Chapter 409
This is the first time Yunyao has seen the second senior sister's mother.She has met many people, and this is the first time she has seen a woman who is as gentle as jade.

What puzzled her was, didn't the second senior sister say that her mother only had a foundation building cultivation?Why did he advance to the middle stage of Jindan in just a few years.Even for a big family like the Luo family, it is impossible to advance so quickly with pills.

She didn't say anything about all these doubts.

She and Ruan Xizhi came to Luo's house this time for the sole purpose of investigating the strange case of ghosts, and the troubles in Luo's house had nothing to do with her.

Ruan Yu held Ruan Xizhi's hand, and said to Ruan Xizhi: "Zhi'er, don't blame your father. It's not easy for your father to be the head of the family, so you have to be considerate of him. What's more! He asked you to change your surname back. , why don't you change it?"

Ruan Yu's tone of voice was as gentle as water, and her eyes were sincere. She sincerely hoped that her daughter could identify with the Luo family and become the real eldest lady of the Luo family.

Ruan Xizhi frowned, and then said: "Mother, let's not talk about this for now. We have a task to do when we come back. Tomorrow we will go to the ghost mirror."

Seeing this, Ruan Yu asked anxiously: "Why are you in such a hurry? Zhi'er, mother misses you very much, you have only been back for a day."

As she spoke, Ruan Yu's tears flowed out, and Yun Yao didn't know what to do with her sad look.

She is so embarrassed now!
Ruan Xizhi was also very speechless, but she had nothing to do with her mother, she could only say softly: "Mother, it's the first time for little junior sister to come home, so let's not talk about it."

It was only then that Ruan Yu realized that there was another person in the room. She missed her daughter so much, and felt that she had neglected Yun Yao, so she immediately stepped forward to entertain Yun Yao gently.

As soon as Luo Rengui entered the main courtyard of the Luo family, a middle-aged beautiful woman with extremely beautiful looks and venomous eyes was ushered in.

This woman is Luo Rengui's legitimate Taoist companion. When she saw Luo Rengui came back, she became angry and cursed at Luo Rengui: "I heard that little bitch is back, are you Aren't you very happy? Huh? People call her Missy, what kind of Missy is she? My Xuehua is the legitimate daughter of the Luo family."

Luo Rengui is very helpless, his wife is not only noble, but also has a high level of cultivation, which makes him tired of dealing with it.

Seeing his wife's troubles, he said irritably: "Why are you angry? It's just because she is a direct disciple of Shangjun Distraction of Qiankunzong? Do you think I don't think about our Xuehua? It's just a title, you Do you care about what those people do? No matter what time you are, you are the legitimate head wife of my Luo family. "

Seeing this, his wife Li Wanhua felt much better.

Seeing that Li Wanhua calmed down, Luo Rengui sat down and said, "I've told you many times that you are the only wife I have. No matter how many women I have outside, I only recognize you as a wife."

"What about Ruan Yu? What is she?" Li Wanhua became furious at the mention of Ruan Yu, who had a personality like ooze.

Luo Rengui warned Li Wanhua firmly in his eyes: "Ruan Yu is my chess piece to control Ruan Xizhi, you'd better not touch her."

"By the way, along with Ruan Xizhi came back today is Shangjun Zihuang's closed disciple Yun Chuyao. Her appearance is simply extremely beautiful, and few people in the cultivation world can compare."

"You don't mean that junior sister Ruan Xizhi? You are so shameless that you have a crush on a 16-year-old girl."

Li Wanhua yelled and cursed, furious.This old man is too shameless!
Luo Rengui became angry with his wife and wanted to curse again, and immediately explained: "It's not that I fell in love with her, but I fell in love with her, no, I want her to be our daughter-in-law."

Li Wanhua was dumbfounded, her eyes lit up when she heard the word "daughter-in-law", then she frowned and said, "How could Lord Zihuang marry his genius apprentice to our family Yuhui?"

Her son Yu Hui's aptitude is mediocre. He is more than 100 years old and has just advanced to the early stage of Golden Core cultivation. He is a direct disciple of the Qiankun Sect and a 16-year-old peak Golden Core monk. How could he like her son?
Luo Rengui's eyes flashed: "You don't have to worry about this, I have my own solution."

Yun Yao didn't know that the Luo family and his wife were plotting against her behind her back, and now her scalp was numb, and she wanted to escape from this place quickly.Second senior sister's mother is too scary!

Early the next morning, the Luo family and Yun Yao met in the Luo family's front yard.

As soon as Yun Yao arrived here, she almost felt that two eyes were staring straight at her. Yun Yao frowned, and looked at those two eyes calmly.

One of them, who looked to be about 30 years old, was staring straight at her, which made her very uncomfortable.

Yun Yao snorted coldly: "Hmph!"

A terrifying coercion pressed towards the man, and the man felt the strong coercion, opened the protective shield on his body, and immediately backed away.

When the coercion was about to attack him, a white light flashed, breaking the coercion, followed by Luo Rengui's voice.

"Fairy Chuyao calm down, this is my only son Luo Yuhui."

Luo Rengui hurriedly opened his mouth and introduced his son-in-law to Yunyao.

Yun Yao ignored this prodigal son. In her opinion, the head of the Luo family had malicious intentions.If it wasn't for Ruan Xizhi's face, she wouldn't be so polite.

Seeing Yunyao ignoring him, Luo Yu was not only unconscious, but even more interested in Yunyao.

Ruan Xizhi understood her father and Luo Yu's temperament too well, she snorted coldly, and said unhappily to Luo Rengui: "Hmph! Let a trash follow us into the ghost mirror, you really think highly of him."

She had already made a secret decision to get rid of this son of the Luo family that she hated in the ghost mirror.

Luo Rengui, the old fox, felt his heart skip a beat when he heard Ruan Xizhi's words, and quickly said, "It's good that he stays with me, and you don't need to worry about it."

Ruan Xizhi glanced at Luo Rengui with disdain, and rushed towards Yunyao.As for what Luo Rengui thinks, she doesn't care.

Luo Rengui was so angry that he stared at Ruan Xizhi and Yun Yao with his beard blowing, planning to deal with Yunyao and Ruan Xizhi in his heart.

A group of people soon arrived outside the ghost mirror, where there are barren hills and plains, no grass grows, and the yin is bursting, which makes people creepy.

Luo Rengui walked in front, everyone saw that he threw away a token, a gust of wind passed by, only heard two rumbling sounds, the two mountains moved instantly, and a simple and simple gate suddenly appeared in the middle of the two mountains.

Luo Rengui silently recited the formula, and the ancient door suddenly opened with a bang, and he shouted: "Go in quickly."

Yun Yao and Ruan Xizhi took a look, opened the protective shields on their bodies, and immediately jumped into the deep pit.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the Luo family jumped down into the deep pit, leaving only Luo Yuhui and Luo Rengui behind.

"Why don't you go down?" Luo Rengui hated iron but steel.

Luo Yuhui was so frightened that his whole body went limp, and he said tremblingly: "Father, I'm afraid, otherwise, if you go in, I won't go?"

(End of this chapter)

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