Chapter 206
As early as Liu Chen got the news of Mr. Su, he began to send people to investigate Mr. Su's affairs over the years, firstly to understand his current situation, and secondly to investigate the people around Mr. Su.

Over the years, Gao Taizong has used him on the surface, but he is on guard against everything, and the people sent to help him are also constantly monitoring and reporting.

It is related to Mr., he naturally has to be more cautious.

After this investigation, Jiang Yun's family naturally came into his sight.

In addition to Jiang Yun's specialness, Liu Su, who lives in a simple way, also attracted his attention, and he sent someone to investigate early.

Until yesterday, the person sent out sent back some news, which made him have some guesses.Today, I took advantage of Jiaqi and the others to enter the mountain and sneaked to Lingkou Village, wanting to take the opportunity to test it out.

It’s just that I don’t know why, Jiang Yun’s attitude towards him today is so...

Not only Jiang Yun, but also the two brothers Jiang Yueshui and Jiang Yueshan followed Jiang Yun into the door and walked past without looking sideways.

As for Jiang Miao... She is not young anymore, let alone giving him a chance to talk, she didn't even give him a chance to get close, and went directly into the classroom by detour.

Only Liu Chen and Xiaoyao were left in the yard with the cold wind blowing. The students passing by looked at them curiously, but were scared by Xiaoyao's look and ran away.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Go and find out where Jiang Yun's fourth uncle is. Let's meet him."

Xiaoyao: "Yes."


The issue of the water source has been resolved, but it is inevitable to reduce the production of the mushrooms planted. Jiang Yang is currently learning about the situation in various mushroom plantations in the village.

Liu Chen simply went to the big tree in the middle of the village and squatted on him, just in time to listen to the gossip of the old people in the village.

But I don't think that his arrival is the target of gossip for the old people.

One by one, the old ladies gathered around him and first asked about his family affairs, and then inquired about his age. When they learned that he was 25 years old but not married, they began to look at him with pity. His appearance was exactly the same as that of Jiang Yun. .

Liu Chen: ... He was wondering before, how could the master teach Jiang Yun to be so speechless, but now he finally knows, and the co-authors learned from the old people in the village.

The only difference from Jiang Yun is that these old ladies, although they said it was a pity, they all came forward to introduce him.

"Although she is weaker and older, but fortunately she looks handsome, so someone wants her."

Liu Chen who is sought after by many ladies in the capital: ...

"Just don't be too picky. To find a wife, you have to know how to run a house and take care of people..."

"That's right. If you want to talk about handsome looks, there are a few in our village. If nothing else, let's just say that kid Jiang Yang has a good appearance, a sweet mouth, and skills. If Mrs. Zhou didn't stop him there , the matchmaker who comes to the door is afraid that she will step on the threshold."

The old ladies chattered about Jiang Yang, Liu Chen's eyes lit up, and he asked curiously: "I heard that there is a little lady in their family who is born with supernatural powers and can fight tigers with bare hands, is there such a thing?! "

"Oh, there is still a fake. When the girl was eight years old, she went into the mountain alone to kill a tiger and came back. The whole village saw it with her own eyes!..."

Liu Chen looked surprised: "There are really people with natural supernatural powers in this world? Could it be a family inheritance?"

"What kind of family inheritance, I have never heard that our ancestors have natural supernatural power." An old man surnamed Jiang said with envy, "If you want me to say, this girl is blessed by the Lord of the Land, and she is better than anything at a young age. Others are stronger."

"Earlier, one of her father and mother was seriously ill and the other was seriously injured. It seemed that they could not be happy. I heard that the girl knelt in front of the earth temple for two days without a drop of water, and then passed out directly. Later, the girl's parents slowly It's getting better. Their family's life is getting better and better..."

"I heard that the girl was entrusted by the Landlord in her dream, saying that she was a good person in her previous life, and she has this blessing in this life..."


Within a quarter of an hour, Liu Chen was stunned to hear them say five or six versions.

I wanted to talk about Liu Su from Jiang Yun through family inheritance, but these old men and women firmly believed that Jiang Yun was blessed by gods, so they didn't mention Liu Su at all.

Liu Chen wanted to interrupt in the middle, but failed several times.

After they finished talking, Liu Chen wanted to inquire again, but Jiang Yang came.

Before Jiang Yang came under the big tree, the old men and women greeted him enthusiastically, chatting with Jiang Yang in a random manner, completely forgetting that there was Liu Chen beside him.

Instead, Jiang Yang approached, saw Liu Chen and Xiaoyao these two unfamiliar faces, and took the initiative to say hello.

When you are away from home, there are many ways to get to know more people.

What's more, Liu Chen's speech and behavior are very good, and there are personal guards with knives behind him, so he is either rich or expensive.

Thinking of Liu Su's unknown enemy and his family's plans for the future, Jiang Yang naturally would not let such a person go.

So he was very enthusiastic about Liu and Chen, "My name is Jiang Yang, and I am the fourth in my family. I don't know what to call my brother? I heard that you accidentally ate poisonous weeds a few days ago. Are you feeling better now?"

"Under Liu Chen, thank you Shiro for your concern, sir's medical skills are very good, there is no serious problem." Liu Chen cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, you and I are also considered half of the same family, and now it's like old friends at first sight, not as good as you and I are called brothers how?"

Jiang Yang was taken aback, why didn't he say anything, this rich man got close first?
Also, what is half a fellow student?

Liu Chen said with a smile: "I am Mr. Su's first student. I heard that you usually study and read in the school. Although you have not officially joined, you can still be regarded as half of the same school."

Jiang Yang's smile froze for a moment.

Liu Chen?Mr.'s first student? !

Isn't that what Mr. Su said at the beginning?

Remember how much he wanted to worship Mr. as his teacher?However, the husband's attitude towards him was sometimes cold and sometimes enthusiastic, so that he didn't dare to speak at all, for fear of offending him.

Later, after the school opened, he even asked Mr.

The husband told him that it was because he had accepted a student before, but the two had differences because of some things, and finally parted ways.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Mr. Su was capricious towards him in the first place.

Later, when the husband wanted to accept him as a student, he didn't dare to mention it at all.

After that, he was busy with his livelihood and had no time to study quietly.

Jiang Yang looked at Liu Chen who was smiling in front of him, his heart sank.

Although the husband didn't say much at the time, maybe the other husband was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes.

No wonder Liu Chen accidentally ate poisonous weeds a few days ago, and my husband didn't let him stay overnight...

Looking at it now, I am afraid that the incident of eating poisonous weeds by mistake may not be true.

Now that he is deliberately waiting to get close to him, who knows what kind of heart he has settled down?

While thinking, Jiang Yang's expression froze for a moment, and then he smiled again.

But Liu Chen clearly watched the smile in his eyes disappear little by little, and in the end there was even a tinge of chill.

Liu Chen: ...Why doesn't everyone in this family follow the routine? ? ?

 Update a chapter today, see you tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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