Chapter 405 Powerful
Yun Chuyao's name was passed down from the Qiankun Sect to all the sects in the cultivation world.Yunyao didn't know anything about this, and retreated in space to heal her wounds.

There is plenty of spiritual power in the space, and the time is ten times that of the outside world. It is the best place for retreat.

Huanhuan and Dun Dun have already advanced to become third-order late-stage spirit beasts, and they are only one step away from becoming fourth-order spirit beasts.For the spirit beasts from the outside world, their advancement speed is simply amazing.Whether it is a spirit beast, a divine beast, or a monster, the advancement is slower than that of humans.Spirit beast cubs like Huanhuan, who are only in their teens, are usually not yet enlightened.

Huanhuan and Dundun were lucky enough to become Yunyao's contracted beasts, and swallowed Yunyao's blood and the chaotic energy in the space, so they advanced rapidly.

The two little ones are happily picking spiritual fruits in the space. These mature spiritual fruits can be brewed into spiritual wine or sold.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance, and the two cubs took a closer look. Yun Yao's sword split a high mountain, and under the light of the sword, the high mountain collapsed.

"Sister is too powerful! Her strength is too strong!"

There was admiration in the eyes of the two little ones, and they stared straight at the woman standing above.

Yun Yao took back the Shi-Mie Sword, looked at the high mountain below, and said to herself reluctantly: "It seems that I can't practice swordsmanship in space anymore."

She has already cultivated the first layer of "Nine Heavens Xuanguang Sword Technique" to kill the soul of the celestial girl to the level of Dacheng, and "The Art of Entraining Qi and Transforming Thunder" to the level of thunder.

These two god-level exercises are too powerful, and if they are used several times in the space, the space will be cut into chaos.

Yunyao began to meditate. In the past five years, with the blessing of space, time and spiritual power, she has greatly improved in formations, and can already deploy fourth-order advanced formations.

The talisman has also been greatly improved. You can draw a fourth-grade talisman with the attack power of the Nascent Soul in the time of a cup of tea.

The physical strength has not changed much, it is still the initial strength of Nascent Soul.The improvement in alchemy is not great. Even with Xiaohuo, the violet flame, he can only refine the third-grade elixir.

Yun Yao touched the storage ring on her hand. The storage ring contained everything that one could expect, ranging from Qi training to cultivation resources for transforming spirits.

This is also thanks to Lord Yukun, who allowed her to compete with the cultivators of Huashen and Nascent Soul in Zhangfa Peak, which allowed her to increase her wealth so much.

Thinking of this, the corner of Yun Yao's mouth twitched into a sneer.

Misty Peak, Huang Zhonghe and Su Qiaohong are happily preparing for everything. Today is the day when the young lady leaves customs, and they walk excitedly with wind.

Although the young lady has been in seclusion for five years, her reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and the sect is getting better and better towards them at Misty Peak.

In the past, when Miss didn't come, Misty Peak was vacant all year round, and Huang Zhonghe would be a head shorter than others when he went out to do things.

Now that the young lady is famous, no one in the sect dares to offend them, and no one embezzles Misty Peak's money like before.

Thinking of this, the two happily prepared the ingredients and waited for Yunyao to leave the customs.

"Qiaohong, are you ready? Don't forget Miss's three contract beasts." Huang Zhonghe told Su Qiaohong.

Su Qiaohong smiled slightly, "Uncle Zhong, don't worry, everything is ready."

"Uncle Zhong, didn't I go home a few days ago? My family treated me very well. My younger sister can practice now, and my younger brother has the resources to practice. Such a happy life!"

Su Qiaohong is really happy!The days of poverty in the past were too bitter!
Huang Zhonghe was also happy for Su Qiaohong: "Thanks to Miss! If it weren't for Miss's ability, we would not have such a good life with Miss. Miss is a generous master and has never treated us as servants badly. Let's work hard with Miss, so why worry about not having a good life in the future?"

He was telling the truth, and he wanted to beat Su Qiaohong too.

Su Qiaohong nodded in agreement, "Uncle Zhong said that being with Miss is the luckiest thing in my life. I heard from the person in charge of Fafeng that Shang Yujiao is awake. She can't accept the fact that she has become an ugly monster. Killed several handyman disciples."

Speaking of this, Su Qiaohong couldn't help but tremble all over, thankful that she followed a good master.

Huang Zhonghe frowned slightly, and said: "Leave them alone, we just do our own thing well. Follow the lady well, and don't get involved in anything else."

Just at this moment, the formation in Yunyao's room opened, and the two hurried up to greet her.

"Miss is out!"

The two looked up and saw that Yunyao was wearing a light green long brocade dress that was a little too simple, with dark brown celestial silk thread embroidered with ingenious and strong branches on the cloth, and pink silk thread embroidered a Blooming plum blossoms extend from the skirt to the waist, and a wide white belt tightens the slender waist, showing a slim figure, but giving people a sense of elegance and luxury.

She wears an open white gauze, and every movement of the gauze makes the gauze a little shimmering and flowing, and a jade pendant is tied around her waist, adding a noble and refined air.

On her elegant jade face, the cinnabar mole on her forehead is like a light plum blossom makeup, and the immature greenness has faded from the original clear and beautiful face, making it more charming and graceful.Especially those fox eyes, showing a trace of charm, seductive and frightening.

Huang Zhonghe and Su Qiaohong were stunned. They knew that Yunyao was beautiful, but they didn't expect that the 21-year-old Yunyao was even more noble and charming.

The most important thing is Yunyao's aura. Although she looks charming, she doesn't have a charming aura. She is noble and elegant with a hint of heroism and gentle power.

If it weren't for the master in front of them, they would never have thought that a person could combine all kinds of complex temperament and charming appearance together. Not only did they not feel contradictory, but they felt very comfortable.

Is this the goddess?

Huang Zhonghe and Huang Zhonghe suddenly had such a guess in their hearts that only the daughter of heaven can be so perfect!
Yun Yao looked at the two people who were in a daze, and asked puzzledly: "Uncle Zhong, Qiao Hong, what's wrong with you?"

What happened to these two people?There is no cat on her face!

The two came back to their senses, Huang Zhonghe didn't know where to put his old face, he said embarrassedly: "It's nothing."

Su Qiaohong said with bright eyes: "Miss, you are beautiful again! Miss is so beautiful!"

Miss is the most beautiful woman she has ever seen.

Yun Yao: "Uh..."

She knows it looks good!She was also very happy in her heart, but she didn't know how to answer Su Qiaohong's words.

The most exciting thing for Yunyao is that the monk is really immortal. She is already 21 years old, but her appearance is the same as when she was 16 years old. Except that she has grown taller, nothing has changed.

(End of this chapter)

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