Chapter 225 Urgency

killed! Zhan Hao thought.

But he didn't dare to say this casually, but carefully glanced at Mrs. Zhou's face.

Mrs. Zhou glanced at him and said, "What? You still want to look at my old lady's face?"

Zhan Hao chuckled, "No, you are Sister Yun's grandmother."

Old Mrs. Zhou: "Just say it if I tell you to!"

Zhan Hao's expression changed: "We can't keep these people!"

Seeing that Mrs. Zhou's expression did not change, Zhan Hao continued: "First of all, those people under Luo Qisheng are all desperadoes on the way to escape, and they are all very ruthless. If our people hadn't arrived in time this time, the captain would have Brother Yang and the others will probably be tortured to death."

Mrs. Zhou clenched her fists instantly.

Zhan Hao: "Secondly, they were the first to take action this time. If we reported it to the government, the government would not convict us, but there were serious casualties on their side. Relatively speaking, it seems that we only lost one workshop. According to the law, I'm afraid their guilt will not be too heavy. When they are free... there are so many old, weak, women and children in the village, and they will not have to put much effort into revenge. "

"Do you still understand the law?"

Zhan Hao scratched his head and said with a naive smile: "The boy used to work as a policeman in the county government for a period of time. Later, he offended someone and was kicked out. Then there was a war and he took his family to escape."

Mrs. Zhou nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Previously, because Mr. Jiang Yun was hanging out with the second team, she asked Jiang Yang to check out all the people in the second team. She had some impression of Zhan Hao's life experience, and she met him when he said that.

His mother and brother both live in the new village, which is quite believable.

"Choose some strict-mouthed ones and take them to deal with them yourself. After they are all dealt with, report them to the county government. Just say... the remnants of Feiying Village came back to take revenge on the village. They stunned the people in the new village and were discovered by our people when they were about to take action. , we captured eighteen people, two died during the fight, and the remaining sixteen took advantage of the night to cut the rope and ran away, and took the opportunity to burn down the workshop. "

Zhan Zhao looked up at her in surprise. He didn't expect Mrs. Zhou to be so decisive.

Mrs. Zhou caught his look and said, "What? You didn't expect me to be so cruel?"

Zhan Zhao nodded subconsciously, then quickly shook his head.

"I won't give them a chance to hurt my child again." Mrs. Zhou closed her eyes.

It was just a business, and the man surnamed Liu dared to kill people and set fire to them. Since the hatred had been forged, being soft-hearted to them would be cruel to oneself.

After all, Jiang Yang and Xiao Wu had martial arts skills, so they were able to deal with them and drag them to the rescue. If it were other people in the village who were on duty tonight, their fate would be decided by one of them.


In the early morning, Jiang Yun opened the door of the residence where he was staying, took a deep breath of fresh air, stretched and walked towards the street.

As the county government handles inquiries and registration matters for the new neighborhood, this stretch of road has become much busier.

No, early in the morning, there are various breakfast shops at the street corner, selling steamed buns, wontons, dumplings...

The lively hawking sounds mixed with the heat rising from the pot... completely different from the quiet mornings in the mountains.

Jiang Yun liked the steaming feeling very much, so she took on the task of buying breakfast every morning.

When he saw her coming from a distance, a familiar stall owner greeted her.

"Young lady, I'm here to buy breakfast. Come and take a look. Today, the wonton stuffing is mixed with dried shrimps. It tastes so delicious! I'll keep it if you eat one bowl and want a second one! Come on, come on, I'll give you one to try first. taste……"

Jiang Yun frowned and took a wonton tied with a bamboo skewer, "Thank you, Uncle Teng."

"Niang Yun, you got up so early today~ Auntie left your favorite little meat buns for you..." After saying that, he lifted up the steamer, pinched a small meat bun and stuffed it to Jiang Yun.

"Thank you, fat aunt." Jiang Yun gave a thumbs up with his mouth full of oil.

Seeing that her cheeks were bulging and she was speechless, the owner of the wonton stall nearby quickly took out a bamboo tube, sprinkled some shrimps and seaweed inside, and poured some hot soup into it, "Come on, come on, just eat with the soup, the fresh soup goes with it." Fresh meat will make you feel comfortable all day long.”

... Seeing this, the commoner young man on the side also wanted to taste it first before buying it. After being rejected, he said dissatisfiedly: "Why can she taste it first before buying it?!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard Jiang Yun said sharply: "Fat aunt, give me twenty drawers of these small meat buns, and thirty large vegetable buns...Uncle Teng, thirty bowls of wontons, as per the old rule, add green onions as well." , let’s go back and add it ourselves... Sister Jiao, we need twenty bowls of batter on the side of the pot..."

Commoner youth:...

The stall owners laughed so hard that they couldn't see their eyes out, "Okay! You go shopping first, and we will send it to you in the yard later."


Jiang Yun took out his money bag with a smile, and when he looked up, he saw a familiar figure running towards the yard where they lived.

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, dropped the broken silver, and went after the figure without even having time to find the money.

The stall owner shouted from behind: "Hey, wait, I haven't changed the money yet!"

Jiang Yun didn't even look back and said, "Send them to the yard together."

By the time he finished speaking, the person had already run away far away...

Everyone was left looking at each other in shock: This... little lady ran so fast.

Jiang Guazi in front heard a familiar voice and quickly turned around to greet him, "Yun Niang! Something happened to your fourth uncle! Your mother asked you to go back quickly."

Jiang Yun's voice was trembling, "Something happened to my fourth uncle..." Jiang Yun's first reaction was to tell her to rush back to see him one last time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly turned red, and he was so anxious that his breathing became rapid.

Jin Ba quickly comforted him: "Jiang Yun, calm down. Didn't you leave some recovery potion before you left? If you feed it in time, it shouldn't be a problem. Your mother may be anxious to let you go back because she is afraid that the medicine is not enough, or there are other problems. The problem is that you need to go back and help. If you lose control of your emotions now, your fourth uncle will really be in trouble. "

"Yes, yes..." Jiang Yun took a deep breath and calmed down a little, "Brother Guazi, go and talk to my little aunt first. I'll go to the county government to borrow a horse and go first."

After saying that, she turned around and ran away. Jiang Guazi couldn't even grab a piece of her clothes. She had already run far away.


I heard that Jiang Yun wanted to borrow a horse to go back.

Han Zheng was stunned, but he didn't ask what the specific matter was. He just asked: "Can you ride a horse?"

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, then said confidently: "I can do it!"

Han Zheng:......

"Let Zhao Pu take you back. If you fall off your horse, I won't be able to explain it to your family."


When riding back, you can only take the village road. Although it is a detour, it is still faster than going down the mountain from the stairs at the entrance of the village.

Knowing that Jiang Yun was impatient, Zhao Pu took Jiang Yun on horseback and rode quickly out of the city.

Fortunately, the people at the city gate have been relocated to the newly built wooden shed area these days, otherwise the road to the city gate alone would be difficult to walk.

After leaving the city, there was a flat official road. Under Jiang Yun's urging, Zhao Pu speeded up again.

On horseback, Jiang Yun hugged Zhao Pu tightly, and his consciousness entered the space.

"Ba Ba, help me change three more tubes of recovery potion."

Jin Ba stood in front of the console and shook his head, "You don't have enough points."

 Finally the manuscript is saved! Today is a happy day~See you tomorrow~

  (End of this chapter)

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