Chapter 391
Yunyao didn't take anything from Bai Bingyan and the others, she has a lot of good things in her hands, so it's no problem to save her life.She kept the kindness of Bai Bingyan and the others in her heart, and she would repay it slowly when she had the opportunity.

Ruan Xizhi and Huangpu Yufeng saw that Yunyao was surrounded by Bai Bingyan and others, so they didn't go to join in the fun.Others may not know, but the two of them know that their little junior sister is very powerful.

On the Jindan cultivation stage, there was a competition agreement between Yunyao and Zhang Fafeng, which made it even more lively.The disciples all wanted to see how powerful Zihuang Shangjun, a rookie in the cultivation world, Yun Chuyao was.

Even many elders of the sect came here.

The opening bell rang quickly, and the solemn voice of the presiding elder spread throughout the arena.When Yun Yao heard her name, without any hesitation, she flew up and landed straight on the fighting platform.

The man who had already stood on the competition stage looked at the sixteen-year-old woman who was beautiful and exuded a noble temperament, and the corner of his mouth curled into a sneer.

"I said, you are the woman who hurt Uncle Yujiao? Hehe, don't think about it if you fall into my hands today."

Yun Yao smiled slightly, "Anyone can say big things, but we will see the truth."

Yun Yao didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, so she called out the World Extinguishing Sword and attacked directly.

The man on the opposite side didn't expect Yunyao to be so straightforward. Before the knife came out of his body, he saw Yunyao slashing towards him with a sword.The man's pupils shrank, and he swung the big knife in his hand. With a "click", the sword was split into two pieces, and the flying sword of purple light slashed straight at his head.

The man didn't expect the strength of the opponent to be so strong. The magic weapon of his life was destroyed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. While taking a few steps back, he hurriedly called out the magic weapon to resist the powerful and frightening sword energy.

Everyone in the audience was stunned. They never thought that the fairy-like woman on the stage would be so fierce. She only used three points of strength to beat the late-stage Jindan cultivator of Zhangfafeng back again and again.

Just when everyone opened their eyes and looked at the high platform of the competition, there was a bang, and on the high platform, the aggressive male cultivator was kicked down by the female cultivator.The voice of the presiding elder followed closely and reached everyone's ears.

"Zhang Bang Feng Yun Chu Yao wins!"

Everyone was stunned, how long did it take?That girl won with just a cup of tea?
Zhang Fafeng's male cultivator lay on the ground with bitterness on his face. He never thought that he would lose so embarrassingly. When he thought of the punishment he would receive after returning, he couldn't help but tremble all over.It's nothing to be defeated by a little girl, but being punished by Lord Yukun is the most terrifying thing.

Yun Yao ignored everyone's gaze, but stood in place, waiting for the next challenger.Now, she will be able to enter the next Nascent Soul Cultivation Competition only after she wins all the Jindan cultivators who have challenged on stage at Zhangfa Peak.

Either way, she would be quite dangerous.One must know that she offended Shangjun Yukun of Zhangfa Peak, and Shangjun Yukun would definitely find ways to kill her in the competition stage.

She doesn't care about the dangers she will encounter later.The world of comprehension is full of dangers. If you are afraid of such a challenge, then why do you cultivate first?

Just when Yun Yao was guessing about the cultivator she was going to face next, a gentle voice came into her ears.

"You ruined sister Yujiao's face? Why are you so cruel? You are also a female cultivator yourself, how can you destroy a girl's face?"

The smell full of green tea made Yun Yao want to vomit.

Yun Yao looked at the person who came, a woman wearing a green defensive dress, with an ordinary appearance, but exuding the smell of green tea, slowly walked up to the competition stage.

While she was saying accusations against Yunyao, there was a hint of schadenfreude in her eyes.

This kind of green tea is really disgusting. On the surface, he pretends to be weak and righteous, but his heart is so bad.

The people watching the battle below heard what the weak female cultivator said, and started discussing with Yun Yao on the stage.

"I asked how Zhang Fafeng did such an abominable thing, and let a little girl with a golden core cultivation level challenge so many high-level powers. I didn't expect it. The little girl looks pretty, but she is so vicious. The female cultivator's face Can it be destroyed casually?"

"Oh my God! She dared to destroy the face of that little ancestor Shang Yujiao, she really didn't want to live? Who doesn't know that Shang Yujiao is the precious granddaughter of Shangjun Yukun?"

"Hehe, what a good show to watch. Shang Yujiao has finally been cleaned up."

After hearing what everyone said, Bai Bingyan was furious. She pointed at the weak female cultivator on the high platform and cursed: "You ugly woman, how could you slander my younger sister Chuyao like this? You are jealous that my younger sister looks better than you."

This was not enough, she pointed at those who were discussing and shouted: "You people don't know what's going on, just discuss here, sister Chuyao is not that kind of person. It must be Shang Yujiao who is so bad that my sister Cleaned up."

There was a sudden shout in the square, and people shifted their attention to Bai Bingyan. Everyone knew that Shangjun Zihuang's apprentice had no brothers and sisters. Where did this silly-looking woman come from?

On the high platform, the elders of Zhangfa Peak felt uncomfortable because of the failure of the previous disciple's challenge, Yun Chuyao was fine, she was Zihuang Shangjun's direct disciple, they couldn't do anything to her.And this little-known woman dared to insult the precious granddaughter of the Master of the Fafeng Peak.

Just when Zhang Fafeng was about to attack Bai Bingyan, Yun Yao spoke.

She looked the woman across from her up and down, clasped her hands, and said with disgust on her face, "I said why the air around is so uncomfortable, so it's a green tea whore, the tea smells so disgusting." .”

"What are you talking about? Who is the green tea whore? You bastard, you ruined sister Yujiao's face, and you are still arrogant here. Do you know how uncomfortable sister Yujiao is now? Her face is ruined, and her whole life is ruined. Yes, you are so ruthless!"

The woman's face was livid, she pointed at Yunyao, and blamed Yunyao loudly, as if Yunyao had done something heinous.

Yun Yao was really disgusted by this woman, she covered her nose, "It stinks, green tea smells too bad." Then, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she asked the other party, "You said I was vicious, just now you said this When things happen, are you happy?"

Yunyao pretended to think about it, as if she understood something, "I see, you are jealous that Shang Yujiao has a more beautiful face than you, and that Shang Yujiao has a loving and powerful grandfather. But you, everything No, I was so jealous, but I couldn't deal with her. I taught Shang Yujiao a lesson, and you were very happy, but you accused me in front of everyone. Why are you doing this?"

Before the female cultivator could speak, Yun Yao continued: "You want to show off here, and you want Lord Yukun to pay attention to you. What a green tea bitch who wants to be a bitch and also wants to set up an archway."

"Yun Chuyao, go die!" The female cultivator was so angry that her face was ashen, fearing that Yunyao would say something, she directly drew out her talisman and attacked Yunyao.

(End of this chapter)

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