangniu was fortunate to follow Yunyao into Chuyao's space.

When it entered Chuyao's space, it was dumbfounded.

It never imagined that this 15-year-old human girl would own the mustard field that even immortals would snatch.

Not only that, but a perfect space was formed in this mustard field.In the space, spiritual power is abundant, and treasures of heaven and earth can be seen everywhere.

You know, if you take out any thing in the space, it will be smashed by everyone.

"You are also very lucky to have such a good master like me."

Yun Yao is not a vegetarian either, she can clearly hear the jealousy in Kai Shan Mang's words.

"Okay, okay, I know I'm lucky, and I became the contracted beast of the girl of the sky. It's better to find a way to get out of here now!"

It doesn't want to be trapped in this dark space.

Seeing the two little spirit beasts sleeping in the wooden house, it felt uncomfortable.

Thinking about it being the king of all beasts, the god of transformation, being contracted by a little girl like two little kids, I feel uncomfortable.

Yunyao glanced at the awkward Kaishan Mangniu, felt amused in her heart, and jokingly said: "Okay, I know you envy Huanhuan and Dundun, you can stay in Chuyao's space and practice. But you have to know, the fate of the two of us is now Already connected together. I can’t get out, if there is any mistake here, you have to pay the price with your life.”

"Got it, got it, I'm so annoyed, I've lived for thousands of years, and I'm being lectured by you, a little girl."

The Bull Demon King was restless, but there was nothing he could do. He could only walk forward with his little master on his back.

Yun Yao cheerfully rode on the back of the Bull Demon King, searching everything around with her spiritual sense.Suddenly, a light spot in the distance entered her line of sight.

"Look, what's over there?"

Yun Yao was very excited, and her intuition told her that that place was the exit.

"Moo, go, go over there."

The Bull Demon King roared excitedly, stretched his limbs, and ran quickly towards the spot of light.

That light spot seemed to be very close to them, but it was actually far away from them.

Even though the Bull Demon King was very fast, he still ran for a day before reaching the light spot.

Looking at the small spot of light in front of her, Yun Yao gave orders to the Bull Demon King.

"Let's go in."

"it is good."

The Bull Demon King nodded, and instantly shrunk down to the size of an ant, leading Yunyao into the spot of light.

As soon as Yun Yao entered the spot of light, she felt the murderous aura soaring into the sky.

As soon as her body was in order, her whole body was on alert.

Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning, and she felt that she had come to a battlefield.


On the battlefield, the murderous aura was strong, the sky and the earth trembled violently, and the four great creatures changed their opponents in the blink of an eye, attacking and killing each other in a life-and-death bloody battle.

The mountains are vast and very magnificent. Tens of thousands of towering giant mountains stand side by side, and one piece after another is lit up with blazing mana. Some are as red as blood, some are as black as ink, and some are white and crystal clear, blooming in the sky and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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