How to become the richest man by farming

Chapter 208 The Plan Can't Keep Up With Changes

Chapter 208 The Plan Can't Keep Up With Changes

Jiang Yun, who was involved in the settlement, was naturally aware of the family's financial situation. Seeing the family's frowning faces, Jiang Yun tentatively asked, "How about... I go into the mountains to hunt some prey and come back?"

"Don't even think about it." Mrs. Zhou said angrily.

What hard times have you had at home?It's just a little tight, and there's no need for Jiang Yun to go hunting in the mountains at the risk of losing control.

Faced with Mrs. Zhou's tough attitude, Jiang Yun could only shut up obediently.

"That's not necessary." Jiang Yang said, "I've thought about it, the workshop's orders are less, and the transport team must have a lot of free manpower. Shopkeeper Cao's medicine workshop often needs to go deep into the mountains to find some precious herbs. There is a lack of guides and guards who can go deep into the mountains.

There are also those foreign businessmen, students and knights who come to travel, many of them are looking for guides. After two days, I will take some people down the mountain to find work. It is not difficult to solve the livelihood of the transport team. "

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Jiang Yang had made up his mind.

Don't be afraid if you are struggling, but you are afraid that the stall will be too big, and you will end up earning a lot of wages that have not been paid.

Liu Su: "If the workshop is not busy, I can also find time to make some embroidery and sell it."

"Speaking of this, the last time I went to town, the treasurer Qian of the cloth shop asked my sister-in-law when she would order embroidery again, and said that the old customer liked it and was willing to increase the price to order embroidery!" Jiang Yang sighed. : "It's true that rarity is the most expensive thing. I think sister-in-law, you might as well embroider less and sell it every once in a while, so that those customers will remember it. If you think about it, the price can go up again."

Jiang Yun nodded, "This is called hunger marketing."

Liu Su shook her head, "When our family was in trouble, Shopkeeper Qian let me take orders from Buzhuang, which was a timely help for us. Now it's not easy for us to raise prices, but we were too busy before."

Jiang Yang wanted to persuade him again, but Liu Su said again: "Of course, if there are customers who are willing to increase the price to order, then naturally there is no reason to push the money out."

Jiang Yang nodded repeatedly.

Liu Su said again: "Besides, I believe that as long as my embroidery is good, people will naturally think about it, and there is no need to engage in hunger marketing."

Back then, Liu's family's embroidery was so famous that it was hard to find one.Although she has changed her embroidery method to hide the characteristics of the Liu family's embroidery method, she has never lowered her requirements for the exquisite embroidery.

She believes that in time, she will be able to regain the reputation of Liu's embroidery with a new embroidery method.

The family got together, and while worrying about the future of life, they also had corresponding ideas.

As everyone knows, plans can never keep up with changes.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yun, who was sleepy, opened the door, took a deep breath of the cool air in the mountain stream, and instantly refreshed his mind.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo..."

There was a rush of "cuckoo" sound.

Thinking of Torre Tiger's attention to the little fox's tracks earlier, Jiang Yun was shocked.

Looking at Jiang Yun's back running away in a hurry, Zhou Qiao only had time to shout: "What are you doing? It's time for breakfast, and I won't have time to go to school..."

Jiang Yun didn't turn his head back and said: "There is something urgent, let my little aunt help me take a leave of absence from my husband."

The words fell, and the person had disappeared.


Walking around the courtyard wall, I saw a tall and straight figure beside the plantation.

When Lei Hu saw Jiang Yun, he waved his hand and pointed to his feet.

Jiang Yun came close in the blink of an eye, only then did he notice a thick tree trunk as tall as five or six people at Lei Hu's feet.

Jiang Yun was taken aback, "This is?"

Before Lei Hu could open his mouth, Jiang Yun had already seen the shallow knife marks on the tree trunk, and the sporadic mushrooms emerging from the knife marks.

"This, this, this the method of cutting flowers?!"

Lei Hu: "This is the first batch we cut, because there is no prey there, and I haven't gone there for a long time."

The main reason is that it has been too long since the first "cutting flowers". Both he and Jiang Yun thought it was a failure, so they didn't pay much attention.

Lei Hu continued: "Didn't you tell me to pay attention to that fox a few days ago? I just wanted to take a look, and I found this. I turned around and saw that there were many foxes on many tree trunks. If there are any signs of mushrooms, I picked the one that produced the most and brought it for you to see."

Jiang Yun's eyes lit up, "I remember we cut down a lot of the earliest batch, right?"

At that time, I didn't know what method was right, so I thought of various ways to try, except cutting flowers on the felled trees, even those trees in the forest were not spared.

Lei Hu nodded, "Those trees that haven't been cut down have also produced mushrooms, but some knife marks have grown up a lot with the growth of the trunk, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to pick at that time."

Jiang Yun grinned happily, "It's not a problem, it's not a problem, as long as the mushrooms come out, I can pick them. Let's go, come back with me to have breakfast first, and after breakfast, we will go into the mountains to have a look."

As he said that, he bent down, carefully avoiding the mushrooms on the trunk, carried the trunk on his shoulders, turned and walked back.

Lei Hu narrowly avoided the roaring tree trunk, and also grinned to keep up.

"Is your family willing to let you into the mountains?"

"Hunting is not allowed, but this is definitely possible." Jiang Yun raised his head and said.


In the courtyard of the Jiang family, Zhou Qiao was standing on the porch with a pile of steamed sweet potatoes, and stared blankly at Jiang Yun carrying a super long tree trunk into the courtyard with arrogance, followed by a tall and burly Leihu .

"Yunniang, you are..."

In the main room, everyone was sitting around the dining table.

When following the prestige, Jiang Yang was still holding a half-bitten bun in his mouth; the old man Jiang had already finished eating one, and was reaching for the bun in the basin; the others were also puffing out their cheeks and eating well.

I saw that Jiang Yun carefully placed the tree trunk in his hand in the middle of the yard.

With that cautious look, those who didn't know thought she was carrying some kind of rare treasure.

When everyone was puzzled, they heard Jiang Yun say: "This is the shiitake mushroom grown by the flower cutting method I mentioned earlier."

Everyone was shocked, the steamed stuffed bun that Old Man Jiang had just stuffed into his mouth fell straight down and landed on the ground.

The old man Jiang squatted down, picked up the buns on the ground, and ran out while blowing the ashes on the buns.

Seeing that the tree trunk really had shiitake mushrooms growing from the knife marks as Jiang Yun had said, old man Jiang shook his lips.

Just cut a few knives on the trunk to grow mushrooms?Then why do they all go into the mountains to cut trees, and then wait to pick mushrooms?
No matter how you think about it, it seems so mysterious...

Not only the old man Jiang had this idea, but everyone present, except the ignorant Jiang Yue and Lei Hu who participated in the whole process, felt that this was not true.

Faced with everyone's doubts, Jiang Yun went straight to the bedroom, actually entered the space, and dug out all the experimental records of cutting flowers from her shelf of experimental records.

When the pile of records was spread out in front of everyone, everyone felt a little real.

After all, whether it is the cultivation of shiitake mushrooms, the improvement of rice cultivation, or the cultivation of sweet potatoes, Jiang Yun always has this style of painting.

 Come, come, today's update.See you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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