Chapter 381
Although Yun Yao had some guesses in her heart, she still felt a little unbelievable.

The Mieshi Sword Spirit saw what Yun Yao was thinking, and said speechlessly, "What's so strange about this? It's not surprising that anything happened to you."

Yun Yao thinks about it too, she traveled from modern times to this realm of comprehension, and it is normal to have the blood of the nine-tailed fox in her body, and also have the blood of a god race.

What is puzzling is, isn't the gods able to be canonized only after they have cultivated to a certain level and ascended to the God Realm?Why is it related to the issue of blood again?
Looking at Yunyao who was thinking, Mieshi Jianling said speechlessly, "Don't you know that the whole world has changed after that ancient war? Those protoss who ascended to the God Realm are not orthodox protoss at all, only those who have protoss People of blood are the real gods."

"Hehe, it's funny to think about it. How do those people who claim to be true gods react after seeing you, a real god?"

Uh... the World Extinguishing Sword Spirit is watching the excitement, isn't it a big deal?

"Okay, you, don't be shy, you are a real god, look at my current cultivation, if I let those gods know my whereabouts, you will definitely not be caught by them to cook soup."

Whether it is a fairy or a god, aren’t they all human beings?As long as you are an individual, you will have your own desires.Those people know that there is a person with the blood of the gods alive in the world, so they won't capture her?
Yun Yao dare not challenge human nature.

Thinking of this possibility, the Mieshi Sword Spirit couldn't help shaking his body, and hurriedly told Yunyao: "I said, you must keep the secret about the blood of the God Race in your body."

"Well, this matter must be kept secret, otherwise, my life will be lost."

Yun Yao glanced at the star-shaped mark in her palm, and didn't think about the blood in her body anymore.

So what if you have the blood of the gods?You can't live long without strength.

The communication between her and the World Extinguishing Sword Spirit was in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the Bull Demon King outside did not hear it at all, and she was not worried that the Bull Demon King would leak the secret.

Yun Yao took a look at the Bull Demon King soaking in the Lingquan Pool, gave a few words to the Bull Demon King, and left the space.

Yunyao galloped all the way towards Qiankunzong.

The master is back, and she is going to see the master.

As soon as Yunyao entered the Qiankun Sect, Lord Zihuang saw the young disciple.His eyebrows moved, and a beautiful smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

"The little guy is finally back."

Yunyao came to Xianzong Mountain non-stop, saw her master from a distance, and jumped to the top of the mountain with a vigorous step, "Master, I miss you so much!"

She smiled like a child.

Lord Zihuang scanned Yunyao with his divine sense, and then let out a sigh of relief, pretending to be angry: "You child, where did you go to play again?"

"Well, yes, I have advanced to the Golden Core cultivation base in a short period of time, keep working hard."

Yun Yao smiled, and sat on the stone bench in front of Lord Zihuang politely, resting her chin with her hands, blinking a pair of bright eyes, and asked like a child coquettishly: "Master, these days, where are you going?" Where is it? Did you miss your little apprentice?"

Lord Zihuang looked at the lively and lovely little disciple, felt joy in his heart, and replied softly: "Of course I want to."

"That's good, I thought Master had forgotten me!"

Yun Yao pouted, with an expression that if you dare to forget me, I will ignore you again.

Master Zihuang saw that Yunyao was full of spiritual power, her Qi cultivation had advanced to the middle stage of Jindan, her body cultivation and her spiritual consciousness had already advanced to the early stage of Yuanying, he was shocked, and then thought of Yunyao's special destiny Greg couldn't help smiling.

I don't think it's strange what happened to the little girl.

"Master, what are you thinking?"

Yun Yao couldn't help asking when Zihuang Shangjun was distracted.

Only then did Shangjun Zihuang come back to his senses, and said with a smile: "I didn't think about anything, Master is very happy to see that your cultivation base has advanced so quickly."

Yun Yao patted her head in embarrassment, "Master, I don't know how I advanced so quickly."

There are some secrets that even Master cannot tell.There are too many secrets about her, especially the secrets of He Chuyao's blood in her body, which even the master can't tell.

Lord Zihuang didn't point it out, monks have their own secrets, even the closest people can't tell.The little girl understands this, which means she has grown up.

For this, Lord Zihuang was very pleased.

In his heart, he didn't find it strange that anything happened to Yun Yao.After all, this girl's fate is peculiar, and she still possesses a trace of destiny power.

After thinking this through, Shangjun Zihuang felt even more distressed about Yunyao.A storage ring suddenly appeared in his hand, he handed it to Yun Yao, and said with a smile: "I thought it would be difficult for you to advance to the Golden Core, but this time I went out to practice and found some training materials for you. You won’t need these things if you’ve reached the Golden Core level, right?”

As he said that, he retracted his hand, as if he was about to retract the storage ring.

Yun Yao looked at the storage ring in Zihuang Shangjun's hand, her eyes lit up, her beautiful eyes blinked, and she grabbed the storage ring in Zihuang Shangjun's hand.

"Hey, Master, since you prepared it for me, how can there be any reason to take it back?"

Quickly put the storage ring on her finger, she protected the storage ring like a baby, like a hen guarding her cubs, which made Zihuang Shangjun burst into laughter.

"Girl, Master is very happy to see you come back safely!"

"Hey, Master, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. It's just that this time because of my affairs, Master has been involved in a storm of public opinion, and I feel very sorry."

What Yun Yao said in her heart, she will avenge the enmity between her and Shuanglong Kingdom.What she didn't expect was that the master didn't even want his reputation for her. This kind of feeling warmed his heart, but he felt sorry for the master and made the master worry about himself.

Zihuang Shangjun saw Yunyao's thoughts, and joked: "You little girl's wings are hard, don't you? Do you think that Shuanglong Kingdom is easy to deal with?"

Suddenly thought of something, his face became serious, and he warned Yunyao seriously: "Girl, although Shuanglong Kingdom is a small and inconspicuous country in the cultivation world, you should not underestimate them. You must know that everyone has When your own strength has not reached a certain height, you must act cautiously and not take it lightly. In the cultivation world, many great powers have fallen because they underestimated the enemy."

Yun Yao listened to Master's sincere teaching, and she was very moved.

"Thank you for your teaching, Master. This disciple will definitely remember what Master said, and live a good life."

Lord Zihuang glanced at Yunyao who was serious, nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand at Yunyao, and said, "Girl, you go back first! If you have any questions, or don't understand the problem, you can come to me at any time. "

"Thank you, Master, the disciple will go back first."

Yun Yao saluted Zihuang Shangjun as a disciple, and flew to Piaomiao Peak.

Lord Zihuang looked at Yunyao's disappearing figure and sighed.

"For the sake of the child, I really broke my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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