Chapter 398 Lessons
After Yun Yao's retreat was over, as soon as she left the wooden house, she saw Dun Dun and the Bull Demon King rolling on the ground in pain.

The two cubs were red all over, with bruised veins, and were in excruciating pain.

Yun Yao saw that this was a gifted treasure that had taken a lot of supplements, and they couldn't bear the consequences.

This side has not yet reacted, but the Bull Demon King is howling in pain again.Yun Yao took a closer look, the meridians all over the body of the Bull Demon King were swollen, and the whole body was like pouring boiling molten iron, exuding an extremely hot temperature.

"Have you eaten Chaos Lotion?"

Yun Yao was really speechless, she just closed it for a while, these few were just so worried.

Seeing Yun Yao's question, the howling Bull Demon King shrank his pupils, "Moo, master, we want to improve our strength, so..."

It can't go on, fearing that the master will be angry and punish them.

Yun Yao was out of breath, and looked at the other two little ones in pain, she knew the power of the chaotic lotion all too well.I once tasted a drop out of curiosity and almost exploded to death.What to do now?Can't just watch them die?

"Why are you so restless?"

Yun Yao was really angry, she immediately walked in front of the two cubs, without caring about anything else, bit her finger, and dripped a drop of blood into Dun Dun's mouth.

Dun Dun had fainted, felt a drop of cool stuff dripping into his mouth, and wanted to suck it, but found that there was no more, so he could only pout in a daze.

Yun Yao glanced at Dun Dun, and hurriedly fed a drop of blood into Huan Huan's mouth.Although Huanhuan didn't know that something had entered his mouth, he felt that the drop of liquid slipped from his mouth and gradually merged with the blood in his body.


Seeing that the condition of the two cubs was better than before, Yun Yao walked up to the Bull Demon King, bent down, and looked at the Bull Demon King seriously.

The Bull Demon King didn't understand why Yunyao wanted to feed her blood into the mouths of the two cubs, but it could feel the sweetness in the blood, and wished it could rush to Yunyao immediately and suck all the blood in Yunyao's body.

Yun Yao looked down at the Bull Demon King, saw every move of the Bull Demon King, and already had the answer in her heart.

She didn't immediately feed the Bull Demon King with blood, and just looked at the Bull Demon King quietly.

Bull Demon King's red eyes stared straight at Yun Yao; his eyes were full of greed and longing.

It has turned into a ferocious bird of prey at this time, already on the verge of rage, it seems that in the next second, Yunyao will become the fat in its mouth.

Yun Yao didn't do anything, she was waiting.

The Bull Demon King stared at Yunyao with bared teeth, and stood up with all four limbs at a very fast speed, forming an attacking state.

There was always a voice circling in my mind:
"Blood, delicious blood, as long as I eat this person in front of me, I will become the supreme existence in the world. Swallow this person in front of me and absorb all the blood of this person."

Yun Yao looked at the appearance of the Bull Demon King ready to go, but she didn't feel afraid, she just quietly looked at the giant bull that suddenly became extremely huge.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

Suddenly, the Bull Demon King regained his sanity, became several times smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and transformed into a human form.

It crawled on the ground, crying in pain: "Ah! Master, please save me. As long as the master saves my old life, I am willing to live forever with the master, and I will go through fire and water and die."

The power of an oath descended from the sky and enveloped the heads of Bull Demon King and Yun Yao, and the oath took effect.

Only then did Yun Yao slowly lower her head, and said to the Bull Demon King, "My blood is very precious, and I will give it to you today. You must remember this lesson."

She forced out a drop of blood essence and fed it into the mouth of the Bull Demon King. As soon as the blood essence entered the Bull Demon King's body, the Bull Demon King heard a "boom", and immediately after that, the drop of golden blood instantly merged into the red blood in its body. In the middle, at the same time, the violent Primal Chaos Qi on it was instantly suppressed by the drop of golden blood.

The scorching pain disappeared, and he would no longer explode to death. The Bull Demon King's heart was beating, and he looked at Yun Yao ecstatically.

Yun Yao cast a glance at the Bull Demon King, and said with distaste: "Just like you, being able to get a drop of my blood essence is simply a blessing from several lifetimes of cultivation."

She ignored the Bull Demon King and turned around to leave the space.

In the competition arena, the elder referee saw that the time for the competition was approaching, but the contestant Yun Yao did not come, and felt a little anxious.

Others on the field also had mixed reactions. Most of them looked at the high platform with a mentality of watching the excitement, hoping that Yunyao could come and challenge the elder Huashen Xiuwei.A small number of people were worried about Yunyao's consolation, Bai Bingyan and the others wished that Yunyao would not participate in the competition today.

Seeing that Yun Yao didn't come, Bai Bingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

She doesn't want Yunyao to come over and compete with the elder who has transformed into a god, this is a duel of life and death!Yaoyao only has the cultivation base of Jindan, and what she wants to challenge is the cultivation base of Huashen. How can a monk with Jindan cultivation be able to fight against the cultivation base of Huashen without using talismans and Tianleizi?
With only one finger, Huashen Da Neng can crush a monk with a golden core cultivation base into pieces. Thinking of that scene, Bai Bingyan couldn't help but tremble all over, and kept praying in her heart: "Yaoyao don't come! Yaoyao, please don't come!" Don't come!"

Even Ruan Xizhi couldn't help but release her consciousness, looking into the distance with complicated eyes.In her heart, she wanted Yunyao to come, but she was also afraid that Yunyao would come and die, so her mood was very complicated.

Seeing that Yunyao didn't arrive at the competition scene on time, the people in charge of Fafeng began to curse at the scene with contempt.

"Hehe, Yun Chuyao, who is in charge of Fafeng, dare not come?"

"Isn't Yun Chuyao very powerful? Didn't she show off her might before, calling herself a super genius? Why, now she dare not come out in front of our Huashen Patriarch?"

"Don't say that, it's normal for Yun Chuyao to be afraid of our Huashen Patriarch, but well, she's a slut who pretends to be a tiger, but she might have used her master to deal with our Uncle Yuanying earlier. The life-saving magic weapon given."

The scolding voices of Zhang Fafeng disciples became louder and louder, and the entire competition square became chaotic.

When Bai Bingyan and Yunyao had a good relationship, they were furious when they heard the words of those disciples in Zhangfa Peak.

"How can you say that about Yaoyao, she is not that kind of person."

She does not allow others to speak ill of Yun Yao.

Seeing that Bai Bingyan spoke for Yunyao, the disciples of Zhangfa Peak didn't want to do it. They surrounded Bai Bingyan one by one, pointed at Bai Bingyan and cursed:

"What are you? Even a small Foundation Establishment dares to interrupt. What kind of person is Yun Chuyao? Didn't she kill the two Nascent Soul Elders of our Zhangbang Peak the day before yesterday? Don't you dare to show up to the ancestor of Huashen? She is a cowardly bitch."

 Babies, I’m back, haha, I’m so glad to see you again, I’ve worked hard to code, and I’m trying to code another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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