Chapter 395 Freaks
Yun Yao's sternness made everyone's eyes widen.Everyone never thought that Yunyao would kill a Nascent Soul cultivator so simply and neatly.Not only did she break the neck of the Nascent Soul cultivator, but even the Nascent Soul cultivator's Nascent Soul did not escape.

What is even more unbelievable is that a Jindan cultivator in Yunyao was able to cross several stages without using talismans, beheading a Nascent Soul cultivator, which is very rare in the cultivation world.

Yun Yao didn't pay attention to everyone's opinions, she cast a fireball technique in public, and sat aside as if nothing had happened, and performed the exercises to replenish her spiritual power.

The disciples of Zhangbang Peak were overjoyed, their master was amazing.

Bai Bingyan and the others were even more worried about Yunyao, this time Zhangfafeng sent ten Nascent Soul monks to compete with Yunyao.It is said to be a competition, but it is actually a duel of life and death.Ten Nascent Souls will compete with Yunyao in turn, which is equivalent to that Yunyao will face ten life crises, so why don't Bai Bingyan and the others feel worried about Yunyao?

Even the calm Bai Yuchen couldn't help worrying about Yunyao.

Everyone at Zhangfa Peak was very angry. They never thought that Yunyao, a Jindan cultivator, would kill their Nascent Soul Daoist so easily.This is slapping Zhang Fafeng in the face nakedly!

The host of the referee didn't bother Yun Yao, no matter it was Zhangfa Peak or Zhang Bang Peak, he couldn't offend him, he could only preside over the competition fairly and justly.

A disciple of Zhangfa Peak watched Yunyao burn his master's body and take away the storage ring from his master's hand. He was so angry that he couldn't do anything.

This is the rule of the game, this is the competition of strength, if you lose, you will lose your life.

Seeing that Yunyao had almost rested, the referee stepped forward and said: "In the last match, Yun Chuyao, who was in charge of the stick peak, won, and in the next match, Daoist Master Qingyun, who is in charge of the palm peak, will face the real person Chuyao who is in charge of the stick peak."

As soon as the referee's voice fell, a young man in his twenties walked onto the fighting stage with dignity.

The man bowed politely to Yunyao: "Uncle Shi is an elder, please go first."

Yunyao originally wanted to give Zhang Fafeng another blow, but seeing that this Nascent Soul cultivator was very polite, she couldn't do what she did to the first Nascent Soul old man

However, she didn't dare to underestimate this polite Qingyun Daojun, who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, how many people are fools?

"Then I'm welcome!"

Yun Yao gave a cold snort, and did not let down her vigilance just because the other party was polite. She summoned the Mie Shi Sword from her dantian, and her dantian turned quickly, pouring surging spiritual power into the Mi Shi Sword. The terrifying power of thunder and lightning struck ferociously at Daoist Qingyun.

Daoist Qingyun's face changed, and then he returned to his smile. The folding fan in his hand became bigger, forming a terrifying attack force. A white light flashed, and the thunder and lightning sword light emitted from the Mieshi sword dissipated instantly.

Seeing this, Yunyao was not worried, and withdrew the Shishijian, tiptoed to the ground, soared into the sky, held the sword in both hands, and shouted: "Heavenly Girl Battle Soul!"

As Yunyao was high, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, strong winds blew up everywhere, and with a bang, a thunderbolt pierced the sky and struck towards the Bidou Gaotai.

The color of the world changed, and everyone in the audience hurriedly raised their heads to pay attention to the competition on the high platform.

At this time, on the high platform, a cyan figure and a white figure shuttled over the high platform, purple lightning light and white light flashed.

Yunyao raised her sword, fell her sword, stepped on her feet, her expression was solemn, her movements were like a sword dance in the wind, but her moves were fierce.

Daoist Qingyun seemed relaxed, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Previously, Yun Chuyao had been underestimated. She was able to kill Qingyuan, and her ability was indeed powerful.

Three days and three nights have passed, during these few days, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, the fight on stage was inseparable, the disciples in the audience watched with relish, Bai Bingyan and the others were worried.

The sky was heavy, and the two people on the high platform were already out of breath, and their spiritual energy was exhausted.

"You lost." The Mieshi Sword was on Daoist Qingyun's neck, and as long as Qingyun Daoist moved, the Shishijian would cut his throat.

Daoist Qingyun's face turned pale, and he immediately admitted defeat: "Master, please forgive me, I admit defeat."

Daoist Qingyun of Yunyao sword surrendered, heaved a sigh of relief, took back the sword, turned and left.

Just at this time, a dangerous message came, Yunyao made a tactic with her left hand, several thunderbolts pierced the sky, and struck directly on the person behind her.

"Ah! You bitch."

Daoist Qingyun was hit by the Thunderbolt Technique, and his whole body was burned into black charcoal, but he did not lose his voice. He roared again, and stabbed his sword towards Yunyao's back at the heart.

Everyone in the audience was stunned. They never thought that the dignified Nascent Soul cultivator would be so despicable and shameless. Didn't Daoist Qingyun admit defeat just now?Why did you attack Master Chuyao from behind again?It simply insulted the reputation of Daojun Yuanying.

Even the other Daoist Nascent Souls of Zhangfa Peak shook their heads in disapproval. There are rules on the competition stage, and Daoist Qingyun is ruining their reputation of Zhangfa Peak by doing so.

"Yaoyao, be careful!" Bai Bingyanjian's sharp sword was about to pierce Yunyao's back, and he raised his heart and shouted anxiously.

Seeing this, the other disciples cursed one after another, regardless of their seniority and cultivation:

"How can Daoist Qingyun carry out a sneak attack from behind?"

"Dangtang Daoist Yuanying lost to a Jindan real person, that's enough, but now he is attacking others, it is a shame for Daoist Yuanying. Daoist Qingyun is usually very kind, has he always been so sanctimonious? , usually in disguise?"

"Yeah! How could Daoist Qingyun do this? Reverend Chuyao let him go, but he wanted Reverend Chuyao's life. Reverend Chuyao, kill him, kill this pious fellow."

The disciples couldn't see it anymore, and they accused Daoist Qingyun one after another. Qingyun was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood, and the sword in his hand that stabbed Yunyao increased a little bit.

"Yun Chuyao, you are ruining my reputation, die now!"

The place centered on him exploded instantly.


There was a huge explosion on the high platform, and black smoke rose from the center of Yunyao and Daoist Qingyun, dust and smoke rose everywhere, and the sound of the explosion resounded through the sky.

On the competition platform in the distance, the Nascent Soul cultivators who were competing stopped one after another, released their consciousness, and looked at the competition platform on the other side of Yunyao.

"Oh my god! Is there a competition platform between Zhangbang Peak and Zhangfa Peak?"

"It seems to be true. I heard that more than half of the disciples in the sect went there to watch the excitement."

"There is such a big battle over there, could it be that the late Nascent Soul Daojun who is in charge of Fafeng blew himself up?"

"Look at the power of the explosion, it looks like! Could it be that Yun Chuyao forced the Dao Lord who was at the peak of the Nascent Soul Late Stage in Zhangfafeng to explode himself? What kind of freak is she?"

 Ahhh!Very sleepy!The golden retriever Wangcai in my family is asleep, but I haven't slept yet, just to update.There is another chapter, try to code!Babies, give me a little motivation! Come on!

(End of this chapter)

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