How to become the richest man by farming

Chapter 218 The frail and sick 2nd His Highness

Chapter 218 The frail and sick Second Highness

Royal study room.

The emperor pinched his eyebrows tiredly.

Zhao Wei, the chief eunuch on the side, handed over tea at the right time and advised: "If your Majesty feels tired, you might as well take a rest first."

The emperor put down the tea bowl, shook his head and sighed: "If I rest, who will approve this memorial? People in the world think that being an emperor is lofty, but they don't know how tiring it is to be an emperor."

Zhao Wei: "Your Majesty has worked so hard, and the people must also be grateful for your Majesty's kindness in their hearts. For the sake of the people in this world, Your Majesty must take care of the dragon body even more!"

The emperor was obviously very impressed by these words, but looking at the pile of memorials in front of him, the emperor felt upset. In the past, he had Grand Master Gao assisting in handling government affairs, but he didn't think it was a big deal, but now...

The emperor took out a memorial with a grimace and continued to review.

When he saw the memorial coming from the border, the emperor thought of the letter written by Tan Guogong and frowned even more.

"Tan Guogong writes to me every day asking me to send my second son to the border for training. As for my second son's body and bones, he is still not getting better despite being carefully cared for by so many imperial doctors in the imperial city. Is it okay to send him to the border?!"

Zhao Wei just listened to this.

The second prince was the legitimate son of the late empress. He had been frail and sick since childhood, but he also had the title of the legitimate son of the royal palace, which blocked the way of many people.

If it weren't for the protection of the Empress Dowager in these years, I don't know how many times I would have died overtly or covertly.

The imperial doctor said that his bones were broken and he might not survive until his death. It had only stopped in the past two years. But the bones of the body...are almost ruined.

However, His Majesty also felt that the second prince was safest in the imperial city, where there were many imperial doctors taking care of him.

Just when Zhao Wei was thinking about how to reply, he came to report: "Grand Master Gao wants to see you."

The emperor was happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He said calmly: "Explain it."

Gao Yanchong hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, there is a drought in the south! Many people have been displaced, and tens of thousands of refugees have gathered in Yuqing County..."

The emperor stood up suddenly, "What?! Why is the drought in the south just reported now!"

"The drought is serious in the south, and I'm afraid there may be trouble on the road, so the document cannot be delivered to the capital smoothly." Gao Yanzong said it gently, and then said: "This is a letter sent back by the person sent by the minister to find auspiciousness... Don't worry, Your Majesty, the disaster in the south has been brought under control."

Gao Yanzong continued: "It is said among the people that Xiangrui offered his body to bring water to the people and relieve the drought.

Although Mr. Han failed to report, he tried his best to make amends... It is said that he recruited wealthy households in the local area to build shops, and provided work relief to the refugees. He even promised to give the wealthy households tax exemption for three years... Although this was an overstep, it was good for the victims to be resettled. Come down..."

With these words, Han Zheng placed all the credit on the "dead" Xiangrui, while also exposing his own fault.

As for what Han Zheng did for disaster relief, he was reporting truthfully and impartially on the surface, but in fact he was trying his best to give the emperor some eye candy.

After the emperor heard this, his eyes turned red, and he felt sad for the "auspiciousness of sacrifice".

Gao Yanzong:...

At any rate, he shed a few tears, and with red eyes, the emperor ordered the "dedicated Xiangrui" to be posthumously named "Fox Fairy".

After the imperial edict was drafted, the emperor remembered Han Zhenglai.

"Why is Han Zheng acting more and more out of line?" The emperor frowned, and finally sighed, "Well, at least the Fox Fairy's intentions were not in vain, so let's consider his merits and demerits equal. Let the Ministry of Revenue draw up a set of regulations, Allocate a batch of disaster relief funds and help Han Zhengsheng resettle those refugees."

Gao Yanzong:...

After the emperor finished speaking, he looked up and saw Gao Yanzong who was still standing. He remembered that he had misunderstood him before and said quickly: "Come here, give me a seat for the grand master." Gao Yanzong followed the good deeds and knew that the emperor had a good reputation, so he never mentioned it. What happened before, when I saw the piles of memorials on the case, I naturally asked: "I just saw that Your Majesty looked tired, but what is upsetting you?"

The emperor then talked about the difficult problem that Mr. Tan Guogong had given him, "...the prince did not leave the palace until he was sixteen years old, and now the second son is only twelve years old and his body is so weak. How can I be willing to let him go to the border to suffer?"

Gao Yanzong: "Your Majesty has a loving father's heart. He does not allow the Second Highness to go to the border because he feels sorry for him. But I am afraid that Duke Tan made this suggestion out of his love for His Highness..."

"how do I say this?"

"The second prince has been in poor health for so many years. I'm afraid Duke Tan is suspicious..."

The emperor said angrily: "So many imperial doctors have looked at the second son's body, and they all said that it was the root cause of the disease! In my palace, who dares to touch my son! When the first empress died of illness, he kept asking me to Thorough investigation, now he is doubting this and that! He is questioning me!"

Gao Yanzong repeatedly comforted and advised: "The first queen is the only daughter of Tan Guogong, and the second highness is the queen's knee. Naturally, Tan Guogong is nervous. Since Your Majesty does not want the second highness to go to the border to endure hardships, Tan Guogong does not trust that the second highness will stay. In the palace, it is better to choose another fiefdom for His Highness to recuperate, so that Duke Tan can always feel at ease."

Seeing the emperor's hesitation, Gao Yanzong added: "Didn't the imperial doctor say that the second prince needs to rest? There are many princes and princesses in the palace, which is indeed not conducive to the second prince's rest. If we can choose a blessed place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, it will also be beneficial to the second prince. Recuperate.”

When he heard the word "blessed land", the emperor's eyes lit up.

Gao Taizong knew that it was done, so he stopped staying.

The emperor wants to save his face, so his words should be kept in moderation. Gao Yanzong knew this well and knew that in order to impress the emperor, he must also leave room for the emperor to make a decision.


On the carriage back home.

Master Gao: "Send a message to Liu Chen and ask him to come back. Let Han Zheng do the trouble in Yuqing County."

Now that His Majesty is so interested in the fox fairy in Yuqing County, he can't touch Han Zheng for a while, but it is still easy to cause some trouble for Han Zheng...


Minzhou Pier.

Jiang Yang and others have been staying here for several days.

In the past two days, it was because the caravan that received the goods was delayed on the road and was late, but in the past few days, it was because of a merchant named Liu who wanted to order a large quantity of dry goods.

If we go by the past, let alone large batches, there will be no small batches.

It's also because Jiang Yun's flower-cutting method was successful. If he can negotiate well with this merchant, in the future people from all over the country will go to the mountains to grow mushrooms, and they won't be afraid of running out of sales!

It’s just that the order is large and the requirements are many. The other party not only kept the price very low, but also offered to inspect their mushroom forest to ensure that their quality and output were fine.

Jiang Yang could also understand. After all, this "flower chopping method" had just come out. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that someone could grow mushrooms on a large scale in the mountains and forests.

Today is the third meeting with the other shopkeeper.

Jiang Yang, Xia Qi and others waited in front of the agreed-upon inn early.

When Shopkeeper Liu appeared, Jiang Yang went to greet him, but he didn't notice that the faces of Xia Qi and others behind him were different.

 Good night~See you tomorrow!

  (End of this chapter)

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